Nisei in His Imperial Majesty's Service
Japanese Americans Who Served the Fatherland
During World War II
Approximately 20,000 second-generation Japanese (Nisei), born in the
United States, spent World War II in Japan. There were at one time some
50,000 Nisei in Japan; see excerpts
below. Even though they were American citizens, because of a
special law the Japanese Government regarded them as citizens of Japan.
Incidentally, many Nisei in the United States had dual citizenship; in
the Territory of Hawaii alone, some 60% of the Nisei were also Japanese
citizens (i.e. over one-third of Japanese in the territory were dual
citizens). Per a US Navy Dept.
intelligence report: "Out of a total Japanese population of 320,000
in the United States and its possessions, it is estimated that more than 127,000 have dual citizenship.
This estimate is based on the fact that more than 52% of American born
Japanese fall into this category." Per Roehner's
research (2014):
For the 158,000 residents of
Japanese ancestry in the Territory of Hawaii, the figures (in 1940)
were as follows:
- Japanese aliens: 38,000
- Dual Japanese-US citizens:
- Non-dual US citizens: 65,000
For the 162,000 residents of Japanese ancestry in the continental
United States, the figures (in 1940) were as follows:
- Japanese aliens: 38,000
- Dual Japanese-US citizens:
- Non-dual US citizens: 62,000
Hundreds of Nisei in Japan worked for the Imperial Government as
translators and interpreters, some as guards at POW camps, and some
even fought in the Imperial Japan armed forces. Official Japanese
figures state that 1,648 Nisei had joined the Imperial forces; other
estimates are as high as 7,000, but the true figure would be much
higher if one considered the many other areas of sub-contracted work
that supported the military. After the war, only 10,000 Nisei were
allowed to return to the United States; quite a number remained in
Japan and worked for the Occupation Forces. The US Military
Intelligence Division produced in Aug. 1945 a 430-page document (names A-J,
listing Japanese, including a number of American-born Nisei, who were
"reported to be loyal" and "expected to cooperate" with the Occupation
Forces (N.B. the Nisei were "reported to be loyal," yet there is no
record of their being interned in Japan).
was normal then and no one thought it strange -- but to most Americans
suddenly confronted with an aggressive Japan, it was paramount to being
a traitor. The trial of "Tokyo Rose" is well known, and there were
several others who were tried for their anti-American actions. The
whole subject seems to be somewhat a taboo topic -- to many, no doubt,
it is embarassing to talk about their chameleon-like past. You will not
find this data on any other website, and even Wikipedia's page on
Japanese-Americans will not sanction such data to be disseminated.
It is, nevertheless, a historical fact. You will find here an
assortment of news articles and archival material which reveals the
other side of these Nisei who were in Japan during WWII (alphabetical index here). This list is only a fraction of the total.
I have also included below some who were probably not directly
connected with the Japanese military. Further research is being
conducted by author and professor-emeritus Hawaii, John Stephan, who is
hoping to publish his massive work on the Nisei, Call of Ancestry: American Nikkei in
Imperial Japan, 1895-1945; when he does, it will be noted on
this page as the go-to reference book on the Nisei in Japan.
For further info regarding the numbers of Nisei in Japan, here this
from my page on Civilian
Internment Camps in Japan:
Figures do not include
Japanese-Americans (Nisei), who, in accordance with wartime directives
issued by Japan's Ministry of Home Affairs, were to be treated as
Japanese nationals. As for the numbers of Nisei in Japan, "Japanese
figures show that in 1937 there were 50,000 American citizens of
Japanese ancestry residing in Japan" ( Gentlemen of Japan by
Haven, 1944) -- the Japan Foreign Office urged these kibei shimin
(American returnee citizens) to return to the US. Approximately 20,000
Nisei were living in Japan in 1940 ( Zaibei Nihonjinshi, 1940).
According to an estimate by the U.S. Consulate in Yokohama, some 15,000
Nisei were residing in Japan at the end of the war, 10,000 of whom were
eligible to return to the United States ( Rafu Shimpo, March 22,
1947). See Were
We The Enemy? by Rinjiro Sodei for further information. See here
for number of resident aliens of Japanese descent as of June 1942.
Forthcoming book by John J. Stephan will cover this subject in detail.
For further info and extensive data on ethnic Japanese and Japanese
Americans in the US prior to and during WWII, see my EO9066 website, The Preservation of a People, dealing with
the evacuation and relocation of people of Japanese ancestry (assembly
and relocation centers, internment camps, etc.).
From Were we the enemy? American survivors of
Hiroshima by Rinjiro Sodei (1998):
The Japanese
Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimated that the number of Nisei from
both the U.S. mainland and Hawaii who were living in Japan for family
reasons or for education reached almost 30,000 as of January 1929. Of
these, 4,805, or sixteen percent, were living in Hiroshima Prefecture.
Their ages ranged from one to thirty, but 3,803, or some eighty
percent, were attending elementary and middle schools. According to the
same statistics, 11,312 Nisei in the United States, excluding Hawaii,
had parents who came from Hiroshima, while Nisei residing in Hiroshima
numbered 3,404. When 2,759 of the latter group were asked in 1929
whether they wanted to go back to the United States, only 755 answered
yes, while 2,004 said no. In other words, seventy percent expressed no
desire to return.
After the 1924 revision of the Immigration Act
prohibited Japanese from immigrating, only Nisei possessed the right to
enter the country without restriction. A book published in 1929 about
Hiroshima immigrants in the United States emphasized, "From the
viewpoint of the development of the Yamato race overseas ... some
measures must be urgently taken to encourage the Nisei in Japan to come
back to the U.S."
The foreign ministry survey was made that same year,
twelve years before Pearl Harbor. In the intervening years, how many
Nisei returned to the United States? A history of the Japanese in
America, published in December 1940 by the Association of Japanese
Americans in San Francisco, states: "As a result of a nationwide
movement that was started around 1935 to encourage Nisei educated in
Japan to return to the United States as the only real successors to the
Issei, it is estimated that about ten thousand Nisei have returned at
the present time." This statement is qualified, however, by the
observation that "around twenty thousand Nisei are believed to still be
in Japan."
How many of the latter were living in Hiroshima in
1940? No statistics are available, but if we assume that the sixteen
percent of the total that prevailed in 1929 remained consistent, we get
an estimate of around 3,200 for the number of Nisei in Hiroshima. Most
of these would have been living in and near the city of Hiroshima
The US Consulate estimated there were 15,000 Nisei residing in Japan at
the end of the war, and 10,000 of those were eligible to return to the
US. In May 1946, the GHQ ordered the J-Govt. to produce a list of all
Nisei who lived in Japan during the war, including those who served in
the J-military or in J-govt. Sodei says approx. 5,000 Nisei returned to
the US after the war.
Some thoughts:
What made the difference between pro-Japan and pro-US Nisei? It could
have been the home environment, where the parents were always talking
about their motherland, reading news and literature from or about the
motherland, with very little Americanism being absorbed in their lives,
except perhaps through the American schooling their children were
receiving. These Nisei children would then be receiving mostly news and
views from a Japanese perspective via their parents as well as from the
Japanese language schools (if they were attending) which were teaching
not only the language but also the culture and ethics of Imperial
Japan, all so that they would not forget their heritage. Compounding
this with the fact that many of the Nisei had dual citizenship, it is
no wonder, then, that there would be Nisei with a strong attachment to
Japan, or at least ambivalence. This could be one of the reasons many
in the US military were concerned about the Nisei's loyalties.
Further data:
Up to 7,000
Nisei in Japanese military -- excerpts (PDF) from Michelle Malkin's
book, In Defense of Internment.
Nisei in Japan in 1933, per Horne book.
From a very enlightening work, The
Pacific Era Has Arrived: Transnational Education among Japanese
Americans, 1932-1941 (PDF), by Eiichiro
The precise number of Nisei
students in Japan during the 1930s is difficult to estimate. According
to some contemporary sources, there were 40,000 to 50,000 American-born
Japanese in the island country in any given year during the decade. The
vast majority of them, however, probably resided in Japan permanently
with their parents, who had returned home for good. Only about 18,000
Nisei were considered "Americans" by the Japanese police, who had kept
a close eye on any "foreign" elements. Still, most of them had spent a
substantial amount of time in Japan, receiving much of their formal
education there rather than in the United States. In 1940, a survey of
Nisei students over eighteen estimated the presence of 1,500 in the
Tokyo area. This is probably the most reliable ballpark figure for the
Nisei youngsters who are the subjects of this study. See Nisei Survey
Committee, The Nisei: A Survey of
Their Educational, Vocational, and Social Problems (Tokyo:
Keisen Girls' School, 1939), 2; and Yuji Ichioka, Beyond National Boundaries: The Complexity
of Japanese-American History, Amerasia Joumal 23 (Winter 1998),
viii. For the general statistics of Nisei in Japan, consult Yamashita
Soen, Nichibei o Tsunagu mono
[Those who link Japan and the United States] (Tokyo: Bunseisha, 1938),
See here for more on the 50,000 figure.
See also Chapter 5 re the Nisei in Japan in Japanese Americans and Cultural
Continuity: Maintaining Language through Heritage by
Toyotomi Morimoto.
- List of Nisei employed by the Japanese Govt. and desirous of
repatriation to US. Mention is made of 4,500 Nisei who were granted
Japanese citizenship (possible correlation with number of renunciants
at the relocation centers, viz. Tule Lake). Note also that Japanese
nationality was NOT a pre-requisite; some even were advised not to
acquire Japanese citizenship.
For more information on the Kibei, see this WRA article, Japanese Americans educated in Japan: The
in education: the backgrounds, motives, and experiences of Nisei
students in Japan before World War 2 by Yuko Konno
Beyond Two Homelands Migration and
Transnationalism of Japanese Americans in the Pacific, 1930-1955
- Enlightening paper by Michael Jin (2013) on the "50,000 American
migrants of Japanese ancestry (Nisei) who traversed across national and
colonial borders in the Pacific before, during, and after World War II.
Among these Japanese American transnational migrants, 10,000-20,000
returned to the United States before the outbreak of Pearl Harbor in
December 1941 and became known as Kibei." A number of Nisei mentioned
by name in this work.
See's article, Stranded: Nisei in Japan Before, During,
and After World War II, review of the book Midnight in Broad Daylight by
Pamela Rotner Sakamoto. Archives (guest login required) has
a number of interviews relating to Life
in Japan -- During WWII.
Books on this topic - much to be gleaned from these, esp. re the issues
of loyalty and collaboration:
in Japan -- interesting excerpt from the Far Eastern Survey, Apr. 19, 1944
See Kabuki's Forgotten War: 1931-1945
by Brandon (2009), p. 390 note: "Ministry of Health and Welfare in
1943... called on Nisei to resist assimilation and 'remain aware of the
superiority of the Japanese people and proud of being a member of the
leading race.'" See also sections dealing with dual nationality Nisei
and their inner conflict (search).
Additional Notes:
Image: Banquet
for Nisei, Kaigai Doho Taikai (Overseas Compatriots' Convention), Tokyo
1940-11 (image courtesy of John Stephan). Also related organization
Nisei Rengokai (Nisei Union).
"Bushido is the very core of the Nisei" -- Terry Shima, executive
director for the Japanese American Veteran Association
A number of interpreters are mentioned in the Tokyo War Crimes Trials
(IMTFE) Reviews. A search within this file for "interpreter" may give
possible leads to more Nisei involved at the POW camps:
See further Assorted
Notes at end of this page.
Index of Names
Akune, Saburo and Shiro
Domoto, Kaji
Fujisawa, Meiji
Fukami, Yasukuni Frank
Fukuhara, Harry
Funatsu, Toshiko
Hamada, George
Harada, Yoshio
Hikita, Toyokazu
Honda, Chikaki
Imamura, Shigeo
Inoue, Kanao
Ishio, Jack
Iwatake, Warren
Jibutsu, Fumitane
Kameoka, Masaji
Kanai, Hiroto
Kano, Toshiyuki
Kawakita, Tomoya
Kido, Shigemi
Kotoshirodo, Richard
Matsumura, Kan
Miho, Fumiye
Mikami, Yoshie
Miura, Kay Kiyoshi
Morishige, Torao
(Murata), Hisao?
Muroya, Mary
Nakahara, Jiro
Nakatani, Kunio
Nakayama, Michael
Niimori, Genichiro
Nishikawa, Mitsugi
Nishimura, Kay
Noda, Eiichi
Okada, Haruo
Okimura, Kiyokura
Ozaki, Harley (Toyonishiki)
Ozasa, George |
Sako, Sydney
Sano, Iwao Peter
Sasaki, James
Shinohara, Samuel
Suzuki, Jerry
Takamura, Clifton
Takeuchi, James
Hanama Harold
Tateishi, Kei
Toguri, Iva
Tomita, Mary
Tomita, Masao
Tsuda, Taihei
Ueno, Harry
Uno, Kazumaro Buddy
Uyeminami, Fred
Wakatake, Clyde
Yamada, Shigeo
Yamanaka, Bob
Yamane, George
Yamauchi, Kunimitsu
(Empuku), Toru, Goro, and Donald
Yoneda, Karl
Yonekura, Mary and Alice
Yoshida, Jim |
Saburo and Shiro Akune
Per article, MIS
Members with Brothers Serving in Japanese Imperial Forces during WWII:
Harry and Ken Akune served in the
MIS and their two brothers, Saburo and Shiro, were drafted into the
Imperial Japanese Navy. After the death of his wife, Ichiro—father of
the Akune boys—took his nine children to settle in his hometown in
Kagoshima Prefecture. Later, before WW II, Harry and Ken were sent to
California to work and send remittances to their family.
Following Japan’s attack of Pearl Harbor, Harry and Ken Akune were
among the 118,000 persons of Japanese ancestry who were placed in
internment camps against their will. “Then, one day an Army recruiter
came with news that the government now wanted young men from the
internment camps to join the military. I didn't care what the
government had done to us," Ken Akune said.
"When they came around, it was a chance for me to do what Americans
were supposed to do, go out and serve their country. When they opened
their door, for me, I felt like my rights were given back to me. I also
thought about if I met my brother out in the field, what would I do?"
Ken Akune said. "You don't want to kill him, but if he points his rifle
at you, what can you do?"
Ken and Harry graduated from the MIS Language School in 1942 and were
deployed to the Asia Pacific war zone, Ken to Burma to work for the
Office of War Information to conduct propaganda against Japan. Harry
was sent to New Guinea and the Philippines to interrogate Japanese
prisoners and to translate documents. Harry, who had not made a
parachute jump before, joined his colleagues of the 503rd Paratroopers
to jump onto Corregidor island. Their brothers in the Japanese Navy,
Saburo was a spotter of American targets for the kamikaze pilots and
Shiro, just 15, served in the training program for recruits at the
Sasebo Naval Base.
After the war, Harry and Ken, while serving in the demobilization of
Japanese armed forces, visited their family in Kagoshima Prefecture.
The four brothers, two on each side, got into a heated argument as to
which side, Japan or America, was right. The confrontation was stopped
by their father, who reminded them the war was over.
Saburo and Shiro returned to live in America, where, ironically, Shiro
was drafted and fought in the Korean War.
Kaji Domoto
From Foo
Fujita's book:
From Kaji Domoto - Nisei at Omori camp - US News Hiroshima.html:
"The news came much quicker to
Sgt. Frank Fujita, a Japanese-American held eight blocks from the
Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Kaji Domoto, a U.S.-born Japanese who liked
to serve up anti-American diatribes, told the assembled POWs that the
"murderers" had destroyed an entire city with one bomb. The GIs
scoffed. Domoto was notorious for fanciful tales, including one about a
U.S. plane downed by a rice ball. He convinced them this time by
producing Western dispatches on Truman's announcement."
at Bunka camp with Cousens 1946-09-27.pdf - Sydney Morning Herald
article: "Cousens said Domoto had been instrumental in saving the lives
of three officers."
See Otten
testimony, Nagoya POW Camp #10: "Civilian Interpreter Fujimoto
(Thug) strafed [punished] POW's, was American born and educated." He
was at the Osaka Chikko POW Camp first, according to this
Meiji Fujisawa
Oeyama POW camp interpreter (From Bamboo People by Chuman):

Lengthy chapter here about Kawakita (Chapter Four) in which Fujisawa
(Fujizawa) is mentioned, Kawakita's childhood friend:
Geisha Ally by Naoko Shibusawa, 2006
Yasukuni "Frank" Fukami
Per Statement
of Sachio Egawa (from bottom of page 26) of Fukuoka POW Camp #18
"About March or April [1943]... a
seamen name FUKAMI, Yasukuni came to our camp. FUKAMI used to say that
he was born in AMERICA [San Francisco, 1915] and indeed, excelled in
speaking English. However, he was of an ugly temperament, and he often
hit the young service personnel and workers. In spite of his behavior,
he was liked by the superior, SAMEJIMA, and SAMEJIMA once used him to
obtain blankets and towels from the prisoners against their will... I
reported the matter to a superior named TAKAHASHI... [who] made FUKAMI
return the articles to the prisoners... I heard of FUKAMI committing a
great deal of outrages against the prisoners... WATANABE [Navy unit
commander] learned of FUKAMI's acts and wildness and had him
transferred about July or August."
Harry Fukuhara, brothers of
(Frank, Pierce, Victor)
Second Lt. Harry Fukuhara left his native Seattle as a teen when his
mother took him and his siblings to her hometown of Hiroshima following
his father’s death in 1933. He returned to the United States for
college; his three brothers remained in Japan. He served in the US
Army; they served in the Japanese Army. His mother and oldest brother
suffered radiation sickness, with his brother dying before the end of
1945. “‘Futatsu no sokoku’ hazama ni ikite” [Living Between ‘Two
Fatherlands,’], Tokyo Shimbun, 11 June 1996, p. 28.
From Nisei Linguists review:
Toshikawa Takao, “Nikkei nisei,
Beigun joho shoko ga hajimete shogen shita: ‘Futatsu no sokoku’
rimenshi,” [“Nisei, U.S. Military Officer Testifies for First Time: The
Inside Story of ‘Two Fatherlands’”], Shukan
Posuto, 3 March 1995: 219. Many Japanese histories, memoirs, and
media reports tell the stories of Nisei in service to one country or
the other. One history of Japanese Americans is Kikuchi Yuki’s Hawai Nikkei nisei no Taieheiyo Senso
[The Pacific War of Hawaiian Nisei] (Tokyo: Sanichi Shobo, 1995). A
story of Japanese Americans on the other side is Tachibana Yuzuru’s Teikoku Kaigun shikan ni natta Nikkei Nisei
[The Nisei Who Became an Officer of the Imperial Navy] (Tokyo: Tsukiji
Shokan, 1994). As Nisei who were living in the United States at the
start of the war joined the US military and intelligence organs, so
many of those in Japan at that time served as linguists in the IJA and
IJN, the Foreign Ministry, and the official Domei News Agency which,
like the BBC, monitored foreign media broadcasts.
U.S. Officer Feared Worst For
Family Living in Japan / Brothers split by war and circumstance
August 05,
By Tara Shioya, Chronicle Staff Writer
In the summer of 1945, U.S. Army
Lieutenant Harry Fukuhara was assigned to the Philippine island
of Luzon as a linguist with the 33rd Infantry Division. The end of the
war was near, and Allied forces were preparing to invade Japan.
Fukuhara's unit would head the invasion.
And for the first time since he
joined the Army, Fukuhara thought of what that could mean for his
family in Japan.
Before the war, his mother and his
three brothers had returned to Hiroshima from the United States, where
Fukuhara was born. He had not heard from them in four years, since the
war broke out. When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, on August
6, Fukuhara assumed the worst. There were no survivors, he was told. In
Hiroshima, nothing would live for the next 100 years. Still, he knew he
had to go see for himself.
He was not expecting what he found.
"I thought I should go to Japan and
at least see if I could find them," recalls Fukuhara, now 75, a retired
Army colonel who lives in San Jose. "But I figured there was no chance
that they would have survived."
He arrived in Japan a month later,
having been reassigned to the American occupation forces in Kobe. With
the Army's permission, he and a driver set out for Hiroshima in a jeep
one morning before dawn.
They drove all day and night, using
train trestles to cross rivers where bridges had been destroyed. The
next morning they reached Takasu-machi, the Hiroshima suburb where
Fukuhara's family lived. The houses appeared to be intact, but on the
streets there were no people. Through the neighborhood, the usual
early- morning murmur of waking families, children's squeals, chickens
in the back yard -- the sounds of life -- were not to be heard.
The Fukuhara home was among those
standing. A row of shrubs had been charred, their silhouettes
superimposed on the back wall of the house, which faced the center of
the city. Inside the two-story house, daggers of glass jutted from the
walls -- the windows and doors were gone. Fukuhara stood in the hallway
and called out "moshi moshi" ("hello, hello"). But there was no reply.
As he surveyed the damage, his
mother appeared.
"I was pretty surprised," remembers
Fukuhara, a quiet man who seems to yield to his emotions only
reluctantly. "We just stood there looking at each other."
His mother and her sister had
survived the bomb by hiding in an underground shelter. At the time of
the blast, his mother was rinsing her feet outside the house. Her
oldest son, Victor, 32, had
been less fortunate. When the bomb hit, he was on his way to work at a
factory in Hiroshima. The radiation had left him scarcely able to talk
or eat. The day after the bomb, relatives had found him wandering
through town, dazed and with his shirt burned to rags, and had brought
him home.
At first, Fukuhara's mother did not
recognize her American son. His complexion had turned sallow from
medication he was taking for malaria. She had not seen him since 1938
and was confused by the U.S. Army uniform.
After her husband's death in 1933,
Kinu Fukuhara had left Washington state -- the family's home for more
than 20 years -- and returned to her hometown of Hiroshima with four of
her children. But Harry had come back to the United States soon after
graduating from high school and had gone to California, following a
sister. In the intervening years, the family wrote letters. But then,
after Pearl Harbor, the letters stopped.
Now, from his mother and aunt, he
learned that his other two brothers had also survived. They had not
been in Hiroshima at the time of the bombing but on the southern island
of Kyushu, preparing for what was expected to be imminent invasion by
American troops.
Fukuhara learned several months
later that while he was studying aerial attack-plan photographs of the
island, his youngest brother, Frank,
was digging foxholes for the Japanese army in the Kyushu mountains in
expectation of the U.S. landing.
"That was pretty ironic," said
Frank Fukuhara, from his home in Komaki, Japan. "We could have met up
face to face, fighting against each other."
Now 71, he laughs as he recalls his
army training -- learning to crawl on his stomach with a dummy bomb
strapped to his back, to slip beneath the American tanks.
During most of the war, he says, he
had avoided military service by enrolling in an engineering college.
Eventually he was drafted, in April 1945, and was assigned to the
Western Second Battalion Infantry and sent to Kyushu, like the fourth
brother, Pierce.
By the time Harry returned to
Japan, Frank and Pierce had gone back to Hiroshima to work as
interpreters for U.S. forces just outside the city.
"When Harry showed up, I was really
shocked," said Frank Fukuhara. "I thought that he was a prisoner of
war, and that he had been sent back to Japan."
After several hours, he understood
that his brother was in fact a U.S. Army officer and that the tall,
blond soldier who accompanied them on the jeep ride home was not
holding Harry prisoner.
The last Frank had heard, Harry was
working as a houseboy in Glendale, Calif. He had heard nothing of the
Japanese American evacuation and the internment camps. He had no idea
that Harry and their sister, Mary, and her 2- year-old daughter were
relocated to a camp at Gila River, Ariz., and that Harry had
volunteered to join the Army -- or that circumstance had placed them on
opposite sides of the war.
For Frank, who had always hoped to
return to the United States, the choice between "American" and
"Japanese" had been made for him when he was drafted into the Japanese
Imperial Army. But for Harry, that decision was a conscious one.
"I felt I had to make up my mind to
stay as an American," he says of his decision to volunteer. "I had no
feeling of loyalty to Japan."
Today, Harry Fukuhara still spends
considerable time thinking about the war, as president of the Northern
California Military Intelligence Service (MIS) -- a 400-member
association of Japanese Americans who served in the war in the Pacific.
He says he still believes that
dropping the A-bomb shortened the war and ultimately saved lives,
despite the price his family paid. His brother Victor died of radiation
sickness in 1947. His mother died of similar causes in 1968.
Frank Fukuhara is unable to say
whether he believes that use of the bomb was justified, especially when
he thinks of their 13-year-old cousin Kimiko. On Aug. 6, 1945, she had
just finished her wartime work duties at school and was on the roof of
the building when the bomb struck. Blinded by the flash and badly
burned, she crawled half a mile to a temporary hospital. Minutes after
her mother found her, she died.
"I thought the atomic bomb was
really miserable," Frank Fukuhara says, his voice faltering for a
moment. "But it ended the war. It could have lasted much longer."
But the memory of Hiroshima is
painful for both brothers.
Despite Harry Fukuhara's apparent
pragmatism about the bomb, it was not until 1989 that he returned again
to Hiroshima.
"I guess I wanted to avoid going
there," he says. "I didn't even want to think about it. There was
nothing positive about the time I was there in 1945."
See also this review
of book on Fukuharas, "Midnight in Broad Daylight," by Pamela
Rotner Sakamoto. The Japan Times had this article, The unbelievable true story of a Japanese
family that went to war with itself.
From essay by Fukuhara, Military
Occupation of Japan (WWW.NJAVC.ORG):
About two weeks after arriving in
Japan, I was able to get permission from my division commander to
travel by Jeep to Hiroshima to look for my family. I arrived in early
October and found my mother and brothers in our partially-damaged
family home on the outskirts of Hiroshima City. My mother had survived
the atomic bomb because she had been in a bomb shelter, but my older
brother Victor had been
injured by the bombing. He was to die a few months later from radiation
poisoning. Many of my relatives had died or disappeared in the atomic
I was overjoyed to see my two younger brothers, Pierce and Frank. They had been
drafted into the Japanese Army, and had returned home just a few days
before I arrived in Hiroshima. Frank
had been assigned to a suicide unit in Miyazaki Prefecture. He had
been training to blow up a U.S.
military vehicle by running up to it and detonating an explosive strapped to his back. I
shuddered when I heard that he was supposed to guard the beaches of
Miyazaki Prefecture on the island of Kyushu. That was where my division
had been planning to land on November 1, 1945. I was glad that the
atomic bomb had ended the war.
.....When I was first assigned to the Toyama CIC office, in September
1947, I met a young Nisei girl who became my wife two years later. Terry Yamamoto had come to Japan as
a teenager before the war. She was working as an interpreter at the
Toyama Military Government Team.
Japanese book:
???????????????????? ???????
????, ?????, ????? 2010?02?
Americans who became soldiers of
Japanese military - Nisei who fought against their motherland
From Chapter 2:
Frank Fukuhara - brother
in US Army ??????? (Two Motherlands)
Toshiko Funatsu
Per Stephan, possibly worked as a communications monitor for the
Imperial Army or Navy. After war was English instructor in Yahata,
Kyushu (PDF).
George Hamada
Nisei? interpreter at Zentsuji POW Camp (photo). Affidavit
by POW Nelson says that Hamada lived in the US for 20 years. Photo
shows "Bibb County, Georgia" location.
Yoshio Harada
On island of Niihau, helped Japanese pilot who crashed there during
attack on Pearl Harbor. See Robar
p. 340 and Malkin
p. 2+, photo on p. 289.
From Wiener
b. Another Nisei, Harada, committed
treason against the United States within the constitutional definition
(Art. III, § 3) of "adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and
Comfort." A Japanese warplane, damaged during the Pearl Harbor attack,
landed on the small Hawaiian island of Niihau. Local Hawaiians took
away the pilot's pistol and his papers, but Harada supplied him with
other arms belonging to Harada's employer, after which, for six
days, the pilot and Harada terrorized the entire island. Then a
Hawaiian who had been shot by the pilot managed to kill him, after
which Harada committed suicide. S. Conn, Guarding
the United States and Its
Outposts, p. 194 [hereafter "Conn, Guarding"];
W. Lord, Day of Infamy, pp. 195-200; J.J.
Stephan, Hawaii Under the Rising Sun,
p. 168.
The Commission relegates this incident to a footnote (Rep. 430-431,
n.14), does not recognize that Harada's acts constituted treason,
and therefore fails to recognize that, flatly contrary to its own
blanket assertion, Harada, like Kawakita and Tokyo Rose, was indeed an
"individual American citizen... actively disloyal to his country."
Toyokazu Hikita
Born in Vancouver, BC, 1922. Went to Japan in 1939 and drafted into
J-Army in 1943, then transferred to Tokyo Kempeitai. See p. 5 of this
Dockets No. T294 HIKITA
In this article (More_Jap_Atrocities_KingsportTimes_1944-1-30.pdf),
note on page 2 under "Demands Action," there is mention of a Lieut.
Hirano, "a young Japanese from the United States, who was
responsible for the horrible prison conditions existing there" at the
Shanghai Bridge House jail. This could be the same person as Cmdr.
Smith mentioned in his
"There was one Kato there [at
Bridge House, Shanghai], an interpreter, who was very vicious. One of
the worst of all was a Japanese interpreter who designated himself as
being No. 56, he being very careful to keep us from learning his name.
No. 56 was this man's official number as an interpreter. I have his
name and something of his personal history safely secured in Shanghai
and full information can be obtained about him after the war. This man
had spent at least half of each year in the states for a long period as
he was in the export business from Japan. Although being a Japanese
subject, he was married to an American Japanese and had several
children. Two of his daughters at that time were attending the
University of Southern California. All of his family except himself
were American citizens. He was one of the vilest, most vicious men in
the whole place. This man was cautious in handling us military
prisoners and evinced strong wishes to remain incognito."
Chikaki Honda ("Eddie")
Born in Hawaii, went to Japan in 1929, renounced US citizenship in
1941, worked with other Nisei in Civilian Intelligence Corps, gave
talks at Nisei Rengokai in Tokyo, became interrogator on Rabaul whom
Boyington had met. From Black Sheep One: The Life of Gregory Pappy
Boyington by Gamble):

Shigeo Imamura
Born in San Jose, CA, went to Japan when 10 years old, later becoming a
kamikaze pilot. Wrote book, SHIG
-- The True Story of An American Kamikaze: A Memoir.
Kanao Inouye ("Kamloops Kid")
Canadian Nisei (see Wikipedia
entry) -- was at Shamshuipo prison camp, and interpreter for
Kempeitai military police in Hong Kong. Mentioned in Roland's Long
Night's Journey Into Day, pp315-316. Mentioned in The Damned by Greenfield.
Mentioned also in Prisoner of the Turnip Heads: The Fall of
Hong Kong and the Imprisionment by the Japanese by
Wright-Nooth (2000).
See also trial case:
Jack Ishio
From Tacoma, WA; was registered as a dual-citizen. Served as an
anti-aircraft gunner in the Japanese army, shooting down American dive
bombers. Was a mile from Hiroshima when A-bomb was dropped. Helped
cremate the dead over the next two weeks. Quoted in
this article as saying, "It was dreadful. But I never felt a sense
of anger at the U.S. that they used such a weapon to bring the war to
an end. I think that was the right
thing to do."
Nobuaki Warren Iwatake
From Wikipedia:
Nobuaki "Warren" Iwatake (1923-)
was Radio Operator and communications intercepter and a veteran of the
World War veteran of the World War 2 Imperial Japanese Army.
Family history
He was born in Kahului, Hawaii, USA. Warren was the eldest son of six
children and was raised in Kahului. The father of Iwatake, a Kobayashi
store employee, presumed drowned from a fishing trip at Peahi. With the
loss of the family breadwinner, his mother, four brothers, and one
sister moved to Hiroshima, Japan, to live with an uncle in November,
1940. Warren stayed on Maui to graduate with his Maui High School class
of '41, and then left to rejoin his family in Hiroshima. The December
7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor would eventually have a
profound effect on Iwatake's family, and lead to an unlikely
association with George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st President of the
United States.
Service in Imperial Japanese Army
Iwatake was beaten and drafted against his will to the Imperial
Japanese Army from a Japanese college in 1943. He was present when
former United States President George H.W. Bush was shot down over the
Pacific in his Avenger bomber, during September 1944, and was later
rescued by a submarine. Two American crewman with Bush were killed.
Iwatake had missed the battle of Iwo Jima due to an American submarine
attack on his ship's convoy, and was then placed on Chichi-jima, 150
miles north of Iwo Jima. American forces bombed Chichi-jima to cut
radio communications between islands. Former President George H.W.
Bush's task was to bomb the island's communication towers, and possibly
any Imperial Japanese forces. Due to the "island hopping" strategy by
American forces, the island was spared an invasion attack.
Iwatake was present when Japanese Imperial forces captured an American
pilot from Texas by the name of Warren Earl Vaughn. Mr. Iwatake was
assigned to guard and work with Warren Earl Vaughn on Chichi Jima. He
and Warren Earl spent many hours talking and developed a personal
relationship. According to Iwatake, one evening after a bath, the two
were walking back when Iwatake fell into a bomb pit. "It was pitch
black and I couldn't get out. He reached to me and said take his hand"
and Warren Earl pulled Iwatake out. Shortly after the fall of Iwo Jima
in March 1945, the pilot was taken away by other Japanese Naval
Officers and executed at the harbor by beheading. On that day Mr.
Iwatake adopted and kept the name "Warren" in honor and remembrance of
his American friend Warren Earl Vaughn. The story of Warren Earl
Vaughn, Iwatake's observation of the rescue of George H.W. Bush, and
the experiences of other American "Flyboys" is recounted in the book
Flyboys: A True Story of Courage by James Bradley. Warren Iwatake and
President George H.W. Bush met on Chichi Jima in 2002 in a symbolic
reunion of veterans from both sides of the conflict.
Iwatake lost his youngest brother in the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack.
The youngest brother was 500 yards from the epicenter attending a
school. Reportedly, the only thing left was a US Army canteen, as the
youngest brother was vaporized in the atomic attack. Iwatake's uncle,
Dr. Hiroshi Iwatake, was badly burned in the atomic explosion, but
regained his health and lived into the 1980s. Dr. Hiroshi Iwatake's
true story is recounted in the 1966 (1969 Kodansha English translation
by John Bester) historical novel "Black Rain" by Masuji Ibuse. This
title is not to be confused with the 1989 Michael Douglas movie of the
same name, also set in Japan. The Ibuse "Black Rain", though centered
around fictional characters, is based on interviews with actual atom
bomb survivors, including Hiroshi Iwatake. Graphic details in the
novel, such as the maggots eating away at Hiroshi's earlobe, are true.
The nephew in the novel is Warren Iwatake's youngest brother Takashi.
The novel states that Takashi's metal ID tag was found. However,
Warren's brother Masaru reported that all he could find when he
searched for Takashi amongst the ruins of Hiroshima was Takashi's U.S.
Army canteen.
After the war, Iwatake served as a translator for the American Embassy
in Tokyo for 35 years.
And this article:
Marine Corps Public Affairs Office
CAMP S.D. BUTLER, Okinawa,
Japan - On Feb. 23, 1945, on the tiny coral island of Chichi Shima,
jutting out of the Bonin Islands east of Okinawa and north of Iwo Jima,
anti-aircraft fire ripped through the sky.
A Marine Corps F-4U Corsair
fighter, on an air-raid mission from the USS Bennington, lumbered over
the island and slammed into the ocean after being shredded by the wall
of lead.
Slowly descending in his
parachute to the ocean, the pilot, 23-year-old Childress native 2nd Lt
Warren Earl Vaughn, watched helplessly as his co-pilot sank silently
into the ocean.
Hitting the water and
swimming through shark-infested coral to the surf, Vaughn was snatched
from the shore by defending Japanese soldiers and sailors and dragged
into their camp.
Vaughn had not been the
first to be shot down near this island. Five months before, future
President George Bush, a naval aviator aboard the USS San Jacinto, also
was shot down in his Avenger aircraft off this dreaded coastline. But
Bush was rescued by the submarine USS Finback, narrowly avoiding the
fate that awaited Vaughn.
Now a prisoner of war on
desolate Chichi Shima, Vaughn was forced to work in a sweltering
communications hut high atop Mount Yoake, routinely monitoring his own
forces' radio communications along with a young Japanese army private.
Private Nobuaki Iwatake, now
76, also was stranded on the island after the freighter ship he and
other Japanese soldiers were traveling on months before, the Nissho
Maru, was torpedoed miles off the coast.
Iwatake, an unwilling
Japanese conscript with dual U.S.-Japanese citizenship, was forced to
join the Imperial Japanese Army because of his English skills.
Having attended Maui High
School in Hawaii, he was a student at Mejii University in Tokyo when
the war broke out. Two years after being drafted, Iwatake found himself
on Chichi Shima monitoring U.S. radio transmissions and working with a
fellow U.S. citizen who was labeled his enemy.
Meanwhile, the battle for
Iwo Jima raged on just south of the island. As Americans and Japanese
bled and died at each others' hands on the hot, black sands, Vaughn and
Iwatake began to share a friendship that has remained in Iwatake's mind
and heart to this day.
"Warren was a great man,"
Iwatake said. "Even as a prisoner, he had a sense of humor and often
told us jokes and had a good, healthy spirit.
"I remember him being
brought into our camp with his green flight suit on months after I had
seen (George) Bush shot down and rescued by the U.S. Navy. Warren
wasn't as lucky. Warren was tall and handsome and had a real Texas
"I always wonder if he had
been rescued, what would have become of him and what great things he
would have done for his country, like Bush.
"One night, Warren was
talking with some kamikaze pilots who had come into our hut, and they
asked what he would do if they got on his tail. Warren stood up,
towering over them and using his hands to depict flying aircraft, he
explained how he would roll up and loop to get behind them and shoot
them down. Impressed by his skill, they shook his hand and wished him
luck as they departed."
Another time, while the two
were in their hut working, their area was hit by bombs dropped by U.S.
P-51 Mustangs that were attacking the island.
"They had no idea Warren was
there, and he was very upset that they dropped bombs on him. He ran out
and yelled at them as they flew past, shaking his hands and cursing,"
Iwatake said.
Late one evening, Iwatake
even smuggled Vaughn into a Japanese-style bathhouse on the island, so
he could clean himself up. On the way to the facility, the nearsighted
Iwatake fell into a bomb crater, which offered Vaughn a chance to
escape. Instead, Vaughn reached down into the six-foot pit and helped
his friend out to safety.
"That's the way he was,"
Iwatake said.
While monitoring the nightly
radio transmissions from Iwo Jima, Vaughn and Iwatake continued to
trade stories of their lives and what they would do once the war ended.
The two even had begun to plan an escape from the island, but as fate
would have it, time ran out.
One morning in early March,
Vaughn intercepted a message that stated, "All organized Japanese
resistance has ended. The U.S. Marines have taken Iwo Jima."
He hesitantly passed the
transmission to Iwatake, who translated it and forwarded it to his
chain of command.
The morning after learning
of the fall of Iwo Jima and the impending Japanese defeat, an irate
Japanese Imperial Navy officer-in-charge of the communications unit on
Mount Yoake, Capt. Yoshii, came into the hut. He removed Vaughn from
his work area and collected seven other prisoners of war who also were
shot down over the island.
Iwatake said Vaughn looked
at him and replied, ' "They're taking me away. Goodbye and take care,
my friend.' "
Vaughn was led down the
"I will never forget that
sad look on his face as he left," Iwatake said.
That afternoon, in a
horrific display of inhumanity, Yoshii and some of his men bayoneted
and beheaded the prisoners by the seashore.
Months later, according to
"The History of Marine Corps Aviation," Yoshii and many others were
tried and hanged in Saipan for war crimes against Vaughn and the
"I found out the day after
it happened. I was shocked, shaken and deeply saddened. They had killed
my friend, Warren, and for what, I couldn't understand why," Iwatake
said. "I hated Yoshii for that."
More than half a century
later, the friendship that ended in such dismay still lives today in
the mind of that unwilling Japanese conscript. Iwatake is still
searching for final closure to the events leading up to Vaughn's death.
Recently, Iwatake expressed
his desire to meet any of Vaughn's remaining family members to help
heal the wounds and share the memories of his last days alive.
"Some of the men who
witnessed the execution said he was very brave, and that was just like
him. I want people to remember Warren," Iwatake said. "After the war, I
changed my given name (to Warren) in remembrance of my friend. He lives
in my memory forever.
"I vowed that if I ever
survived that war, Warren Iwatake would do something to contribute to
U.S.-Japan relations in some way."
Iwatake recently retired
after 25 years of working in the press section of the U.S. Embassy in
Tokyo. While there, he often searched for Vaughn's family, and every
time it produced nothing.
"Time is running out, and I
want to see his family so bad," Iwatake said.
Vaughn is currently listed
as a POW, killed in action, as of March 5, 1945, and his body never was
recovered from the island.
His last known listed
relative was his mother, Evia McDonald, from Childress.
Born in Childress on Sept.
20, 1922, Vaughn enlisted in the Marine Corps on Sept. 1, 1943, in
Corpus Christi, said R.V. Aquilina, Headquarters Marine Corps History
and Museums Division, who located some of Vaughn's information in
Marine files.
"It's been a long time, but
I remember Warren told me he was going back home to get married and
teach. He had graduated from Southwest Texas Teachers College (now
Southwest Texas University) and was looking forward to getting home,"
Iwatake said. "I can still see his face when I close my eyes, and it
seems like yesterday. I'll never forget Warren for as long as I live."
Another article:
The Burma Campaign Society NEWSLETTER
September 2009
George Bush Sr. who later became
US President made his first parachute jump on Chichi Jima during the
War when his plane was shot down. I saw his rescue and was happy to
learn that he was picked up by the submarine
Finback. I am also grateful to the captain of the US submarine that
sank our troopship, because if we had not lost
our artillery and ammunition, we would have gone on from Chichi Jima to
Iwo Jima. Our anti-tank platoon, with
which we had trained in Hiroshima, was one convoy ahead of us and
reached Chichi Jima safely, where we met
them. But it was not so lucky. A week later, they were sent on to Iwo
Jima, only a hundred and fifty miles away,
and were all killed. Such is fate.
I had had dual American and Japanese citizenship and had been told by
my high school teacher never to join the
Japanese Army or I would not be able to return to Hawaii. However, I
was attending university in Tokyo in 1943
when the military government ordered all university students to be
drafted into the army. Although they were
exempt from military service, the war was being lost and a hundred
thousand students were drafted, and many
never returned.
I myself did three months basic training in Hiroshima, and life in the
Japanese Imperial Army was a nightmare.
We recruits were constantly reminded that we were fighting for the
Emperor, who was at that time considered to
be a God, and the army tried to pound it into our heads that we should
be willing to sacrifice our lives for him and
for the country. Life was really tough, as we were beaten by our
superiors, and when we were liined up at night
for roll call and our kit was inspected, our faces would be violently
slapped if there was one speck of dust on our
boots.. The beatings were routine and since, in my case, my English was
better than my Japanese, I was singled
out several times because of my enemy background. Since we were in the
artillery, we trained with cannons which
were hauled by manpower. However, things improved after basic training,
as attention was then focused on the
next batch of recruits and we were no longer beaten. After the war some
soldiers called their basic training hell.
I took the name of Pilot Warren Vaughn to honour his memory, as I
became friends with him until he was executed.
Despite being a POW, he managed to smile and tell us jokes. I had been
ordered to join a naval radio facility to
monitor enemy communications and Warren Vaughn was forced to work with
us for a while, and it was he who
caught a message from US Army Headquarters announcing that “all
organized resistance on Iwo Jima has ended.”
One day, a member of our army unit passed by and asked me how the war
was going, and when I told him that
I knew, because of the monitoring, that Japan was losing, he called me
a traitor. The Japanese soldiers did not
know that it was being lost, because the High Command in Tokyo kept
announcing victory after victory for the
Japanese Imperial Army, and during the Battle of Midway, which turned
the tide of the war, and in which Japan
lost three of its top aircraft carriers, Japan announced that it had
won a major victory, sinking several US carriers.
After the war, when the President learned that I had taken Warren
Vaughn’s first name, he called me “a true friend
of America”, and when, in 2004, I was able to visit Childress. Vaughn’s
home town in Texas, with a population
of ten thousand, I received a warm welcome and was made an Honorary
As to the war, my opinion is that wars may be necessary to protect the
democratic way of life and get rid of
dictators, but we must remember that war is a matter of kill or be
killed. I lost my brother, who was only thirteen
when he was killed in his classroom in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima,
and as a result of my experience, I am
opposed to war.
Warren Iwatake
Editor’s note
The above Article is drawn from two Emails which were sent to Akiko
And another one:
1 family's tradition: Tree that
saw war, survived A-bomb goes up for 70th Christmas
Associated Press
December 21, 2007
TOKYO: Warren
Nobuaki Iwatake's family has seen more than its share of calamity.
When he was still a child his
father was lost at sea off Hawaii. With no breadwinner, his family was
forced to move to Japan, where Iwatake was drafted during the war. He
lost a brother when the bomb fell on Hiroshima.
But through it all one thing has
remained constant.
The tree.
His parents bought it in 1937, and
his family has brought it out every Christmas since, without fail, even
when that meant risking arrest.
"This tree was a shining light,
because it was a symbol of unity in my family," Iwatake said as he and
his wife put the final touches on the frail, 1-meter-tall (3-foot-tall)
heirloom that is, once again this year, the centerpiece of their small,
neatly kept apartment in Tokyo.
"We have put this tree up every
year for 70 years."
Though he considers himself
Buddhist, Iwatake was raised in a Christian tradition. He still keeps a
photo of the tiny wooden church on Maui where he and his five brothers
went to services and Sunday school.
Christmas was always a special time.
His father worked at a merchandise
store, and Iwatake remembers the day he came home with a tree. It was
nothing all that special, just metal-and-plastic, the kind of
decoration that can easily be placed on a table, or in a corner
somewhere. He got a string of lights, too, the kind with the big bulbs.
Soon after, his father died in a
fishing accident. His body was never found.
Iwatake's mother had relatives in
Japan, and took Iwatake's younger brothers there. Iwatake stayed behind
to graduate from high school, then, in 1941, six months before Pearl
Harbor, he moved to Japan as well.
"Things were pretty bad," he said.
"There were war clouds hanging everywhere."
The United States and Britain were
the enemy, and Japan clamped down on overt displays of anything
Western, including Christianity. Though they had grown up speaking
English, Iwatake and his brothers communicated solely in Japanese, and
did their best to hide their past.
But their mother refused to give up
on the tree.
"She was in charge and she wanted
to put it up," Iwatake said. "During the war years, we had to do that
in secret because in wartime Japan it was not welcome. We could have
been arrested."
To keep the neighbors from asking
questions, his mother found a place for it in the back of their house,
on the second floor, away from the windows.
"We were afraid they would report
it to the police, or become suspicious about why we were harboring
Western things," he said. "But we were brought up in the American way
of life. It is something that you cannot forget. It really is something
from the heart."
The year after that first Christmas
in Hiroshima, Iwatake went to Tokyo to study economics at university.
At Christmas, he directed a school play, a nativity story, again
keeping it secret so that the authorities wouldn't get involved.
Then, in 1943, he was drafted and
sent to Chichijima.
Chichijima is a tiny island that
virtually no one has heard of. To get there, you go out to the middle
of nowhere, and turn south.
In 1944, Iwatake boarded a
transport ship from Yokohama to assume his duties at a radio monitoring
post on the remote crag. The ship was torpedoed and sunk by an American
submarine, but he survived and was put on an oil tanker.
On the island, Iwatake's English
skills were put to use listening in on U.S. military communications,
and keeping watch over a handful of captured American pilots whose
planes had been shot down on their way to and from bombing raids on
One day, he was in the hills
digging bunkers when he heard that a plane had just been shot down. He
saw a lone pilot on a bright yellow life raft paddling furiously away
from the island. American planes provided cover, and the submarine USS
Finback surfaced and collected him.
The aviator was 20-year-old George
H. W. Bush, who would later become the American president. Iwatake met
him years later and went back with him to the island. Signed photos of
the two, smiling, are placed prominently about Iwatake's apartment.
But another American left a deeper
impression on Iwatake's life.
Captured POWs were forced to
monitor U.S. radio traffic. One of them was Warren Vaughn, a Texan.
"One night after a bath we were
walking back and I fell into a bomb pit," Iwatake said. "It was pitch
black and I couldn't get out. He reached to me and said to take his
hand. He pulled me out."
Vaughn was monitoring the day Iwo
Jima fell. Japan's defeat was virtually assured. Soon after, several
naval officers called Vaughn and took him to the beach. "He turned
before he left and gave me a sad look," Iwatake said.
For no apparent reason, Vaughn was
beheaded, and his body dumped into the sea.
The atrocities committed against
the POWs — which included acts of cannibalism — remained largely a
secret for the next 50 years. But Iwatake said he did not want Vaughn's
memory to die.
"I thought the best way of
remembering him was to adopt his first name," Iwatake said.
Japan surrendered in August 1945,
and Iwatake returned home in December.
"I used to think of those joyous
days in Hawaii at Christmas, when we had food and treats," he said. "On
Chichijima, we were starving."
But Hiroshima was even worse.
"Everything was bad, nothing was
left," he said. "I couldn't even think of the joys of what I
experienced in Hawaii."
Iwatake's younger brother Takashi
had been in the center of the city attending school. His body, like
their father's, was never found.
The Iwatake home was in the eastern
part of the city, behind a small hill that provided a buffer from the
blast. The front end was crushed and burned, but the back stood largely
And that was where the tree was.
"Japan had surrendered, there was
no food, nothing to celebrate," he said. "Everybody was in shock and a
sad state, but we put it up. My mother put it up."
After the war, Iwatake became an
interpreter for the U.S. government. He moved to Tokyo, and from 1950
he took responsibility for the family tree.
At first, putting it up was more of
a simple tradition than anything else.
His family was once again spreading
out. At one stage, four brothers worked for the Occupation Forces as
interpreters and translators, including Iwatake. He eventually went
back to Tokyo, while his brothers returned to Hawaii. When the Korean
War broke out in 1950, three brothers volunteered, and one served in
The Iwatake family remains
One brother lives in Chicago,
another on Maui. Another died of cancer, possibly the result of
radiation from the atomic bomb.
But each year, the tree has gone
up. For those not in Tokyo to see it, including Vaughn's cousins in
Childress, Texas, Iwatake, now 84, sends photos. And each year, it
becomes more poignant.
"Gradually, Christmas has become
more meaningful again," he said. "Peace, good will toward your fellow
man, you know? After the war, there was no such thing."
Fumitane Jibutsu
Mentioned by Patrick Aki (half Nisei, half Chinese-Hawaiian; interview):
Aki and his brother befriended a
boy from Japan, named Fumitani Jibutsu, who had just moved into their
Kauai neighborhood, an immigrant child who was shunned by everybody
else, except them. It was a welcoming gesture for Jibutsu, whose
parents were Shinto priests and spoke no English. Jibutsu also
struggled with the language, making finding friends almost impossible.
“No one wanted to be his friend because he could not speak English, so
my brother and I befriended him because we were taught to love thy
neighbor,” Michelle wrote about Aki’s memories. Little did Uncle Pat
know then, but Jibutsu would return to Japan and become a soldier for
her army.
Weeks later, the Japanese overtook Wake Island and Aki became a
prisoner of war. Only 450 of the 550 laborers would be taken to POW
camps in Japan, however. The Japanese soldiers executed the others, and
Aki was singled out to be put to death. “They had us kneeling on the
ground, with our heads hanging, each man would look up into the barrel
of the gun to meet his fate as an officer would stand directly in front
of him to help deliver his destiny,” Michelle wrote about Aki’s fate.
“When it came to my turn, I raised my head so that I could see my
executioner and to my amazement, the man that held the gun was Fumitani
Jibutsu. He lowered the gun and just stared at me and before I knew it,
I was taken to Japan as a prisoner.”
Per John Stephan:
Jibutsu Fumitane was, contrary to
Patrick Aki's testimony, born not in Japan but in Lihue, Island of
Kauai on 15 Jan. 1922, was taken by his mother in 1923 to sojourn with
his maternal grandfather in Kano-mura, Tsuno-gun, Yamaguchi-ken,
returned to Hawaii in 1925, attended the Wailua School, where in 1929
he was elected "junior cop." Upon the death of his father, Ginichi
Jibutsu (both of his parents were Shinto priests, Ginichi doubled as a
Buddhist priest), Fumitane departed with his widowed mother, Atsuko
Miyamoto Jibutsu, for Japan on 24 July 1930 (in April, he and his
mother were living in Wailua according to the 1930 US Census). He would
have likely completed primary school, presumably in Kano-mura,
Yamaguchi-ken, around 1937, possiblly entered Middle School, and was
conscripted or volunteered for the IJA (or IJN) in 1941. I could find
no record of either Atsuko Jibutsu or her son Fumitane returning to
Hawaii after the war.
Masaji Kameoka
Nisei? interpreter at POW camp, Nagoya #2 Narumi:

Hiroto Kanai
Interpreter for the Kempeitai in Hiroshima; photo here.
Below page from Race War!: White Supremacy and the
Japanese Attack on the British Empire by Gerald Horne (2005).

Toshiyuki Kano
Kano (1914- ). Hawaiian-born Kibei, Salt Lake City. Former military
intelligence officer in the Japanese military.
Tomoya Kawakita
Kawakita was an interpreter at a POW camp in Oeyama, Japan, who was
convicted of war crimes. See here for a Time magazine article:
For basic background info, see
Section in The Bamboo People (PDF) on Kawakita
(p.288~). Note that the judge said that a US citizen owes
allegiance to the United States wherever he may be! So this
should be true for ALL the Nisei who were in Japan during WWII. Yet
this was not brought up in the trials.
He was later "successfully prosecuted for treason" (Kawakita v. United States).
Lengthy chapter on Kawakita (Chapter Four), how he was recognized,
trial, etc.:
Geisha Ally by Naoko Shibusawa, 2006
Mentions other Nisei working at the camp: "Two other Nisei were there
as interpreters: Kawakita’s childhood friend, Meiji Fujizawa, who translated
in the POW camps, and Noboyuki Inoue,
who worked in the company’s administrative office."
Also states that former prime minister of Japan, Takeo Miki, was the
one who helped Kawakita get the job at Oeyama Nickel Industry Company,
and later made appeals to the US Govt. for leniency in dealing with
See also this image series re Okimura, Kawakita, Nishikawa (Nisei in
J-military) - Asian Americans and Supreme Court by Kim, in
PDF format.
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times
September 20, 2002
POW Camp Atrocities Led to Treason Trial
Tomoya Kawakita claimed dual citizenship, abusing captured GIs in Japan
in World War II, then moving to the U.S.
Army veteran William L. Bruce, a survivor of Corregidor, the Bataan
death march and three years in a Japanese prisoner of war camp,
couldn't believe his eyes as he shopped with his bride one autumn day
in 1946 at the Sears department store in Boyle Heights.
Standing a few aisles away amid the crush of shoppers in that
quintessentially American setting was the man responsible for
brutalizing Bruce and scores of other GIs held captive in Japan's
Oeyama prison camp on Honshu Island.
Tomoya Kawakita, who held dual citizenship in the U.S. and Japan,
served as an interpreter and self-appointed taskmaster at the camp,
earning the nickname "Efficiency Expert" for his methods of inflicting
pain on inmates weakened by malnourishment and forced labor.
"I was so dumbfounded, I just halted in my tracks and stared at him as
he hurried by," Bruce, then 24 and attending college under the GI Bill,
said shortly after the encounter.
"It was a good thing, too," said the former artilleryman. "If I'd
reacted then, I'm not sure but that I might have taken the law into my
own hands--and probably Kawakita's neck."
Instead, Bruce followed him outside the store, jotted down the license
plate number of his car and notified the FBI.
Kawakita, who had returned to the United States after the war and
enrolled at USC, was tried and convicted of treason in U.S. District
Court in Los Angeles and sentenced to death.
The sentence was never carried out. In 1953, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower, responding to appeals from the Japanese government,
commuted Kawakita's death sentence to life in prison. In 1963,
President John F. Kennedy ordered him freed after 16 years behind bars
on the condition that he be deported to Japan and never return.
Now more than half a century since his trial, Kawakita holds the
distinction of being the last person prosecuted for treason against the
United States.
He was represented at his federal court trial by Morris Lavine, a
colorful Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer, who was fond of
describing himself as "attorney for the damned." Lavine's clients
ranged from the indigent, whom he represented at no charge, to the
likes of mobsters Mickey Cohen and Johnny Roselli, and Teamsters boss
James Hoffa.
Heading the prosecution team was U.S. Atty. James M. Carter, who went
on to become a federal appeals court judge.
More than a dozen former POWs testified against Kawakita. They
described how he forced prisoners to beat one another, and then beat
those he thought didn't hit the other prisoners hard enough. They
accused him of forcing prisoners to run laps until they collapsed in
exhaustion simply because they had finished their work assignments
The camp was set up next to a nickel ore mine and processing plant,
where most of about 400 American POWs were forced to work. Kawakita was
employed by the mining company.
Once, he forced a prisoner to carry a heavy log up an icy slope. The
prisoner fell and suffered a serious spinal injury. Fellow POWs
testified that Kawakita waited five hours before summoning help for the
injured American.
They also recalled being taunted by Kawakita with comments such as: "We
will kill all you prisoners right here anyway, whether you win the war
or lose it."
And, "You guys needn't be interested in when the war will be over,
because you won't go back. You will stay here and work. I will go back
to the States because I am an American citizen."
Kawakita's citizenship proved to be a crucial issue during the trial
and subsequent court appeals.
By definition, treason can be committed only by someone owing
allegiance to the United States.
Born in Calexico to Japanese parents, Kawakita held dual citizenship
under U.S. and Japanese laws. In 1939, at the age of 18, he went to
Japan to attend school. He remained there after the outbreak of war,
graduating from Meiji University.
At the trial, Lavine advanced a novel argument. As a dual U.S. and
Japanese citizen, he argued, his client owed exclusive allegiance to
the country in which he resided. In this case, Japan. Lavine also
contended that Kawakita had effectively renounced his U.S. citizenship
by signing a family census register maintained by Japanese authorities.
In his instructions to jurors, U.S. District Judge William C. Mathes
made it clear that if they found that Kawakita genuinely believed he
was no longer an American citizen, then they must acquit him of the
treason charges.
Sequestered during deliberations, the jury struggled mightily to
resolve the question--declaring several times that they were hopelessly
deadlocked. But ultimately they found Kawakita guilty on eight of 13
overt acts of treason charged by the prosecution.
When he appeared for sentencing, Kawakita continued to insist he was
innocent. "As I have been found guilty by the jury, I ask your honor
for mercy," he said.
By law, Mathes had leeway to impose a sentence ranging from a minimum
of five years in prison to a maximum of death at Alcatraz.
He chose the latter, saying: "Reflection leads to the conclusion that
the only worthwhile use for the life of a traitor, such as this
defendant has proved to be, is to serve as an example to those of weak
moral fiber who may hereafter be tempted to commit treason against the
United States."
Today, most of those involved in the case are either dead or, if alive,
could not be located. One exception is William J. Kelleher, then a
federal prosecutor and now a senior U.S. District Court judge in Los
Although he did not take part in the trial, Kelleher was assigned to
draft the government's response to Kawakita's appeal of his conviction.
As a result, he immersed himself in every detail of the case.
In an interview last week , Kelleher recalled being visited at his
office by Bruce and two other former POWs while he was working on his
brief for the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
"Me and the boys had a little meeting last night," he said Bruce told
him. "And we want you to know that if he ever gets out, we'll be
waiting for him."
Fortunately, Kelleher said, the appeals court upheld Kawakita's
conviction by a 3-0 vote.
It was a much closer call when the appeal went before the U.S. Supreme
Court in 1952. The vote was 4 to 3 to uphold the conviction. Two of the
court's nine justices disqualified themselves.
At the crux of the case was this question: Where does the allegiance of
a dual citizen lie when two nations, each claiming his loyalty, go to
"Of course, a person caught in that predicament can resolve the
conflict of duty by openly electing one nationality or the other," said
Justice William O. Douglas, writing for the majority.
Kawakita, the court said, chose neither option, trying instead to hedge
his bets on the war's outcome while freely performing acts of hostility
against the U.S.
"One who wants that freedom can get it by renouncing his American
citizenship," Douglas wrote. "He can not turn it to a fair-weather
citizenship, retaining it for possible contingent benefits but
meanwhile playing the role of the traitor. An American citizen owes
allegiance to the United States wherever he may reside."
Related treason case in the US regarding the three Shitara sisters can be found
at: Prosecution of the Shitara Sisters.
Another article here, in four parts: Betrayal on Trial: Japanese American
"Treason" in World War II.
Shigemi Kido
From The Two Worlds of Jim Yoshida
by Yoshida and Hosokawa:
Then I found Sergeant Kido's file. Apparently it hadn't been
transferred back to Japan yet. My eyes widened and I broke out in a
cold sweat at what I read.
Name: Kido, Shigemi
Place of Birth: Island of Maui, Hawaii
Education: Graduated McKinley High School, Honolulu,
Hawaii; some courses in Japanese universities.
Home Address: Yamaguchi Prefecture, Kumage-gun, Hirao
Kido was born in Hawaii! Educated in Hawaii! That made him a Nisei,
just like mel And he lived in Japan in the same village where my father
was born, the village where I had lived before being conscripted! (p.
Richard Kotoshirodo
Finally, in knocking down my
argument for the Roosevelt administration’s military rationale, Greg
focuses on a few of my points and ignores the rest of the evidence of
bona fide security threats that I present to readers, including:
- the Niihau incident, in which a Japanese-American couple and a
Japanese permanent resident alien sided with a downed Japanese pilot in
a violent effort to take over a tiny Hawaiian island;
- Japan’s ascendance throughout the Southeast Asia, and the efforts of
ethnic Japanese residents throughout southeast Asia to assist Japan’s
conquering troops;
- the numerous attacks on U.S. ships by Japanese submarines just off
the West Coast;
- the thousands of ethnic Japanese in Hawaii and the West Coast who
were members of pro-Japan groups considered subversive;
- the Honolulu spy ring that Richard Kotoshirodo assisted, which
provided critical information to Japan that was used to design the
Pearl Harbor attack;
- the Los Angeles-based spy ring led by Itaru Tachibana, which included
numerous ethnic Japanese residents; and
- the thousands of U.S.-born Japanese-Americans who served in the
Japanese military.
See The Broken Seal: The Story of 'Operation
Magic' and the Pearl Harbor Disaster by Farago for quite a
lot of info, p. 145~.
Jimmy Matsuda
Nisei Kamikaze: Sunnyvale Gardener
Recalls Life on the Edge of Extinction
By editor. Posted on Friday, September 11,
Published in the Nichi Bei Times
Weekly Sept. 3-9, 2009.
Nichi Bei Times
Jimmy Matsuda, an 82-year-old
Japanese American gardener in Sunnyvale, Calif., had never talked about
the experience he had as a kamikaze pilot during World War II, until a
small plastic figure of a Japanese Zero plane caught his grandson
Jonathan’s attention two years ago.
The then-11-year-old wondered what
the item on his grandfather’s desk was. After Jonathan asked his father
about the airplane, the elder Matsuda decided to talk about his wartime
“I believed I should talk about my
life story,” he said. “Otherwise, our grandchildren will never know
what happened.”
Born in Hood River, Ore., the Nisei
(second-generation Japanese American) visited Japan for Christmas
vacation in 1938 at the age of 11. While there, he got sick and missed
the ship returning to the United States. His whole family decided to
stay in Japan for good.
In April of 1943, after graduating
from high school, Matsuda volunteered to enlist in the Imperial
Japanese Navy. Back then, Navy pilots were already known to eventually
become kamikaze pilots. Yet he had no fear of certain death.
“The war atmosphere seemed
overwhelming,” Matsuda said. “Everybody was chanting for the war.”
Kamikaze missions are believed to
have started during the war in the Philippines in 1944. It was a
suicide attack on one of the U.S. aircraft carriers in the Pacific. By
the end of the war, more than 14,000 Japanese soldiers lost their lives
in the suicide missions. Most of them were pilots, some were human
torpedoes, and some were body attacks on tanks.
Matsuda recalled his mother telling
him before he left home for the war, “If you die, the skull would go to
Yasukuni Shrine so don’t come back alive. Don’t even think about
becoming a POW, so that you can survive.”
Matsuda performed well in the
training camp. His only obstacle was language. As English was his
primary language, he had a hard time adjusting to various dialects that
the other soldiers spoke. He was sometimes picked on as a result.
In August of 1945, the military
headquarters ordered Matsuda’s unit to go to Okinawa, which the U.S.
military had invaded.
“It was a suicide mission by
airplane or running into the tanks with bombs to kill as much as
possible,” he recalled.
However, Matsuda was ordered to
stay at the city of Hakata in Fukuoka Prefecture to translate the U.S.
military code. While working as a translator, the war ended. He still
doesn’t know what happened to the rest of the Navy.
After the war, Matsuda worked for
the U.S. military as a translator. When the Korean War broke, he was
ordered to go to Korea to fight. He rejected the order by writing to
then-U.S. president Harry Truman, saying what he went through as a
kamikaze pilot — that he had seen enough dead bodies, and did not want
to kill anymore.
During the early 1950s Matsuda came
back to the United States, settled in California and married. He still
works as a Japanese gardener. In the recent years, he has volunteered
to talk about his war experience at the Santa Clara Valley Japanese
Christian Church in Campbell, where he and his wife go every Sunday.
Impressed by Matsuda’s story, one
of his son’s friends decided to film the former kamikaze talking about
his experience. It is still in production.
photo by Kota Morikawa/Nichi Bei
Matsuda interview transcript to be posted
Takeshi (Japanese Army), Noboru (Japanese Army), Harue, Kaoru, Shizue.
See work by John Stephan for details. Brother, Roy Matsumoto, was a US
Army Ranger with Merrill's Marauders in Burma. Tsutomu Tom Matsumoto
was a MIS linguist and served in the Occupation of Japan. Per article, MIS
Members with Brothers Serving in Japanese Imperial Forces during WWII:
Roy’s other two brothers, Isao
and Noboru, served in the Japanese military, Noboru in the artillery in
Guadalcanal and Hiroshi in China. Roy’s third brother in Japan worked
as a civilian for the Imperial Japanese Navy.
Kan Matsumura
From Hawaii Under the Rising Sun: Japan's Plans
for Conquest After Pearl Harbor by John Stephan:

Fumiye Miho
From Hawaii Under the Rising Sun: Japan's Plans
for Conquest After Pearl Harbor by John Stephan:

Yoshie "Johnny" Mikami
Taxi company owner in Honolulu. See The Broken Seal: The Story of 'Operation
Magic' and the Pearl Harbor Disaster by Farago, p. 146~.
Kay Kiyoshi Miura
Worked as interpreter and translator for the Japanese Consulate in
Hankow, China, then worked as announcer at a Japanese radio station in
Shanghai, then for War Crimes Office after the war. Nisei wife,
Toshiko, was also in Japan during the war. See details in this PDF
(courtesy of Frank Baldassarre).
Torao Morishige
From Hawaii Under the Rising Sun: Japan's Plans
for Conquest After Pearl Harbor by John Stephan:

Murada (or
Murata - same as Hisao Murata?)
Mentioned in this
article. Nisei Linguists has this:
The Hawaii Nisei well understood
that they would have to fight against Japan, where many had family
ties. Kenichi Murata, thirty-four, told a reporter he already had one
brother in the U.S. Army, but also another brother “on the other side
of the fence,” working as a radio
broadcaster in Tokyo: “I’m ashamed to admit that I have a
brother dishing out Jap propaganda. But both Jack, who’s in Louisiana,
and I will try to wipe out that shame by our record in the army. We’re
going to shove all that propaganda back down the throats of Tojo and
the emperor and their militarists.”
From Linda Holmes:
I scanned the indexes of Unjust Enrichment and Guests of the Emperor,
double-checking all Japanese names. I've come up with just one positive
ID of a Nisei who went out of his way to abuse POWs, at the Mukden
camp. He was Lt. Murada, who
had round eyes and grew up in San Francisco. He is referred to by
several ex-POWs, on pp. 33, 38, 55, 76 and 93 of Guests of the Emperor.
Mary Muroya
Hirohata, Paul T. Hirohata - 2004 - 262
pages - Snippet view
While Yamagata was a Russian POW, his
American-born Nisei wife, Mary Muroya, suffered the fate of
many civilian women waiting for repatriation to Japan. She
worked at menial jobs and taught English, and was once almost raped... |
Jiro Nakahara
See webpage on Nakahara.
Kunio Nakatani
Was born in 1921 in central California and studied medicine at Keio
University, becoming quite a model student. He was drafted, then
trained to decipher code using his language skills. Became a crew
member on the battleship Yamato,
and died when the Yamato was
attacked and sank. Nakatani's two younger brothers both fought in the
American 442nd Regimental Combat Team in southern Europe.
Michael S. Nakayama
Interpreter at Fukuoka POW Camp #21, Nakama. See NAKAYAMA_Michael_interpreter_FUK-21_Nakama
Genichiro Niimori
AKA "Panama Pete." Senior interpreter in Hong Kong. Excerpts from book,
Prisoner of the Turnip Heads: The Fall of
Hong Kong and the Imprisionment by the Japanese by
Wright-Nooth (2000). Trial case file here:
Was at Fukuoka POW Camp #3, Yahata; born and raised in San Francisco
(per Terrence Kirk in The
Secret Camera: A Marine's Story: Four Years as a POW).
Mitsugi Nishikawa
From Japanese
American history: an A-to-Z Reference from 1868 to the Present
(Brian Niiya, editor):
See also Bamboo People, p. 281~.
See also this image series re Okimura, Kawakita, Nishikawa (Nisei in
J-military) - Asian Americans and Supreme Court by Kim, in
PDF format.
Kay Nishimura
From interview
with Mr. George Fujii for the Japanese
American Project of the Oral History:
1. According to one local historian, this earthquake "destroyed many
buildings and severely damaged the downtown [Orange County] areas of
Santa Ana, Garden Grove, and Anaheim, [and] twelve persons were
killed." See Pamela Hallan-Gibson, The Golden Promise: An Illustrated
History of Orange County (Northridge, Calif.: Windsor Publications,
1986), 205.
2. The late Orange County historian Leo Friis, in Orange County Through
Four Centuries (Santa Ana, Calif.: Pioneer Press, 1965), 155, provided
a vivid discussion of this incident. Because Friis was Anaheim's city
attorney during the World War II years and closely connected with
Orange County's civil defense effort, his account of this alleged event
merits repetition here.
Shortly after midnight on February 25, [1942], American radar posts
"reported an unidentified target about 120 miles west of the city of
Los Angeles." At 2:27 A.M. it was tracked within three miles of the
city and nine minutes later Orange County air raid sirens sounded.
Simultaneously, anti-aircraft guns in the Los Angeles Harbor area
commenced firing. Residents of much of Orange County could hear the
explosion of bursting shells and see the vivid red-orange balls of fire
popping from tracer bullets. On the following day Secretary of War
[Henry] Stimson announced that "as many as fifteen aircraft, probably
commercial planes," caused the air raid alarm. He theorized that they
were flown by enemy agents in an effort to discover the locations of
anti-aircraft batteries and to demoralize the civilian population. On
the other hand, Secretary of the Navy [Frank] Knox dubbed the whole
affair "a false alarm."... To this day the "Battle of Los Angeles" is a
mystery. Supposedly all civilian planes had been grounded since
December 7, [1941]. No bombs were dropped and no aircraft shot down
although some 1430 shells were fired. It is probable that the range of
the defending guns was inadequate.
3. The Meiji era in Japan began on January 3, 1868, with the successful
coup d'état against the Tokugawa Shogunate by anti-shogunate forces and
the restoration of the emperor to the throne, and ended on July 12,
1912, with the death of the Meiji emperor, Mutsuhito. These years
witnessed the transformation of Japan into a Western-style modern state
and the emigration of large numbers of Japanese to the Territory of
Hawaii and the United States. In the words of Stacey Hirose, in Brian
Niiya, ed., Japanese American History: An A-to-Z Reference from 1868 to
the Present (New York: Facts on File/Japanese American National Museum,
1993), 230, "Because most of the issei [immigrant-generation Japanese
Americans]... were raised during this period, they brought with them
and passed on to their nisei children Meiji ideologies, values, manners
and patterns of speech." The subsequent Taisho Era, reigned over by
Emperor Yoshihito, extended from 1912 until December 25, 1926. During
these years, Japan continued along the lines of modernization and
Westernization begun in the Meiji period, and followed policies
generally congenial to Western powers like the United States. Yoshihito
was succeeded as emperor in 1926 by his oldest son Hirohito, who had
been appointed prince regent in 1921 when Yoshihito became mentally
ill; Hirohito's ascent to the throne officially launched the Showa Era.
4. For the background on and larger context of the Panay Incident, see
Michael Montgomery, Imperialist Japan: The Yen to Dominate (London:
Christopher Helm, 1987), 394-96, 424, and Edward Behr, Hirohito: Behind
the Myth (New York: Villard Books, 1989), 170-71, 244. This incident is
covered in many other secondary sources, but the two accounts mentioned
here are both recent and succinct.
5. A terse but very useful social-economic-historical account of this
island, located in San Pedro Bay some twenty-five miles south of
downtown Los Angeles, replete with pertinent bibliographic references,
can be found in Niiya, Japanese American History, 327.
6. See ibid., 344, for an in-depth discussion, with suggested sources
for further reading, on the three-week period of "voluntary" relocation
or resettlement that transpired following the U.S. government's
announcement on March 2, 1942, that Japanese Americans would be
excluded from the West Coast.
7. See ibid., 294-95, for a non-quantitative yet useful discussion
(with references) to the resettlement pattern of Japanese Americans
during World War II.
Of the some 2,000 people who comprised the Japanese American community
in Orange County at the outset of the Evacuation, about 1,500 left the
county from Huntington Beach and Anaheim on May 15 and May 17, 1942,
for the Poston War Relocation Center in Arizona. This number did not
include those Japanese Americans in the San Juan Capistrano area of the
county, about 40, who were evacuated from Oceanside in north San Diego
County. Then, too, approximately 450 Japanese Americans left Orange
County prior to April 30, 1942 (presumably, either as participants in
the short-lived "voluntary relocation" (see note 6 above) or as part of
the population evacuated to one of the nine War Relocation Authority
centers established in addition to Poston. See the letter, dated 26
August 1942, from Roy E. Black, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner,
Department of Agriculture, Orange County, to Dr. A. E. Leighton,
Coordinator, Bureau of Sociological Research, Colorado River War
Relocation Project, Poston, Arizona, Folder 52, Box 15, Collection
3830: Japanese-American Relocation Records [JARR], Department of
Manuscripts and University Archives-Cornell University Libraries
[DMUA-CUL]. This letter is contained in the joint files of Dr. Leighton
and Dr. Morris Opler, who served as the community analyst for the War
Relocation Authority at the Manzanar center, at Cornell University,
where both of these distinguished social scientists taught during the
post-World War II years. For an inventory of the holdings in this
collection of Evacuation materials, see D. Gesensway, M. Roseman, and
G. Solomon, Guide to the Japanese-American Relocation Centers Records,
1935-1953 (Ithaca, N. Y.: Department of Manuscripts and University
Archives, Cornell University Libraries, 1981).
The letter from Black to Leighton cited above is also useful in that it
provides statistics as to the total acreage farmed by Japanese
Americans in Orange County prior to their evacuation (approximately
10,000-8,825 leased, 1,175 owned), including a crop-by-crop breakdown
and quantitative information on poultry and hog breeding activity. The
spirit of the time is powerfully conveyed in Black's concluding remark
to Leighton: "You will realize, of course, that considering the fact
that the source of this information was largely Japanese, we can not
guarantee its accuracy."
The Poston center, officially named the Colorado River Relocation
Center, was located in Yuma County, Arizona; seventeen miles south of
Yuma on the Colorado Indian Reservation, it consisted of three camps:
Poston I, Poston II, and Poston III. Poston I, the largest and most
studied of these camps (whose total peak population of 17,814 made it
the most populous of the WRA's relocation centers), was opened on May
8, 1942, and closed on September 29, 1949. Poston was under the joint
supervision of the Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the
Interior, until January 1, 1944, when complete administration was
assumed by the WRA. See, Niiya, Japanese American History, 285-86, for
a profile of the Poston center and suggestions for further reading as
to its history and demography.
Although some of the interned population at Poston originating from
Orange County lived in the smaller two camps, the overwhelming majority
lived in the thirty-six blocks of barracks residences (each housing
about 250-300 people) comprising Poston I. According to the late
anthropologist Edward H. Spicer, who served as Alexander Leighton's
assistant for the Bureau of Sociological Research at Poston before
accepting the position of head of the WRA's Community Analysis Section,
the ten contiguous Orange County-San Diego County blocks (5, 12, 21,
22, 27, 28, 37, 38, 43, 44) at Poston I should be "classified together
because of the similarity of economic, social, and cultural conditions
under which they lived [during the prewar period]." In addition, two
other blocks (6 and 11) contained a substantial number of former Orange
County residents. See Edward H. Spicer, "Statistical Survey: Blocks,"
Folder 63, Box 7, Coll. 3830, DMUA-CUL.
George Fujii resided in Block 28 until spring 1943 when, following his
marriage, he moved to Block 27. According to one source, the reason for
this move was a lack of vacant living quarters for married couples in
Block 28. See, "Block #28," Folder 25, ibid. However, Fujii's change of
residence is explained quite differently in another primary document:
Nakase revealed today the circumstances under which George Fujii,
executive secretary of the Local Council, was kicked out of block 28
recently. It appeared that at the send-off party for the first
contingent of volunteers for the combat unit someone who worked in the
subsistence departments brought a hunk of meat to celebrate the
occasion. Kinjo and two others after the party accused the kitchen of
using food which rightfully belonged to block residents. The fellow who
brought the meat denied it saying, "It wasn't any of the stuff in the
kitchen." They challenged him: "Then where did you get it?" He
answered: "That's none of your business." They retorted: "Alright, we
will report to Snelson." Kinjo and his gang persuaded George Fujii to
report the affair to Snelson. When the kitchen crew heard of this they
were indignant and called a strike. To settle the matter George Fujii
was transferred to block 27.
See "Block 28 Politics," 20 July 1943, Folder J?, Colorado River
Relocation Center [CRRC], Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement
Study [JERS], Bancroft Library-University of California, Berkeley
[BL-UCB]. For a guide to this extensive primary material, see Edward N.
Barnhart, comp., Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement: Catalog
of Material in the General Library (Berkeley, Calif.: University of
California General Library Berkeley, 1958).
10. This seven-day general strike in the Poston I camp, extending from
November 18-24, 1942, was precipitated by the beating on November 14,
1942, of a Kibei inmate (Kay Nishimura, the former brother-in-law of
George Fujii) widely suspected among camp inmates of being an
administrative collaborator and FBI informer. It led to the arrest and
jailing (without formal charges filed against them) of Fujii and Isamu
Uchida, two popular interness. Ultimately, the strike—which never
entailed the curtailment of essential services or encompassed the
Poston II and Poston III camps—was terminated with key concessions to
the strikers, particularly in the area of self-government and Issei
political control, and the establishment of improved relations between
the camp's administration and imprisoned population. For the most
thorough account of the strike and the events leading up to it, see
Alexander Leighton, The Governing of Men: General Principles and
Recommendations Based on Experience at a Japanese Relocation Camp
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1945). The rich and
varied primary materials upon which this study was based derived from
the Leighton-headed Bureau of Sociological Research (BSR) at Poston.
See fn. 8 above for the bibliographical data pertaining to this
invaluable collection's finding aid at Cornell University. Many of
these same documents are also available in the Poston materials
archived in the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement
collection at the Bancroft Library at the University of California
Berkeley (as cited in fn. 9 above); see, in particular, Folders J 1.12,
J 1.811, J 6.16C-D, J 6.18, and J 6.24 (which is a chronological
account of the strike prepared by Tamie Tsuchiyama). An influential
revisionist assessment of the Poston Strike is found in Gary Y.
Okihiro, "Japanese Resistance in America's Concentration Camps: A
Re-evaluation," Amerasia Journal 2 (1973): 20-34. See also the
trenchant entry on the Poston Strike in Niiya, Japanese American
History, 286, and the relevant sections of the following three sources:
Paul Bailey, City in the Sun: The Japanese Concentration Camp at
Poston, Arizona (Los Angeles: Westernlore Press, 1971); Toshio
Yatsushiro, Politics and Cultural Values: The World War II Japanese
Relocation Centers and the United States Government (New York: Arno
Press, 1978); and Rita Takahashi Cates, "Comparative Administration and
Management of Five War Relocation Authority Camps: America's
Incarceration of Persons of Japanese Descent during World War II"
(Ph.D. diss., University of Pittsburgh, 1980).
11. Kay Nishimura lived in the bachelor barracks of Block 14 in the
Poston I camp, where he worked as a translator and interpreter for the
Issei Information Bureau and served on the Temporary Community Council.
Born in 1911 in Seattle, Washington, he lived in Japan for fifteen
years, before returning to Seattle in 1927 to complete his high school
education. After working as a business manager and
interpreter/translator for two Japanese American vernacular newspapers
in Seattle and Los Angeles, in 1940 Nishimura became a rice grower in
California's Imperial County. In the period between the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor and Nishimura's evacuation to Poston in May 1942, he
served as executive secretary for the Imperial County Citizens Welfare
Committee and as an interpreter and translator for the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, Immigration and Naturalization Service, in El Centro,
California. At 10:30 p.m., on November 14, 1942, Nishimura, while
asleep in his Block 14 quarters, "was assaulted by a gang of eight men
dressed in Samurai hoods and armed with pieces of pipe." See "Exhibit
F: Personnel Record of Kay Nishimura," 23 November 1942, Folder?, JERS,
BL-UCB. According to Alexander Leighton, Poston's reports officer,
Norris James, said that Nishimura "had been beaten and almost
killed,...[had] twenty-six stitches in his head [and] had been
semi-conscious all the next day." See "Series #12: Employment," Folder
6, Box 10, Coll. 3830, DMUA-CUL. Isamu Uchida, like George Fujii, was a
member of Poston I's Judo Club; a popular instructor, Uchida could
boast of having some 100 dedicated students and loyal supporters. As
with Fujii, also, Uchida resided in Block 28. This block was very
homogeneous in that about 90 percent of its nearly 250 people came from
the agricultural southern coastal region of California between Los
Angeles and San Diego, while twice as many of the residents were
Buddhists as against Christians. This block served as the camp's "city
center," in which were located the main canteen or stores as well as
the police department and the city jail—the focal point for the Poston
Strike (which was solidly supported by Block 28 residents). See "Block
#28," Folder 32, Box 7, ibid. For contemporary personality studies of
Nishimura, Uchida, Fujii, see, respectively, Folders 57, 82, and 13,
Box 12, ibid. In order for researchers to gain access to these studies,
however, permission must be granted both by the individuals involved
(or their heirs) and Alexander Leighton, the former head of Poston's
Bureau of Sociological Research.
12. See, for example, the watercolor "Poston Strike Rally" by Gene
Sogioka depicting the Rising Sun-like flag employed during the November
1942 uprising by Block 35 residents. Because Sogioka was employed by
Alexander Leighton's Bureau of Sociological Research, the original
watercolor is included within the Poston materials archived at Cornell
University, Mapcase drawers 1-7, ibid. A color copy of this painting
can be found in Deborah Gesensway and Mindy Roseman, Beyond Words:
Images from America's Concentration Camps (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell
University Press), 153, and a black-and-white version is reproduced in
Arthur A. Hansen's review of the Gesensway and Roseman volume,
"Representations of an Imprisoned Poston Past," Journal of Orange
County Studies 3/4 (Fall 1989/Spring 1990): 105.
13. Kay Nishimura and George Fujii were both members of the Temporary
Community Council (TCC), which was comprised (by WRA fiat) entirely of
Nisei and Kibei-Nisei (i.e., American citizens). Issei mockingly
designated it the "Child's Council" (the average age of its
representatives was 31.2 years); for them, it symbolized the creation
of an artificial Nisei leadership at the expense of their natural
community and cultural predominance. While the abolition of this
council and its replacement with one whose membership was open to
citizens and non-citizens alike was certainly one of the objectives
(and outcomes) of the Poston Strike, the roles played by Nishimura and
Fujii on the TCC do not, in fact, seem to have been an "important"
factor in the strike. See, Edward H. Spicer, "Political Organization of
Poston I" (25 September 1942), 7-10.
Fujii, in point of fact, was released unconditionally on the afternoon
of November 20, 1942, because of a lack of evidence. Isamu Uchida, on
the other hand, was not set free at this time because the Poston
administration felt that it had strong evidence of his guilt. Between
Fujii's release and the termination of the strike on November 24, the
striking population's chief bone of contention was that Uchida be tried
in camp by his peers instead of being prosecuted for attempted murder
in Yuma County, Arizona (i.e., outside the camp where, it was argued,
no Japanese could get a fair trial). The ultimate disposition of the
Uchida case is clarified in a 12 June 1943 teletype sent from Poston's
director W. Wade Head to Dillon Myer, the WRA's national director:
See Folder J 1.14, CRRC, JERS, BL-UCB.
15. In the words of Tamie Tsuchiyama, a University of California,
Berkeley, doctoral candidate in Anthropology who served as a field
researcher/participant-observer for Alexander Leighton's Bureau of
Sociological Research and Dorothy Swaine Thomas's Evacuation and
Resettlement Study, "I signed the petition along with the rest of the
people without full knowledge of the situation. In fact, I had to sign
it, for fear that not doing so would class me as an undesirable
pro-administration individual in the eyes of the block residents." See
Tamie Tsuchiyama, "Aftermath of the Strike," Folder J 6.18, ibid.
16. That the arrest and jailing of Fujii and Uchida were but the
visible outward manifestation of the underlying grievances and
dissatisfactions of the Poston I population is a point that is made
pervasively in the relevant primary documents on the Poston Strike. On
the other hand, Fujii's intriguing explanation about the communication
gap between Poston's administration and interned population that
allegedly was created by Kibei translators and interpreters does not
assume saliency in these same sources.
page 103
17. At the time of the Poston Strike, according to Alexander Leighton,
in The Governing of Men, 164, Isamu Uchida, like George Fujii, was
twenty-seven. Leighton, ibid, drew comparative portraits of the two
He [George Fujii] was a Buddhist, single, aged 27, and a Kibei, but he
spoke English well and was popular with numerous Niseis, Isseis and
members of the Administration as well as other Kibeis. He had completed
high school in Japan and had then gone to the University of Southern
California for two years to study foreign trade. His family were
wealthy and operated a large restaurant in a town in California.
In appearance, he was small, well-built, and exceedingly neat in dress.
His manner was quiet, unobtrusive and friendly and almost all who knew
him agreed that he was a very likable person. He took his
responsibilities to the community seriously and seemed cooperative and
well disposed toward the Administration.
One of his sisters [Fumi] had been married to and then divorced from
the victim of the beating [Kay Nishimura] and there was considerable
hostile feeling between the two men.
The other man [Isamu Uchida] was also a Kibei, single and aged 27, but
he spoke very little English and was unknown to the Administration. The
son of a farmer in California, he had received in Japan a fourth-grade
rating in judo which is considered extremely high. Prior to evacuation
he had been a judo instructor and after arriving in Poston he had
continued in that activity at the Judo Club under the auspices of the
Department of Adult Education.
He was not widely known to the Poston residents but moved among close
friends, neighbors, the Goh Club, and his associates in judo. Because
of his high judo rating, he enjoyed a good deal of prestige and was the
leader of a group of younger men who were principally his students.
Although he had a brother in the American Army, his own attitude was
one of dislike toward the United States.
As far as the attack [on Nishimura] was concerned, there was no
evidence that he had had anything to do with it, but there were
considerable circumstantial data indicating that he had participated in
one of the previous beatings.
18. Camouflage net factories were established at two other WRA camps,
Manzanar and Gila River, aside from Poston. These "war work" industries
were contracted by the Army to a private firm, Southern California
Glass Company, and only citizen interness were permitted to work in
them. In all three cases, these factories were productive, profitable
for the company and its employees, and provoked strife among the
interned population that led to their being shut down. Apart from
contemporary studies by WRA community analysts and field workers for
the University of California-sponsored Evacuation and Resettlement
Study, this ironic facet of the Japanese American Evacuation experience
has not been systematically studied.
19. For corroboration of this charge, see Richard S. Nishimoto,
"Gambling at Poston," Folder J 6.09, CRRC, JERS, BL-UCB. This essay
will appear in an edited anthology that Lane Ryo Hirabayashi is
preparing on Nishimoto's ethnographic role at the Poston center for the
Bureau of Sociological Research and the Evacuation and Resettlement
Study. For a preliminary analysis of that role, see Lane Ryo
Hirabayashi and James Hirabayashi, "The `Credible' Witness: The Central
Role of Richard S. Nishimoto in JERS," in Yuji Ichioka, ed., Views from
Within: The Japanese Evacuation and Resettlement Study (Los Angeles:
Asian American Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles,
1989), 65-95.
20. In the words of Kiyoshi Shigekawa, the evacuee police chief at
Poston I and a resident of Orange County-dominated Block 21, "We came
in on May 15th [1942].... We were the early arrivals, the same as some
of the volunteers. That's why we got so many of the $19.00 [per month,
professional scale] jobs. At one time we [Block 21 residents] had the
largest number of policemen in camp. I was asked to organize the police
department; naturally I chose many from my block." See "Block 21,"
Folder 21, Box 7, Coll. 3830, DMUA-CLC.
21. For a discussion of the role of the military police at the WRA
centers, see Reagan Jack Bell, "Interned Without: The Military Police
at the Tule Lake Relocation/Segregation Center, 1942-46" (Master's
thesis, California State University, Fullerton, 1989).
22. According to the entry on "newspapers" in Niiya, Japanese American
History, 252, "the mass removal and detention of all West Coast
Japanese Americans put a halt on the major Japanese American papers—for
a few, the halt would be permanent. Several papers that published
inland kept going through the war—the Pacific Citizen, ...[the] Rocky
Shimpo, the Utah Nippo, and the Colorado Times. " The Pacific Citizen,
the official organ of the Japanese American Citizens League, and the
Utah Nippo were published in Salt Lake City, Utah, while the Rocky
Shimpo, which was also published under the prior name of the Rocky
Nippon, and the Colorado Times, were issued out of Denver, Colorado.
23. Question 27 on the Army form that every male citizen of military
service age was required to complete stated: "Are you willing to serve
in the armed forces of the United States on combat duty, wherever
ordered?" For a detailed discussion of the loyalty registration crisis
of February 1943 at the WRA centers, see the entry on "loyalty
questions" in Niiya, Japanese American History, 217-19.
24. On April 13, 1944, Dorothy Swaine Thomas, the director of the
Evacuation and Resettlement Study, wrote a letter to one of that
project's researchers at Poston, Richard Nishimoto, in which she said:
In your Journal, April 6 [1944]...I note that only around half of the
fund that was collected for George Fujii was necessary for getting him
out on bail, and so on, and I am curious to know what happens to the
balance of the fund under these circumstances. I am interested in the
great number of voluntary contributions that are received from time to
time for one cause or another. In view of the low wage scale, these
contributions seem to me to be very great.
In reply to Thomas's inquiry, Nishimoto wrote the following answer on
April 18, 1944:
Re: Fujii donation. The "Friends of Fujii" expected a collection of
about $2,500 from the three Units [Poston I, II, and III] originally.
They were quite skeptical even for this amount, because of grumblings
of the community toward the proposed drive when the news had gotten
around prematurely. The figure of $2,500 was agreed on in its first
meeting thus:
One thousand dollars for attorney's fee for trial in the Circuit Court.
Five hundred dollars for obtaining documents for appeal to a higher
court. (They expected Fujii to lose his case in the Phoenix Court.)
One thousand dollars for attorney's fee in the District Court of Appeal.
There was a question, then, of taking the case to the Supreme Court.
But the expense for such a move, it was decided, would be raised at a
later date when an appeal to the Supreme Court becomes necessary. Later
the committee agreed to bail Fujii out, because the result of the drive
was much more than anticipated.
True, with other donations, residents could not very well to refuse to
chip in when Yushi [leaders] of a block went around and appealed to
them face-to-face. Especially in Fujii's case the residents were afraid
to refuse to donate for a fear that they might be regarded by others as
"anti-social" or "anti-Japanese." They are afraid of consequences from
their refusals.... I suspect only a small number of people donated
conscientiously agreeing with the purpose of the Fujii drive.
For this exchange between Thomas and Nishimoto, see Folder J?, CRRC,
25. Documentation for this incident, including numerous press
clippings, is sprinkled throughout the pages of the journal that
Richard Nishimoto kept for the Evacuation and Resettlement Study. See,
in particular, Folder J 6.15B, ibid.
26. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945. Leighton's precise language on
this point, 227, is as follows:
For a time following the strike, the Judo Instructor was a hero and he
spoke of doing something for the community by taking a gang out to work
on some of the projects, such as irrigation construction, where it had
been hard to secure men. He did this for a while and contributed much
help, but in time trouble occurred between his followers (nearly all of
the aggressive Kibei type) and others. They participated in several
other kinds of work and then joined the fire department, but wherever
they went there seemed to be friction with the other residents and with
government employees. The Judo Instructor seemed to sink lower and
lower in the esteem of the community, and many of those who had most
ardently followed the symbol he had represented came to feel "very
disappointed." Had he died, or been taken away by force during the
strike, he probably would still be a shining light of martyrdom, but
since neither of these happened, people began to see him in his true
proportions. He eventually went to the Tule Lake [Segregation] Center.
What Leighton, 226, 227, notes in his pioneering study of Poston about
what happened to George Fujii and Kay Nishimura following the November
1942 strike is also worth quoting at length.
[George Fujii] The member of the Judicial Commission, whose plight as a
prisoner had been one of the factors that set the strike going, was a
friend and confidant of the new [Temporary Community] Council [of
Poston I] Chairman and became Secretary to the second Council and to
the ultimately established Permanent Council. He was particularly
interested in the construction of the schools and did much to promote
community interest in them. Later on he became Chairman of the Police
Commission and then one of the three trustees for the Trust Fund.
He was one of those Kibeis who, instead of displaying reactions of
maladjustment and aggression, seemed to use his marginal position
between American and Japanese culture quietly and consistently to bring
the poles in Poston closer together, to promote better understanding
among Isseis, Niseis and Administration and to work for just and
fair-minded solutions to the community's major problems. There were
several such in the Council and the Central Executive Board and in
other places, and their influence in the post-strike period was very
[Kay Nishimura] The victim of the beating, the forgotten man in all the
turmoil, left camp as soon as he had recovered from his wounds and no
more was heard of him.
28. The Lockheed Incident, in which high-ranking Japanese government
officials and corporate officers were accused of perjury and bribery
charges in connection with peddling influence on behalf of Lockheed, is
covered briefly, 270-71, by David Boulton in The Grease Machine (New
York: Harper & Row, 1978). Boulton's book was originally published
in Great Britain under the title of The Lockheed Papers.
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Also mentioned in ?
??????????????????????????, chap. 2 (Americans who became soldiers of Japanese
military - Nisei who fought against their motherland).
Eiichi Noda
See his Tokyo
trial review PDF (esp. p9) and this Oct. 23,
1947 newspaper article re Noda's sentencing.
Other documents drawn from the
Hoten prisoners’ experiences are also available. After their
liberation, former POWs at the camp completed questionnaires that
documented the atrocities they suffered or witnessed. Though not all
POWs held at Camp Hoten were aware of the atrocities committed against
other captives, some were eyewitnesses to the executions of comrades,
and the majority claimed to have either experienced or observed
beatings by Japanese guards. Many testimonies and affidavits, collected
in part by Donovan’s recovery team, describe the behavior of Lt. Miki
Toru and Corporal—later Sergeant—Noda
Eiichi, two of the most infamous of Camp Hoten officials. The
testimonies of American POWs led to the prosecution of Miki in 1946 and
Noda in 1947. Both Miki’s and Noda’s trial records are also available
in the SCAP records (RG 331).
Because of his background, Noda’s case is particularly interesting. A second-generation Japanese American,
Noda was one of the most notorious abusers of Allied POWs at Camp
Hoten. Affidavits and transcripts of U.S. POW testimonies can be found
in his prosecution file. Based on evidence gathered from former U.S.
POWs, he was tried as a Japanese war criminal in Yokohama, Japan, in
September 1947. Citing his participation in the unlawful killing of at
least four men and the beating of countless others, prosecutors charged
Noda with violating the laws and customs of war. The court found Noda
guilty on all ten counts of abusing prisoners, though not of
participating in certain activities that led to the death of four of
them. It sentenced him to twenty years’ imprisonment. One of the more
interesting documents in Noda’s legal file is a clemency petition that
is supported by remarks from an American POW whom Noda befriended in
Fayal affidavit re
Noda (JPG)
?? Nonin, son of Kuwaichi Nonin
From Hawaii Under the Rising Sun: Japan's Plans
for Conquest After Pearl Harbor by John Stephan:

Haruo Okada
Review PDF, pp. 2, 33, 43; also his sister, Hiroka or Hiroko was in Japan, born
in Pacific City, WA, p. 36.
Haruo Okada (age 27) born in US,
graduated from Auborn High School, came to Japan in 1939.
Kiyokura Okimura
Possibly the same as Kikukuro Okumura (Okamura?) in Bamboo People, p.370, 372
See also this image series re Okimura, Kawakita, Nishikawa (Nisei in
J-military) - Asian Americans and Supreme Court by Kim, in
PDF format. Mentioned in this article.
Nisei interpreter at Fukuoka POW Camp #2 (Nagasaki). Note the interest
of the Japanese personnel in having Fujita "join their side." Per Foo
Fujita's book:
We had nisei interpreters in this
camp who, like many, many, other nisei, were caught in Japan when the
war broke out and were forced into the service of Japan even though
they were American citizens; in many cases they did not fare much
better than we POWs. The oldest one of these was the chief interpreter,
a guy by the name of Onishi, from San
Diego, California. He came to me and told me to have all my gear
packed and be ready to leave. I asked him where I was going and if
anyone else was going along. He told me that I was the only one going
and that I was being sent to Tokyo and he thought that it might
possibly have something to do with propaganda. I thought that he knew
that I was going to be executed and was only trying to allay my fears
by mentioning the propaganda aspect. I was convinced that "Sgt. Teeth"
was correct and the fact that no one besides me was going convinced me
of this. I felt that my days on this earth were truly numbered and so I
went to the officer's room and called for Lt. Allen and asked to speak
with him and Maj. Horrigan, the senior American officer in camp, and
then proceeded to tell them what was about to happen and that I felt that the Japanese were going to make
one final attempt to get me to join their side or else.
Harley Ozaki (Toyonishiki)
From Wikipedia:
Toyonishiki Kiichiro (3 February
1920 - 26 September 1998) was a Japanese-American sumo wrestler who
joined the sport shortly before World War II. He was one of the first
foreign-born wrestlers to reach the top makuuchi division.
He was born as Harley Ozaki in Pierce, Colorado, although he was to
list Chikujo, Fukuoka as his birthplace on the banzuke ranking sheets.
He joined Dewanoumi stable in January 1938. He had been introduced to
the stable by a relative during a visit to Japan. Initially he knew
nothing about sumo, assuming that the sand covered clay dohyo was made
of concrete.
He was the fifth Japanese-American in sumo and the first to reach elite
sekitori status. He never had a losing score in his eight years in
sumo. He was promoted to the second juryo division in January 1943 and
reached the top makuuchi division in May 1944. He scored six wins
against four losses, but this was to be his last tournament before
being drafted into the Japanese army.
He still had American citizenship and had really wanted to fight for
the United States, but as he could not return to the US he agreed to
change his citizenship at the urging of the Japan Sumo Association. He
adopted the Japanese name of Kiichiro Ozaki.
He survived the war but decided not to return to sumo, believing he
could make a better living as an interpreter. He regained his US
citizenship and in his later years ran a ryokan (inn) in Tokyo with his
Per Asahi News article (11-22-2022):
the first Sekitori of U.S. nationality, second-generation
Japanese-American, under surveillance, drafted... tumultuous history
Toyonishiki was born Kiichiro Ozaki in Colorado, U.S.A., in 1920. When
he was 17 years old, he came to Japan and joined the Dewanoumi stable,
where he won many matches with his 187-cm height and springy movements.
However, when the Pacific War broke out in 1941, he was watched by the
Special Higher Police, and on the advice of his stablemaster, he became
a Japanese citizen. He was drafted into the former army and worked as a
monitor and translator for U.S. radio broadcasts. After the war, he ran
an inn in Tokyo. His military service in Japan was a stumbling block,
and he was only able to return to his home country 15 years after the
war ended. From 1993, he lived in the town of Chikujo (Fukuoka Pref.),
where he died in 1998 at the age of 78.
George Y. Ozasa
From Bamboo People by Chuman,
starting on p. 381?:
Richard Sakakida
Perhaps could be called an undercover double agent, would make for a
good comparative study of how citizenship change worked. Interesting
chapter on him here:
Quite a bit on him, including what Roger Mansell had (sakakida19.htm):
More from GoogleBooks:
See this here for more Nisei names:
From Nisei Linguists:
Footnote 22: To avoid
complications, some Nisei renounced their Japanese citizenship before
they traveled to Japan. Richard Sakakida’s mother did this in the
summer of 1941 on behalf of her son after he secretly enlisted in the
Army and was sent to the Philippines. Richard Sakakida and Wayne S.
Kiyosaki, A Spy in Their Midst
(Lanham, Md.: Madison Books, 1995), pp. 137–38.
From a review of Nisei Linguists:
In fact, the story of the Nisei
linguists extends from before the Second World War until the end of the
Cold War. As McNaughton notes, the CIC had sent two Nisei officers,
Arthur Komori and Richard Sakakida, under cover into Manila in the
spring of 1941 to gather intelligence on Japanese fifth-column activity
in the US colony.
FOOTNOTE: Sakakida related his wartime exploits to his brother-in-law,
Wayne Kiyosaki, who wrote A Spy in
Their Midst: The World War II
Struggle of a Japanese-American Hero (1995). An unclassified
review of this book appeared in Studies
in Intelligence 40, no. 2 (1996).
Sydney Sako
Web Posted: 09/26/2009 12:00 CDT
As a Soviet prisoner of war in
World War II, Seiichi Sakamoto was far different from the other
Japanese soldiers.
The Texas-reared soldier graduated
at the top of his class at South San Antonio High School and was a very
proud Aggie.
Sydney Sako, who changed his name
when he became an American citizen, served in the U.S. Air Force and
later taught at the Defense Language Institute at Lackland AFB. A
former president of the Japanese-American Society who helped in the
Japanese booth at the Texas Folklife Festival, Sako died Wednesday of
heart failure. He was 91.
“He still was a kind, gentle,
understanding person, even with what he went through,” said his
daughter, Naomi Maulden.
Although he was born in Japan, his
parents had lived in the United States for years and came to Texas when
they returned from Japan. The young man graduated two years early from
South San High School in 1934 as valedictorian, and decided to attend
Texas A&M.
After college, he wanted to learn
Japanese and become a missionary. In 1940, he used his savings and
traveled to Tokyo, where he enrolled in a special school for
American-born Japanese who wanted to learn the language.
The following year, Japan attacked
Pearl Harbor, and he was drafted into the Japanese army in 1943. After
he finished his physical training, he was sent to Harbin, a city in
northeastern China, for Russian language training.
Russian forces captured Harbin in
1945 and took thousands of Japanese soldiers as prisoners. Sako was
sent to a labor camp in Siberia. Released as a Japanese POW five years
later, he returned to Japan.
He made his way to Tokyo and wanted
to report to American counterintelligence his observations of Soviet
construction projects in Siberia. When he entered the intelligence
building, he entered an elevator and saw a familiar face inside: one of
his brothers, in an American uniform.
His mother sent him the money he
needed to return home. His application to become a citizen was denied,
but he was allowed to join the Air Force. Racial restrictions on
immigrations were abolished in 1952, and he was naturalized two years
later and changed his name.
A year after he became a citizen, a
chaplain introduced him to an interpreter who became his wife, and in
1956, they returned to the United States.
Sako worked 32 years as a language
instructor with the Defense Language Institute and Officer Training
School at Lackland.
In November 1991, the local A&M
Club named him Aggie of the Month.
Iwao Peter Sano
Iwao Peter Sano, a California Nisei, sailed to Japan in
1939 to become an adopted son to his childless aunt and uncle. He was
fifteen and knew no Japanese. In the spring of 1945, loyal to his new
country, Sano was drafted in the last levy raised in the war. Sent
through Korea to join the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, Sano arrived in
Hailar, one hundred miles from the Soviet border, as the war was coming
to a close. In the confusion that resulted when the war ended, Sano had
the bad luck to be in a unit that surrendered to the Russians. It would
be nearly three years before he was released to return to Japan. Sano's
account of life in the POW and labor camps of Siberia is the story of a
little-known part of the great conflagration that was World War II. It
is also the poignant memoir of a man who was always an outsider, both
as an American youth of Japanese ancestry and then as a young Japanese
man whose loyalties were suspect to his new compatriots.
Also mentioned in ?
??????????????????????????, chap. 2 (Americans who became soldiers of Japanese
military - Nisei who fought against their motherland).
James Sasaki
Born in Japan, set up radio transmitter, spy?
Discussed in Unbroken. See also his Tokyo
trial record (PDF). Was at Ofuna
Interrogation Center as interpreter and translator; includes
various testimonies re his actions, including by Zamperini.
Was spy per Zamperini's book, Devil At My Heels; see many
references to him there in that book; excerpts in PDF:
Samuel Shinohara
Shinohara mentioned in Roger Mansell's guam war trials.wpd
Worst collaborator was Shinohara, Ben Cook and "Ozone." (Who was Ozone?)
All agreed the worst collaborators were T. Shinohara, Mrs K. Sawada,
J.K. Shimizu and D.K. Takano.
Thomas Cruz Oka- charges of collaboration dismissed
Samuel Takekuma Shinohara file-
1966 entry- ship owned by his company (Tenyo Maru) entered Apra Harbor
unannounced- spied on Polaris Missile sub- probably for the Russians.
He was tried, sentenced to death by hanging- lowered to 15 years-
transferred to Japan for internment but paroled in 1951. He was allowed
to re-enter Guam 26 June 1961. He was employed as a sales agent for
Nissho Sangyo Kabushiki Kaisho, Tokyo. He worked for the company that
owned the ship.
Here are the charges against him -- scans of these in SHINOHARA TRIAL
From War Crimes Trials affidavit:

The local Chamorro people got
along well with members of the Marine Corps. Every once in a while,
though, there was a snag in these relationships. Any Asiatic Marine,
officer or enlisted man who wanted to marry a local girl, had to have
the permission of his commanding officer. Permission wasn't generally
given. Another good example of how relationships can sour comes from a
letter dated Nov. 15, 1936:
I think I had the worst scare in my life last night
in the capital city. Another Marine and myself were in a place called "Shinohara's"
eating chow, so as the meal progressed we noticed natives going into
the men’s washroom and not coming out. After we had finished we went
outside and were shooting the breeze when out of nowhere drops two
patrolmen and goes upstairs and barges in on the men’s washroom and
puts everyone under arrest. The natives were shooting craps which is a
very serious offence and draws about $50 fine and 6 months in the civil
jail. My friend and I separated after they had taken the natives to
jail to answer questions. I was just looking the town over and in the
meantime the eight natives were released to come back Monday and appear
at the island court. After they left the jail they started looking for
our friend "Chad" and found me walking in a very dark alley and, as
sure as I write this, they were going to cut my throat. Their only
thought was that my friend and I being the only ones eating in
Shenohara's had left and tipped the patrolmen off as to the dice game.
I talked for fully an hour before I convinced them I was innocent.
For those readers who want a third example of a
troubled Guam relationship, fast forward ten years until just after the
end of World War Two. Restaurant owner Takekuna (Samuel) Shinohara
was found guilty at his collaborator trial of "treasonous behavior,"
and sentenced to eight years in Tokyo's Sugamo Prison.
Jerry Suzuki
See this PDF file that mentions Suzuki on pg. 10 and others who were in
Japanese Army: Wataru
Misaka - Philippines - Jerry Suzuki
Clifton Takamura
Kamikaze pilot, Chiran Base. Crashed his Zero into the USS Missouri
during battle for Okinawa. This article
courtesy of John Stephan.
James Takeuchi
Nisei? interpreter in Taiwan:

Hanama Harold Tasaki
From Hawaii Under the Rising Sun: Japan's Plans
for Conquest After Pearl Harbor by John Stephan:

Kei Tateishi
Per this
article: Journalist; during the war, worked for Domei News Agency
as a translator. Later worked for Time magazine and the Associated
Press. Article quotes him as saying, "... perhaps thousands of Nisei
were forced to serve in Japan's army and navy. But the exact number may
never be known because the Japanese government did not record evidence
of dual citizenship when it conscripted them."
Iva Ikuko Toguri
Probably the most well-known of all Nisei in Japan. She referred to
herself as: "Orphan Ann(ie)," "your little playmate, Ann," "your
favorite little enemy, Ann," "your sworn enemy," "your bitter enemy,
Ann." There is an immense amount of archival material on her, not to
mention all the books and online chapters on her life, e.g. here.
See transcripts of her broadcasts (rose1a.pdf) where she refers to
the listeners as "my enemies the Orphans of the South Pacific," "a
programme of dangerous and wicked propaganda for my victims in
Australia and the South Pacific," "my Boneheads in the South Pacific...
I'm lulling their senses before I annihilate them with my nail file,"
"Dangerous enemy propaganda, so beware!" Much other info in rose1b.pdf
and rose1c.pdf
files. Also rosecourt.pdf
court summary.
NOTE: These have been compiled into Iva
Toguri FBI files. This section excerpted: Henshaw
interview - list of POWs at Bunka Camp - pages 8-19.
See also: US vs Toguri
trial documents (includes photos at end)
Other Nisei with her (total of 12?) -- from They Called Her Tokyo Rose by
Re Bunka Camp, known as Surugadai Gijitsu Kenkyusho
(Surugadai Research Institute): see TOGURI DAQUINO v UNITED STATES - US Court
of Appeals 1950
Nisei friends of Iva's who were at Waseda Int'l Institute:
Chiyeko Ito
Yoniko Matsunaga
Excerpts from Gunn's book (PDF): DeWolfe memo re Toguri (2
pages) and re Toguri citizenship (3 pages)
Excerpts from Treason on the Airwaves: Three Allied
Broadcasters on Axis Radio during World War II by Judith
Keene (2008):
- Issei and Nisei ties to Japan
- hundreds of Nisei working for J-media
- several hundred Nisei at Radio Tokyo
- re Toguri and Nisei giving up citizenship
Broadcasts can be found here:
See also's
Radio Propaganda Page: "Orphan Ann" ("Tokyo Rose")
Additional info in Tokyo Rose / An American Patriot: A Dual
Biography by Frederick Close -- Toguri was not "a villain or
a traitor," only a "flawed human being." For those interested in
reading about "debunking the myth," see Tokyo Rose: Orphan of the Pacific
by Masayo Duus.
Related treason case in the US regarding the three Shitara sisters can be found
at: Prosecution of the Shitara Sisters.
Another article here, in four parts: Betrayal on Trial: Japanese American
"Treason" in World War II.

Mock US Navy "Citation" for Tokyo Rose, Aug. 7, 1945
by Capt. O'Brien, The Navy Reporter
Names of
officials and employees associated with Radio Tokyo, or sought out
after the war by the FBI for possible interviews:
Lilly - Swiss broadcaster
Domoto, Kaji - Nisei;
graduated from Amherst College; lived in Japan from 1925; was in
contact with the Emperor's household; after Uno, took over senior
civilian position at Bunka Camp in early 1945 and became main
interpreter; helped POWs; Foo Fujita quoted Domoto as saying, "America
is a very bad nation. They have no respect for life and are a bunch of
Fujimuro, Nobuo - listed
in Streeter
Fujiwara, Katherine -
Furuya, Mieko - born in Calif.;
became Japanese citizen; typist and broadcaster on Zero Hour (Feb.-May
1945); sometimes substituted for Toguri; later married Kenkichi Oki
Hayakawa, Ruth Sumiko -
native of Fukuoka, Japan, but lived in the US from childhood through
college; usually replaced Toguri on Sundays after Toguri became a
broadcaster; suspected of being a Kenpeitai agent; Uno stated that the
Zero Hour "featured Miss Ruth Hayakawa as Tokyo Rose"; "soft voice and
Boston accent"... probably the "Tokyo Rose" GI's remembered as she had
the soft and sweet voice; after the war worked as interpreter for the
Commanding General of the US Army in Fukuoka
SAME PERSON?: A Ruth Sumiko Kacho
by Tomoko Ozawa (2015): "'I applied for a position at the Overseas
Broadcasting Station Radio Tokyo as an English announcer and was hired
in March of 1943.' After working for the radio station, Kacho entered
the American Department of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in
Occupied Japan."
Hayasaki, Edward H. -
doctor called in to administer shots at Bunka Camp; Per Mark Streeter:
"Hayasaki laughingly said he was only a horse doctor."
( Higuchi, Mary Kazuko - born on
Maui Island; arrived in Japan in 1935; affiliated with Radio Tokyo;
returned to Hawaii in June 1941; worked with FCC)
Higuchi, Mary Morris -
Eurasian; worked with NHK overseas bureau 1940-1945; typed some of the
radio scripts
Hirakawa, "Joe" Tadaichi
- born in Okayama, moved to Portland, OR, in 1919, then to Seattle;
returned to Japan Oct. 1937; worked at NHK, replaced Ikeda as chief of
broadcasting section
?( Hirakawa, Yuichi - chief
announcer of the English division) <-- same as above?
Hishikari, Takabune -
replaced "silly giggling" Count Ikeda as Bunka camp director
Hiyoshi, Naomichi -
listed in Streeter
Hollingsworth, Reggie -
German broadcaster; looked and talked like an Englishman
Hyuga, Seizo David -
along with Domoto, was in contact with the Emperor's household and
would pass information to Cousens
Igarashi, Shinjiro -
radio announcer for Radio Tokyo from Nov. 1943 to Aug. 1945
Ikeda, Norizane - chief
of broadcasting section; was instructed to research ways to influence
Pres. Roosevelt, also to watch for news re wild fires on the US West
Coast as a result of the balloon bombs from Japan; was later replaced
by Joe Tadaichi; was in Australia when war broke out and subsequently
interned for a short time
Ikeda, Yukio "Count"? - became
associated with Radio Tokyo in May 1944; head of Personnel Section at
Radio Tokyo 1944-45
Ishii, Kenneth -
announcer for Radio Tokyo; sister is Mary Ishii; worked for Reuters
after the war
Ishii, Mary - half
Japanese, half English; broadcaster on Zero Hour (June-July 1945);
spoke with a British accent as some listeners claimed Tokyo Rose did,
and she too replaced Toguri at various times; brother is Ken Ishii
Ito, Chieko (Chiyeko) -
at 18 years of age, accompanied Toguri to Japan in 1941
Kabayama, Count - Per
Mark Streeter: "Count Kabayama’s connection with Bunka was in an
advisory capacity to the other Japanese authorities. Count Kabayama
spoke perfect English, having been educated at Oxford in England and
having spent a great deal of time in the Unites States. The Kabayama
family was on of the most influential in Japan."
Kanzaki, Yoneko - Nisei;
broadcast from Radio Tokyo on the "German Hour"
Kato, Margaret - brought
up in London
Kojima, Taisaku - listed
in Streeter
Kuroishi, Yoshio Edward
Matsuda, Emi - Japanese
Foreign Office employee with dual citizenship
Matsunaga, Yoneko Ruth
"Toots" - introduced records on the German Hour; said the Japanese
forced her to work as a torpedo painter and later as a broadcaster
M(N?)iino, Hiroshi
Mino, Kan
Mitsushio, George
Hideo (aka George Nakamoto)
- born in San Francisco, Calif.; worked for Domei before Radio Tokyo;
registered as Japanese citizen but had dual citizenship before,
presumably (per FBI, "regained his Japanese citizenship."); head of the
Zero Hour program from June 1942
Per Close in Tokyo Rose American
Patriot (2010):
To prevent confusion, I have used the name "George Mitsushio"
throughout the book. Mitsushio was his correct name after 1944, and it
appears most often in FBI files. His birth name was Hideo Tanabe. His
father, Sanzo Tanabe, died in Japan in 1911, his mother remarried, and
he was adopted by his stepfather, Kanehito Nakamoto. During his years
in the United States, he was known as George Nakamoto. Iva referred to
him as Nakamoto. His biological father's actual birth name was
Mitsushio, but following Japanese custom, Sanzo adopted the family name
of his mother (Tanabe) when that family produced no male children. When
George returned to Japan, he again became Hideo Tanabe. He assumed the
surname Mitsushio on July 1, 1944, when that family name was restored.
Were all this not complicated enough, on Radio Tokyo Mitsushio assumed
the persona of "Frank Watanabe." Worse, an actual Watanabe worked on
Zero Hour for the Japanese military to make sure nothing favored the
Allies. In summary, George Mitsushio, George Nakamoto, Hideo Tanabe,
and broadcaster Frank Watanabe are the same person.
Momotsuka, Kiwamu -
expert radio engineer qualified by Japanese Govt. and worked at Radio
Tokyo from before the war
Moriyama, Hisashi - staff
member of Zero Hour program
Muraoka, Kaoru Katherine
- born in Calif.; married Reyes on Sept. 29, 1944; typist; substituted
for Toguri regularly as a broadcaster; her support of the Japanese
caused Toguri to remark with some bitterness, "I never could figure out
how she came out smelling like a rose. I never could figure that out at
Murayama, Ken - from New
York; reporter for Domei News in Manila; wrote scripts for Myrtle
Lipton ("Manila Rose")
Per Kawashima in The Tokyo Rose Case: Treason on Trial
According to Duus, the deposition by Ken Murayama, a New York nisei,
seemed more crucial. A Domei News Agency reporter in Manila, Murayama
had written scripts for Myrtle Lipton, known as “Manila Rose.”
Murayama, in his deposition, testified that the scripts he wrote for
her “were designed to create a sense of homesickness among troops in
the Southwest Pacific. Their tone was one of trying to make the
soldiers recall certain good times they might have had when they were
back in the United States. . . . We had stories of girls having dates
with men at home, while possibly their sweethearts and husbands might
be fighting in the Southwest Pacific area.”
Murayama also testified that Myrtle Lipton had a very sexy voice, like
“a torch singer . . . quite low-pitched, husky . . . the sort of voice
that would carry well and was in keeping with the general tenor of the
program itself.”
The objective of the defense in the trial was to distinguish the
“Orphan Ann” broadcasts from those of Tokyo Rose, which were
originating either from Radio Tokyo or from one of the other Japanese
stations in Asia, like the “German Hour” and Myrtle Lipton’s
broadcasts. The latter two certainly more closely resembled “Tokyo
Rose” broadcasts of rumor. More specifically, Myrtle Lipton, whose
broadcasts were confused with Iva’s, was the strongest candidate for
“Tokyo Rose.” The government had thus failed to prove that Iva had been
Tokyo Rose and had made those announcements that Myrtle Lipton was
supposed to have announced.
Murayama, Tamotsu - Nisei
Mutsu, Jan - Domei News
Nakabayashi, Jim
Nakamura, Satoshi -
Master of Ceremonies on Zero Hour from Aug. 1944 to Feb. 1945
Nakashima, Leslie S. -
from Hawaii; was with Domei News Agency, then worked at Radio Tokyo
Nii, Motomu - born in
Hawaii; script rewriter
Noda, George
Okamoto, Shigeru - radio
engineer qualified by Japanese Govt. and worked at Radio Tokyo from
before the war
Oki, Kenkichi - born in
Sacramento, Calif.; attended New York University; became Japanese
citizen in 1940?; supervised "Zero Hour"; per Close: Oki and Mitsushio
"were among the 10,000 Nisei who had returned to Japan because they
could not find work in America. Although they never formally renounced
their U.S. citizenship, both disliked the United States, now considered
themselves Japanese, and openly supported Japan's war efforts."
Oki, Mieko - Kenkichi's
wife, née Furuya
Os(z?)aki, Ray? Roy?
Oshidari, Shinichi -
Nisei musician and skit writer
Ozasa, Teruo - born in
Salt Lake City; moved to Japan in 1940; became a Japanese citizen
because "it was impossible to get a job if you weren't Japanese"; was
sound engineer for Zero Hour
Saisho, Foumy -
Japanese-born but married and then divorced a Nisei; was in charge of
censoring scripts prepared for broadcasting
Sato, Asako -
worked for Domei; said Tokyo Rose was either Suyama, Hayakawa or Toguri
Sawada, Shinnojo
Shimomura, H.
Sugiyama, F. Harris
"Bucky" - staff announcer at Radio Tokyo
Suyama, June - from
British Columbia, Canada; previously known as "The Nightingale of
Nanking"; "the most exciting female personality... top salary of 150
yen"; Toguri recalls "she was the one with the soft, sultry voice but
she mainly did the news"
Tanabe, Yoshitoshi
- radio engineer qualified by Japanese Govt. and worked at Radio Tokyo
from before the war
Tasaki, Hanama - civilian
Japanese interpreter. Per Mark Streeter in They Called Us Traitors:
I was very much surprised to find
out that Tasaki was a very active member of the Japanese underground
who was working for the overthrow of the military clique who were in
control of the Japanese government, and that Major Hifumi was also high
in the underground movement. Tasaki was not content with just telling
me these things but took me to see quite a number of Japanese who were
in the underground movement. They had agents in Naval Headquarters,
Army headquarters, Domei, the Japanese Broadcasting Company, the
Japanese Information Bureau, the foreign office, the Tokyo police
department, and the neighborhood associations, even the Japanese Diet.
The Emperor’s Brother Prince Kuni was in favor of their actions,
however belonging to the Royal family could not be an active
participating member. A former member of the Japanese Diet was now
working in the Bunka offices, as was Maso Takabatake of the foreign
office and others including some Japanese women translators. Bunka was
fast becoming one of the principles working centers of the underground
movement. Tasaki solemnly told me that if any of us were caught it
would mean certain death and for that reason, we had to be doubly
careful, working right under the noses of the military clique.
Togasaki, Kiyoshi
"George" - born in San Francisco and graduated from the University of
California in 1920; per Toguri: "Mr. Togasaki took over the running of
the Zero Hour program from about August of 1944 to about March 1945. He
was connected with the English paper, Nippon Times, offices in Tokyo,
Japan. He is at present English editor for the same paper. I understand
he is a national of Japan, educated in the United States, speaks
English very well." Per Close: Ran the Nippon Times until 1956, was a
Christian who helped missionaries in Japan, and became president of
Rotary International.
Toguri, Ikuko Iva -
employed at Radio Tokyo from Aug. 23, 1943 until Sept. 26, 1945; never
registered as a Japanese citizen, but tried to recover her Japanese
citizenship, then later cancelled that request.
Per Close in Tokyo Rose American
Patriot (2010):
After the war ended, the other women who broadcast and worked for the
Japanese on the dozens of radio programs, including Zero Hour, also
disappeared from public view. So did the many Nisei, male and female,
that Iva met at Domei, Radio Tokyo, and elsewhere in Japan. They were a
sore subject with her because too many sold out their allegiance.
Remembering them elicited from Iva a rare outburst of anger. "I dropped
many of my Nisei friends because they would say, 'Oh, isn't it great!
We're winning the war!' And I said, 'What the hell do you mean? We are
winning? By we, do you mean the Japanese?' Isn't it ironic that these
people came back to the U.S. without any problems as devoted United
States' citizens. They deserted the victorious Japanese and now they're
with the victorious Americans. I just want to spit in their faces. Some
of them had the gall to write me and say how happy they were I had
gotten my pardon and all that baloney-I'd use another expression if I
weren't a lady. It just burns me up. Every one of those monkeys would
say, 'We're winning the war!'"
This bitter complaint represents Iva's hardened attitudes late in her
life. In 1948, she did not condemn her fellow Nisei so universally,
writing, "In December of 1943 there were quite a few Nisei girls who
started to work at Domei and ... I felt it best to ... get away from
the Niseis who were hard to size up in their feelings towards the war.
I had heard that some of them had taken Japanese citizenship and
wondered why I never said anything about becoming a Japanese citizen."
Her assessment of fellow broadcaster Ruth Hayakawa typifies her change
over the decades. In 1987, Iva disparaged Hayakawa as "someone who's
going to make damn sure she's not on the losing side." But in 1948, she
wrote that Ruth "came to see me on the Sunday before I was rearrested
on August 26, 1948. She offered to help in every way possible and she
asked that she be called as my witness should it be necessary to do
so." Hayakawa testified via deposition.
Topping, Genevieve -
known as "Mother"; 83 yrs. old, the wife of an American missionary;
along with Hayakawa and Furuya as the first women broadcasters for
"Humanity Calls"
Tsuneishi, Shigetsugu - Major with Army Propaganda Section at
Radio Tokyo, taking part in psychological warfare against US troops;
"in charge of propaganda and the collection of news and information
regarding the military activities of Americans"; prior to end of the
war referred to Toguri as "Tokyo Rose"
Uno, Kazumaro "Buddy" -
grew up in Salt Lake City, UT; first came to Japan in 1937; was
civilian journalist with Japanese Army in Shanghai; in March 1942 was
on Corregidor to interview captured US GI's; supervised POW
scriptwriters and broadcasters at Bunka Camp; in autumn of 1944 was
transferred to Manila to oversee NHK broadcasts
Watanabe, Hodge (Chujo?)
- "Chujo" is listed in Streeter
Yamaz(s?)aki, Isamu -
Vice-Chief of American Continental Section of Radio Tokyo
Yoshii, Charles "Chuck" -
worked at NHK since 1935 and was called the "Japanese Lord Haw Haw"
Mary Tomita
Book by Tomita, Dear
Miye: Letters Home from Japan, 1939-1946.
Masao Tomita
Interpreter from Pomona, CA, suspect under investigation in Sasebo,
Nov. 30, 1945:

Taihei Tsuda
TSUDA Taihei (Nisei, interpreter) at Tokyo POW Camp #11D, Tsurumi. Was
born in the US in 1906, lived there till 7 yrs. old, in Japan
1913-1925, in US until 1935, in Italy until 1939 then back to US, then
back to Japan in 1940, became interpreter in April 1944 as civilian for

See full IMTFE
trial document T-308.
Harry Ueno (and wife,
From The Asian Reporter, V21,
#09 (May 2, 2011):
Henry spent his childhood in the
shadow of a war between his two countries. A U.S. citizen, he lived in
Japan from 1931 to 1949. While people of Japanese ancestry were
imprisoned in the United States during World War II, in Japan he and
his family were dodging bombs day and night. Two houses belonging to
Henry’s uncles — with whom Henry was staying on both occasions — were
destroyed by incendiary bombs. The aftermath of that war, he says, "was
even worse. There was nothing to eat for two years."
Both Henry and Atami were born in the U.S. — Henry in Pendleton, Oregon
and Atami in Hilo, Hawaii. Atami moved from Hawaii to Japan when she
was 12, but met Henry on a ship travelling from Japan to the United
States in 1949. Atami disembarked in Honolulu, but Henry was headed for
From Henry Ueno Interview at
Densho Digital Archives:
When I was sixteen, the year
1941, I was, I received a letter from district office of city that I
should appear to take a physical, and those days, a lot of my friends
included too, volunteer for the youth military schools and that type of
thing, and I suppose they desperately need soldiers, but they cannot
draft underage people, so they probably direct the young mens for the
different schools, the trainings and that type of thing, and I took a
test and passed the physical. They asked me whether my mother, my
parents were, approved of my joining the service. And I didn't really
expected this because, young, but I start thinking, gee, what to answer
this, you know.
At that time, I knew I was American citizen, but I just stop, think,
and quiet for a while, then I thinking all the situations how my mother
feels, all the relatives. My brothers, the Japanese army, and can I
refuse. That's the biggest fear, can I refuse. If I refuse, tell them I
can't serve, I'm American citizen. Then how they feel, how they'll
treat it, so I didn't answer that questions, and the city people said,
"How come you don't answer all my questions?" Then I have to confide,
you know. Finally, I'm American citizen, so that was it. They cannot
draft me, draft American citizen. And then the day goes on. And about a
few months later, my mother in hometown received from town hall that I
was given Japanese citizenship. I wasn't asked for it, you know.
So anyway, so they could technically draft me, I was dual citizenship, and they
did. But fortunately because of the incident, being American citizen,
war ended just a few days before my induction date. I didn't know
exactly what they're going to do to me because I'm sixteen years old.
They probably send me to youth training center and whatever, but I was
saved by the bell. That was just a terrible things in my situations. My
life is just so complicated, the half brothers and my brothers and all
that type of things.
Fred Uyeminami
Born in Seattle, WA, consultant to Imperial Japanese Navy; " Japan
during the war and is mentioned in several of the US Navy’s technical
reports of Japan after the war... and he is mentioned somewhere in the
public press of the 1930s justifying Japan’s arms and weapons programs."
Kazumaro "Buddy" Uno
NOTE: one of Buddy's brothers --> Edison Tomimaro Uno, "father of
the redress movement"
DOC_0000112821.pdf on p.16 and p.29.
See Tokyo Rose doc rose1b.pdf
(p. 17, heavily redacted; p. 57) re info on Uno being in charge of the
"Hinomaru Hour."
Whole chapter on him, The
Meaning of Loyalty: The Case of Kazumaro Buddy Uno (from Before
internment: essays in prewar Japanese American history by Yûji
From a fellow researcher:
I'm presuming that most
list members are aware of Kazamuro "Buddy" Uno, the
American Nisei who lost his citizenship due to his service in the
Army before Pearl Harbor, and who became a well known figure in the
Army Press Bureau before and during the war.
In 1942, he wrote a book, in English, which was published in Shanghai
by the
Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury - it had been taken over by the
and run as an English language daily in the city. During my research I
interviewed people who recall reading this book in occupied Shanghai.
The text, I believe, is posted on the web. However, I recently viewed a
copy of this book and took digital photos of the pictures in the book.
Should anyone wish to receive copies of these, let me know.
To those who expressed interest in the Corregidor photos taken by
"Buddy" Uno, the American Nisei who joined the Japanese Army Press
Bureau, I
will send them out in a few days.
Several people asked about Kazumaro Uno. He was an American who grew up
Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. He went to Japan in 1938 and spent most
the war in Shanghai, overseeing the Japanese controlled English language
daily, the Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury. He was covered the fall of
Corregidor and on his return to Shanghai wrote his account as a book. He
was sent back to the Philippines in late 1944, and was captured there
the war. After being imprisoned in Manila for a period, he was sent
back to
Japan. He died there in the 1950s. Three of his brothers fought for the
during the war. The rest of his family was interned.
The book is rather scarce. The text can be found on the web at:
Because Uno grew up in America, he was fluent in "American" English and
spoke to many of the men captured on Corregidor. He also spoke to many
the Fourth Marines, who had only a few months before been stationed in
Shanghai, and thus had many friends in that city. Uno brought back many
messages from these Marines to friends and acquaintances in Shanghai
when he
returned to the city in the summer of 1942.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Uno
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 20:58:57 -0500
There were a number of American Nisei who served in the Japanese armed
forces or worked in support roles. The best known was Buddy Uno,
probably because of his presence during the surrender at Corregidor,
and his work with American POWs producing propaganda radio shows.
According to Lt. Col. Shigetsugu Tsuneishi, who was in charge of
Japanese propaganda in English, there were “more than 200 Japanese
Americans were employed by the Japanese government in propaganda
roles.” These included several American Nisei women who collectively
became known among GIs as Tokyo Rose.
Corregidor, Isle of Delusion was published in Shanghai during the war
in an English and Japanese language version. Some time ago I came
across a copy in the Cornell library and I made copies of the photos
and sent them to a number of list members. The text of the book is
available online. I also have it as a Word Document.
There is scattered information about Uno on the internet, some of it
erroneous. (One source claims he did not survive the war, but he did.)
The US Justice Department ruled that by joining the Japanese Army Press
Bureau in 1939 he expatriated himself and thus was not a US citizen at
the time of this alleged treasonous activity. He was captured in the
Philippines and eventually returned to Japan. He died there in the
Hajima Masuda, a graduate of Venice High School, Venice, California,
was a Nisei captured at the end of the war – in Canton, where he had
ties to German intelligence. Jim Katsumi Yoshida was another Nisei who
served with the Japanese army in China. He stated that he knew of
several Nisei who served in the Japanese army. I have documents from
NARA pertaining to both of these men.
Another name which has popped up: Ray Uyeshima (or Ueshima). Don’t have
anything on him but I believe he was from California and worked for the
Japanese in Shanghai.
Another Nisei who was convicted of treason and ended up in Alcatraz was
Tomoya Kawakita. He was a prison guard who was recognized by a former
American POW after the war, while shopping in a Los Angeles department
store. Here are a couple of links pertaining to him:
I am slowly collecting material on Uno, as he is one of the main
focuses of my next project – a nonfiction account of several Americans
in Shanghai before and during the war, including an undercover ONI
Excerpts from Treason on the Airwaves: Three Allied
Broadcasters on Axis Radio during World War II by Judith
Keene (2008):
Frank Wada
Born in California, served as a truck driver for the Japanese army in
Manchuria. After the war, went back to his job as a mining engineer for
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Mentioned in this
Clyde Wakatake
Worked for Domei News Agency in Tokyo, then as a translator under the
Japanese Naval Press Bureau in Shanghai, then later with the War Crimes
Office. See details in this PDF
(courtesy of Frank Baldassarre).
Shigeo Yamada
Yuzuru Tachibana wrote about Yamada in his 1994 book, Teikoku Kaigun shikan ni natta Nikkei Nisei
(A Second-Generation Japanese-American Who Became an Officer of the
Imperial Japanese Navy). Yamada, born in Idaho, was at Keio University
(one of several colleges in Japan accepting American Nisei) when the
war broke out, was drafted and became an officer (ensign) in the
Japanese Navy. He participated in the suicide attack mission to Okinawa
on board the Yahagi as radio
officer, accompanying the battleship Yamato,
and survived after both ships were sunk (April 1945). Yamada later
worked as a salesman for Japan Airlines in the US, later becoming
executive vice president. The book mentions a total of six Nisei who were on the two ships.
Only Yamada survived. Nisei 2nd Lt. Kunio
Nakatani was also among those who died aboard the Yamato; details in the book, Senkan Yamato no Saiki (The Final
Days of Battleship Yamato) or Senkan Yamato to Sengo
(Battleship Yamato and Postwar Period) by Mitsuru Yoshida. A movie was
produced in 1953 (Senkan Yamato)
which also features Nakatani.
Bob Yamanaka
Nisei interpreter who was at Karenko POW Camp, Taiwan; from San
Francisco; parents were evacuated to a relocation center. "...he was so
afraid the Nipponese authorities would think him pro-American..." See PDF of
excerpts from The Hard Way Home by William
George Yamane and sister, Nobuyo
From George Yamane led fight to honor two nisei
veterans (Aug. 7, 2002):
Born in Tacoma on June 11, 1923,
Mr. Yamane moved to Japan at age 13 to take care of his grandmother. He
almost died from sickness because food and drugs were scarce during the
war. His sister Nobuyo saved his life by traveling more than 24 hours
by train to give him fresh eggs to eat, said Jeff Yamane, Mr. Yamane's
second son. He moved back to Washington in 1948 and settled in Seattle,
where he met his wife, Charlotte, at a church function. They married in
1957 and had four sons.
George YAMANE Born June 11, 1923 and died peacefully on July 31, 2002
in Seattle at the age of 79. George was born and raised in Tacoma
until, at age 13, he went to live in Japan to take care of his
grandmother. The most difficult period of his life occurred when World
War II started in 1941. He decided to stay in Japan to continue caring
for his grandmother but, as an U.S. citizen in Japan, he worried about
his family in America and, also, what would happen to him in Japan.
Food and material resources were very scarce and he almost died from
illness. In 1947, he graduated from Tokyo University with a degree in
Civil Engineering. George returned to Seattle in 1948. He was drafted
into the U.S. Army and served in the Korean War in 1951. - See more at:
There is an article on George's sister, Nobuyo: A Nisei Woman in Rural Japan.
Amerasia Journal: 1997, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 183-196. Born in Tacoma,
WA, in 1921, moved to Japan in 1935. Michael Jin has this in his paper:
Mary was an American citizen and
Nobuyo retained her dual citizenship while Frank obtained exclusively
Japanese citizenship to receive graduation certificates from his
elementary school. "The Japanese
police asked me where I would go, but did not detain me because I
looked Japanese," Mary states. However, she continues, "I had to
keep a low profile so my American mannerisms and conspicuous speech
would not be obvious." Her interpersonal conflict was even more
shocking. She suffered from cruel treatment by a Japanese woman for
whom she worked as a maid. “Mrs. Sakai used to lord over me and boast
about how Japan was winning the war and looked down on me as the
enemy.” Nobuyo was actually summoned by the police. "All Nisei living in Japan during the war
were monitored by the police," she recalls. "I received a police
summons once to appear at the Yanai police station.... I was scared
because the
police had great power and was suspicious of the Nisei."
From email received:
The drive was through only partly
repaired roads, rough and nervewracking. Considerable traffic, slowly
moving trucks, and some military vehicles on the highway made progress
very slow. On the way we picked up a young man named Yamashita who was
working as an interpreter. He is one of the Los Angeles "double
citizens" who had returned to Japan before 1941 and had apparently felt
that Japan would be winning the war. He had gotten himself well-fixed
for a post-war job, had Japan in fact been victorious.
Kunimitsu Yamauchi
Nisei interpreter at Fukuoka POW Camp #17, Omuta; renounced US
citizenship in 1942. See Tokyo
War Crimes Trials, Case #29.
Toru, Goro,
and Donald Yempuku (Empuku)
Per article, MIS
Members with Brothers Serving in Japanese Imperial Forces during WWII:
Lieutenant Ralph Yempuku served
as Commander of the 2nd Battalion of Detachment 101, Office of
Strategic Services (OSS) in Burma, and subsequently in Detachment 202
in Kunming, China. Three of his brothers served in the Imperial
Japanese Army.
Yempuku and 17 other Nisei of the 442nd Combat Team were selected to
serve as linguists in the OSS. Yempuku’s unit in Burma consisted of
Americans, British and several thousand Kachin natives of northern
Burma. A Kachin served as Yempuku’s body guard and interpreter and
their language of communication, ironically, was Japanese. When
Detachment 101 disbanded on July 12, 1945, Yempuku joined OSS
Detachment 202 in Kunming, China.
Yempuku had frequently thought of his brothers in Japan. On September
12, 1945 Yempuku was in the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong where he came
close to meeting his brother Donald.
Donald, an interpreter for the
Japanese Army, walked into the hotel with the Japanese surrender
delegation. Donald later told a Nisei interrogator that seeing Ralph in
“enemy uniform was the most trying moment in my life. For a brief
second I felt the urge to call out but I could not allow myself to do
that. I just couldn’t. In my mind the
war was still going on and we were enemies.”
The data does not show that Ralph remained for the surrender
ceremonies. Following the War, fearing that his family had perished
from the atom bomb, Ralph visited Ataka Island near Hiroshima City. He
found his mother and father alive and well as all his brothers, Paul,
Goro, Donald, Joshu, and Toru. Toru,
Goro, and Donald served in the Japanese Army.
Karl Yoneda
Was born in 1906 in Glendale, CA; later lived in Hiroshima; arrested
for radical publication in 1926; drafted into Japanese Army but ran
away and returned to California; joined American Communist Party in
1927; took the name Karl Hama; placed in Manzanar Relocation Center for
a short time; joined with MIS for service in India, Burma and China.
Mary and Alice Yonekura
Interpreters for Occupation Forces in Saga, Kyushu, Japan. Were in
Japan during WWII as well? See this file:
Jim Yoshida
Excerpts from The
Two Worlds of Jim Yoshida (also at Google Books here):
SYNOPSIS: Life is nothing
if not an identity crisis, but few of us have had to face the extreme
paradox that Jim Yoshida did. A great paradox requires a great
affirmation, and Jim fought hard to make it, succeeding outstandingly
finally. Raised in Seattle, a high school football star there, he
travelled to Japan with his family in 1941 to return his father's ashes
and was caught by the outbreak of war. A student of martial arts,
especially Judo, he suddenly found the two dearest sources of his
identity in mortal combat with each other. Drafted into the Japanese
army, he was carried away weeping and shouting for his mother. Thanks
to the harsh treatment of Sergeant Kido, he was not of much use to the
Japanese army and never rose far within it. As it turns out, Kido was
another nisei, looking after him and making sure he drew no suspicion
on the two of them. After the war Yoshida fought long and hard to win
back his American identity, serving more usefully in the Korean War,
and taking the matter to court. He won the backing of the veteran,
Senator Inouye, a significant character reference. The judge simply
ruled that he had been a citizen all along, and thanked him for his
Korean War service.
At the time I was born in
Seattle, the Japanese government laid claim to my allegiance simply
because I was the child of Japanese citizens. The law stated that a
child is a Japanese if his or her father is a Japanese at the time of
his or her birth. This, I learned later, is called the law of jus
sanguinis and is practiced by many countries. In 1924, three years
after I was born, Japan changed its citizenship laws, largely at the
request of Japanese residents of the United States who foresaw
complications. The new law stated that a child born of Japanese parents
in the United States, Canada and many South American countries no
longer would be considered a Japanese subject unless the parents
indicated within fourteen days their intention of claiming Japanese
citizenship for the child. This meant a child was no longer
automatically Japanese. It required a positive act to claim Japanese
citizenship. The law also provided that those born prior to 1924, and
who consequently possessed dual citizenship, could cancel their
Japanese citizenship by filing formal papers. My parents had neglected
to do this. Apparently it was just a lot of red tape they didn't
understand. And so even though I had known nothing about it, I was
legally both Japanese and American. (pp. 59~60)
A few days after the examination I received a red card in the mail. It
stated that I had passed my examination and that I was to report to the
42nd Division in Yamaguchi City on the first Sunday of February, 1943.
The notice was not unexpected. In fact, even though I dreaded the
thought of serving in the Japanese Army-what would I do if I were sent
to the South Pacific to fight the Americans?-it was almost a relief to
be called and get the suspense over with. (p. 60)
I recalled a New Year's celebration in Seattle when I was only fourteen
years old. Dad made it a custom of drinking a toast to the Emperor,
shouting three loud banzai's for his long life and good health.
There was nothing political about it. It was just Dad's way of paying
his respects to an institution that he had been taught to revere and
respect. All of us children were expected to take part in the rite,
performed in front of a portrait of Emperor Hirohito, but for some
reason I had refused on that morning. Perhaps it was teen-age
rebellion. Perhaps I was simply expressing my independence. At any
rate, I stubbornly shouted that the Emperor meant nothing to me and
refused to join in the toast. (p. 61)
"You are still stubborn. I worry about you very much. You must remember
that this is Japan, not America, and you are powerless. You must do
what you are told to do. In a few weeks you will be in the Army. in the
service of the Emperor whether you like it or not. The important thing
is that you come back sound of mind and body. It is all very well to
stand on principle, as you did back in Seattle on that New Year's Day
so long ago, but principle will not mean a thing if you are imprisoned,
or perhaps executed, for insubordination. Remember, the military knows
no law. To die in battle is one thing. but it is another matter to
bring shame to the Yoshida name. I know you will have a very difficult
time in the Army. but you can endure anything if you make up your mind
to do so. You have an excellent constitution, toughened and disciplined
by football and judo. Your body will serve you well if you will only
toughen your mind and spirit in the same manner. And don't worry about
your mother and sisters. They will be all right. You will be in our
thoughts always. Son, take good care of yourself."
This is the gist of what she said and I think I quote her accurately.
There was still a communications barrier between us through the fact
that her English was halting and my Japanese only rudimentary. We could
talk easily about the ordinary, everyday, housekeeping type matters.
But when it came to discussing philosophical and moral concepts like
honor and responsibility, I could only guess at the meaning of her
words. Mom was not accustomed to revealing her feelings, so I knew she
spoke from the heart, and I sensed rather than understood the precise
import of what she said that day.
I had many occasions to think about her admonitions. What did she mean
by the importance of not bringing shame to the Yoshida name? How did
she expect me to behave? As an American? As a Japanese? Honor meant as
much in the United States as it did in Japan, I knew.
These thoughts always ended up with the question as to what I would do
if by some great misfortune I should meet, face to face, friends like
Pete and Mud and Joe on the field of battle. They were almost like
brothers. They would be in American uniforms, serving their country. I
would be in Japanese uniform through circumstances beyond my control.
Would they shoot me? Would I shoot them? Would I shoot other Americans
who were simply nameless boys like those I had played football
againstand with? I had no answers except this: If I met Pete and Mud
and Joe, I could not hurt them. I would let them kill me before I
pointed a weapon in their direction and pulled the trigger. Of this I
had no doubt whatever. (pp. 62~63)
Re his citizenship restored:
Judge Wiig rendered his
"decision" nearly two months later, on December 4, 1953. He reviewed
the case in a fivepage document which was delivered, most
undramatically, through the mail. Miho summoned me to his office and we
went through the decision together. The news I had been waiting for was
contained in two totally unemotional sentences:
"The defendant offered no evidence proving expatriation, and has failed
to rebut the presumption that plaintiff's service in the Japanese Army
was involuntary... It is the opinion of the Court that plaintiff's
conscription into the Japanese Army under the circumstances of this
case was not his free and voluntary act within the meaning of Section
401 (c) of the Nationality Act of 1940 and that his service in the
Japanese Army did not cause him to lose his status as a national of the
United States."...
On April 16, 1954, Judge Wiig took the most unusual step of assembling
all parties to Civil Suit No. 1257 in his court· room to hear his
"judgment." With Mr. Miho at my side, I stood to hear Judge Wiig intone
the unforgettable words:
"Now, therefore, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed as follows: That
the plaintiff Katsumi Yoshida was born at Seattle, Washington, on July
28, 1921, of parents born in Japan. At all times since his birth,
plaintiff has been and he now is a national and a citizen of the United
States of America with all the rights, privileges and immunities of
such a citizen. The plaintiff, Katsumi Yoshida, did not lose his United
States citizenship by virtue of or because of his service in the
Japanese Army from February, 1943, to July, 1946." (p. 253)
Good article, Jim Yoshida's Strange, Strange Story of
Divided Patriotism from Black
Belt magazine, May 1974.
Asian American
Autobiographers: A Bio-bibliographical Critical Sourcebook has
piece on Jim
Also mentioned in ?
??????????????????????????, chap. 2 (Americans who became soldiers of Japanese
military - Nisei who fought against their motherland).
Assorted Notes
Nisei mentioned in Our
House Divided by Tomi Knaefler (1991):
Fumiye Miho p. 36~
Asami kids - Kinichi and Jane p. 49~; Harold - died on Asama Maru;
Morris and Alice
Muriel Chiyo Tanaka p. 60~
Isamu Shimogawa (POW) p. 63~
Yempuku kids - Toru p. 78~; Goro p. 79~; Paul p. 81~; Donald p.85~
Florence Honda p. 85
Albert Miyasato p. 97~
Robert Fujiwara p. 107~
Kazuyuki Yamamoto, an Issei, with good comments p. 115~
Nisei who lost citizenship due to their voting in elections in 1946 and
1947; later citizenship restored via court cases (p. 370, 372); from
Bamboo People by Frank Chuman (1976):
Etsuko Arikawa
Miyoko Tsunashima
Hatsuye Ouye
Haruko Furuno
Haruko Kai
Harumi Seki
Fumi Rokui
Fujiko Furusho
Akio Kuwabara
Hichino Uyeno
Kikukuro Okumura (Okamura?) - or is this the Kiyokura Okimura below??
Teruo Naito
Minoru Furuno
Fusae Yamamoto
Hisao Murata
Yukio Yamamoto
p. 281~
William Ishikawa
Noboru Kato
Paul Nobuo Tatsuguchi? p. 266
Names of men from Chapter 2:
Ben Saito - hit by friendly fire
Henry Yasuda
Mike Iwasaki - kamikaze pilot
NOTE: Names can be looked
up in Japanese
American history: an A-to-Z reference from 1868 to the present.
Mentioned in Nisei POW on Saipan:
ISHIDA, Charles - Age about 35,
from State of Washington. Broadcaster for Radio Tokyo.
KUWABARA, Mitsugi - From Alberta, Canada. Radio monitor on Saipan,
March-July 1944.
NAKANO, Aiko - From Arizona. Worked for "Japan Times."
NAKASHIMA, Miss ? - From Canada. Radio monitor in Japanese War Ministry.
SATO, Minoru - From B.C., Canada. Radio monitor on Saipan (March-July
SHIMOGAWA, Isamu - From Hawaii. Radio monitor on Saipan, (March-July
SHIRAKAWA, Takeshi - From B.C., Canada. Radio monitor on Saipan
(March-July 1944).
SUYAMA, Miss ? - Canadian. About 27. Broadcaster for Radio Tokyo.
From Nisei
Linguists (McNaughton, GPO, 2007):
Some Nisei who had served in the
Japanese Army in the 1930s subsequently returned to the United States,
even though foreign military service cost them their U.S. citizenship.
One was Terry Takeshi Doi, who regained his U.S. citizenship
and earned the Silver Star as an interpreter with the 3d Marine
Division on Iwo Jima. John Weckerling, “Japanese Americans Play Vital
Role in United States Intelligence Service in World War II ” (1946),
first printed in Hokubei Mainichi, 27 Oct–5 Nov 71, reprinted as a
pamphlet. Harrington, Yankee Samurai, p. 276. Another was Karl
Yoneda, who was born in California and sent to Japan, where he was
conscripted into the Japanese Army. In 1927 he escaped and returned to
America. He volunteered for the MIS and later served in
See Roger Mansell's file (guam war trials.wpd)
re these men:
Worst collaborator was Shinohara,
Ben Cook and A Ozone. (Who was Ozone?)
All agreed the worst collaborators were T. Shinohara, Mrs. K. Sawada,
J. K. Shimizu and D. K. Takano.
Thomas Cruz Oka - charges of collaboration dismissed.
Nisei aboard the Yamato
battleship; mentioned in A Glorious Way to Die: The Kamikaze
Mission of the Battleship Yamato by Russell Spurr (2010):
Kunio Nakatani (Sacramento, CA), Kuramoto (from Santa Monica, CA), Shigeo Yamada (Idaho).
Bozo Wakabayashi, baseball player -- see this
book by Fitts.
Mary Muroya Yamagata in Manchuria -- this
Fumio Kido -- lots of refs here
Nisei born and raised in Pasadena, CA, until going to Japan in 1936,
later serving in Japanese Navy as an ensign; interesting comments re
communication problems with Japanese language (PDF
P/W 1458
Because there has been considerable discussion of the issue of loyalty
of persons of so-called "dual citizenship" in the present war, this report
of interrogation of an American-born Japanese P/W, who volunteered
to serve as a radio monitor in Japan, is being reproduced. P/W was captured
9 July 1944 on Saipan and interrogated in the U.S.A. 31 March 1945.
Information given is considered truthful on civil matters but
unreliable as regards military.
Opinion of U.S. Broadcasts. Evaluation of Japanese Medical Services.
Temporary Workers. Uniforms Worn by Radio Monitors. Pay of Radio
Monitors. Pay of Regular Army Men in Overseas Service.
See here for the rest of the report: Nisei POW.
Is this the same??
Just posted this about a Nisei who worked for the IJN
as a radio monitor and interpreter on I-8. Sad sad story he relates. I
wonder what became of him, and other Nisei like him.
I imagine SCAP hired him after the war... with immunity. Like a bunch
of other guys.
This site bring up the story:
And his name is on a memorial thing here:
Nisei in Japan
of Japan: a study in rapist diplomacy by Violet Sweet
Haven (1944):
A number of leading American-born
Japanese in . responsible government positions co-operated in the
development of the ... Japanese figures show that in
1937 there were 50,000 American citizens of Japanese
ancestry residing in Japan. ...
In May 1937 Japan was campaigning to induce some 50,000 American-born
Japanese to return to the US per McClatchy:
war: white supremacy and the Japanese attack on the British ... - Page
131 - by Gerald
Horne (2004)
15 Caught up in the frenzy of
distaste for white supremacy, one Japanese general inquired,
"Why should the United ... that "over 50000 boys and
girls... returned" to Japan proper.22 A few months later, "75
American- born youths of ...
re Nisei in J-military here in Michele Malkin's book - 1,648
(official J-Govt figure) or as high as 7,000; these figures from John
J. Stephan, "Hijacked by Utopia: American Nikkei in Manchuria" and his
book, Hawaii Under the Rising Sun.
From Nisei
Linguists (PDF), with footnotes:
As war approached, many Americans
became increasingly suspicious of the loyalty of the Nisei regardless
of the evidence of assimilation of American values. Many white
Americans found support for their suspicions in the tangle of U.S. and
Japanese laws that left many Nisei with dual citizenship, claiming this
as proof of loyalty to the emperor. The truth was more complicated.
Until 1924 Japan automatically extended citizenship to children born
abroad of Japanese nationals. After 1924 the parents had to register
their children with the local consulate for Japanese citizenship. Many
Issei, denied U.S. citizenship themselves, took this simple step for
their children. Realizing that their antagonists could use dual
citizenship as propaganda, Nisei leaders seized the issue as yet
another way to demonstrate their loyalty. They encouraged and assisted
Nisei to file with Japanese consulates the necessary paperwork to
revoke their Japanese citizenships. Nevertheless, the War Department
was sufficiently concerned about the issue that in the spring of 1941
the Military Intelligence Division (MID) recommended that Congress
allow individuals to clarify their status simply by swearing an oath of
allegiance to the United States in naturalization court.22
Moreover, some suspected that Japan was conscripting American-born
Nisei to serve in the Imperial Japanese Army. In 1940 Senator Guy M.
Gillette (D-Iowa) even charged that Japan was conscripting Nisei for
espionage, which the JACL vigorously protested. Nisei visiting Japan in
the 1930s indeed risked conscription while in Japan, but there is no
evidence that Nisei in Hawaii or on the mainland were being
conscripted. Nevertheless, this accusation circulated widely.23
For the U.S. government and most white Americans, Nisei loyalty
remained an open question. In the autumn of 1941 the White House
secretly dispatched an investigator to make an independent assessment
of the “Japanese problem.” After conferring with Army and Navy
intelligence and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Curtis B. Munson
reported that the Nisei were “approximately ninety-eight percent
loyal.” “The Nisei,” he concluded, “are pathetically eager to show this
loyalty. They are not Japanese in culture. They are foreigners to
Japan.” 24
Another aspect of the Nisei culture that raised suspicion was their
Japanese language schools. Like other immigrants, Issei parents set up
private language schools so their children could learn something of the
Japanese language and culture. Typically these schools held classes one
hour each afternoon after the public schools let out, as well as on
Saturday mornings. Caucasian Americans pointed to these schools as one
more example of how even the children of Japanese immigrants were being
indoctrinated into Japanese culture and loyalty to the emperor.25 In
fact, these schools did little to inculcate Japanese values in the
Nisei and even less in teaching the language. For most Nisei it
reinforced their sense of.....
22 Frank F. Chuman, The Bamboo People: The Law and Japanese Americans
(Chicago: Japanese American Citizens League, 1981), pp. 167–68; Murphy,
Ambassadors in Arms, pp. 17–24; “Dual Citizenship,” in Encyclopedia of
Japanese American History, rev. ed., ed. Brian Niiya, (New York: Facts
on File, 2001); Okihiro, Cane Fires, pp. 201–04; Tamura,
Americanization, Acculturation, and Ethnic Identity, pp. 84–88. For War
Department memos on the issue of dual citizenship in 1941, see
Security-Class Gen Corresp, 1926–1946, Far Eastern Br, Ofc of the Dir
of Intel G–2, RG 165, NARA. To avoid complications, some Nisei
renounced their Japanese citizenship before they traveled to Japan.
Richard Sakakida’s mother did this in the summer of 1941 on behalf of
her son after he secretly enlisted in the Army and was sent to the
Philippines. Richard Sakakida and Wayne S. Kiyosaki, A Spy in Their
Midst (Lanham, Md.: Madison Books, 1995), pp. 137–38.
23 Pacific Citizen, Jan 41, p. 1. For a discussion of Nisei serving in
the Japanese Army before the war, see John J. Stephan, Hawaii under the
Rising Sun: Japan’s Plans for Conquest after Pearl Harbor (Honolulu:
University of Hawaii Press, 1984), pp. 35–37, 44; and John J. Stephan,
“Hijacked by Utopia: American Nikkei in Manchuria,” Amerasia Journal
23, no. 3 (Winter 1997–1998): 23–24, note 168.
During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905, a number of Issei returned
home from Hawaii to serve in the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy, which
may have been the source of white American concerns in 1940–1941. See
Stephan, Hawaii under the Rising Sun, p. 15; Franklin Odo and Kazuko
Sinoto, A Pictorial History of the Japanese in Hawaii, 1885–1924
(Honolulu: Bishop Museum, 1985), p. 206.
For the autobiography of a California-born Nisei who was conscripted
into the Japanese Army, see Iwao Peter Sano, One Thousand Days in
Siberia: The Odyssey of a Japanese-American POW (Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1997). Some Nisei who had served in the Japanese Army
in the 1930s subsequently returned to the United States, even though
foreign military service cost them their U.S. citizenship. One was
Terry Takeshi Doi, who regained his U.S. citizenship and earned the
Silver Star as an interpreter with the 3d Marine Division on Iwo Jima.
John Weckerling, “Japanese Americans Play Vital Role in United States
Intelligence Service in World War II ” (1946), first printed in Hokubei
Mainichi, 27 Oct–5 Nov 71, reprinted as a pamphlet. Harrington, Yankee
Samurai, p. 276. Another was Karl Yoneda, who was born in California
and sent to Japan, where he was conscripted into the Japanese Army. In
1927 he escaped and returned to America. He volunteered for the MIS and
later served in China-Burma-India.
24 Murphy, Ambassadors in Arms, pp. 31–32; Greg Robinson, By Order of
the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001), pp. 65–72.
25 “Japanese-language Schools,” in Encyclopedia of Japanese American
History; Murphy, Ambassadors in Arms, pp. 8–11; Okihiro, Cane Fires,
pp. 153–56; Toyotomi Morimoto, Japanese Americans and Cultural
Continuity: Maintaining Language and Heritage (New York: Garland, 1997).
The National Defense Migration
Hearings (excerpts in this PDF)
mentions the 50,000 in a few places (figure first appears early 1937
Another Japanese organizational activity which is
worth noting is the Kibei Shimin movement. The Kibei Shimin
movement was sponsored by Japanese Association of America and had as
its policy the encouragement of the return to America from Japan of
American-born Japanese. At the time the movement commenced it was
ascertained that there were around 50,000 American-born Japanese in
Japan. The Japanese Association of America sent representatives to
Japan to confer with prefectural officials on the problems of financing
and transportation, and a policy of publicity to induce these Japanese
to return to America. The Japanese Association of America also arranged
with the steamship companies for special rates for groups of 10 or more
returning to America and requested all Japanese associations to secure
employment for returning American-born Japanese. In addition, they
printed leaflets and sponsored lectures throughout Japan to urge
American-born Japanese to return to this country. That this campaign
was successful in securing the return of a large number of
American-born Japanese is apparent.
Likewise, through the years there have been what are known as Kibei
Shimin, meaning those who are the sons or daughters of a United States
citizen, one who was born in the United States of Japanese forebears
who have returned to Japan. There are instances where, if the parent
was a United States citizen, even if they were born in Japan, they
would be entitled, under our immigration laws, to be considered as a
citizen of the United States, provided before reaching the age of 18
they have come here, probably at the age of 14, to be educated and
continue forth and declare themselves a United States citizen.
In this group there are many thousands. The exact number we are not in
a position to say. But we do know, according to the Japan foreign
office announcement, that there were about 50,000 of these Kibei
Shimin. Many thousands of them returned to the State of California
and to Hawaii and there they became a part of and partially responsible
for the conditions that existed at the time that the 1924 Exclusion Act
was passed. Those particular individuals, being foreign in ideas and
background and purposes and so forth, have created a very bad situation
so far as the native-born American-Japanese citizen is concerned, who
was born here and educated here, because by their actions and conduct
they have indicated their lack of loyalty to this country. There may be
Japanese who are loyal to this country, yet there is no way of proving
that loyalty.
The Japan Foreign Office has recently urged the
return of 50,000 "Kibei Shimin," now in Japan, to California
and other Pacific coast States, where their American citizenship can be
of most service. The Japanese Association of America is promoting the
movement. "Kibei Shimin" are Japanese born in the United States and
sent back in early childhood to Japan and there trained through youth
to maturity in the duties and loyalty of Japanese citizenship. "Kibei
Shimin" are received without question into full membership by the
Japanese American Citizens' League. (Osaka Mainichi, March 19, 1937. C.
J. I. C. Doc. No. 506.)
Many American-born children are sent to Japan in
early childhood for education, and when they return are practically
alien Japanese, frequently speaking no English. There were about
50,000 of these Kibei Shimin in Japan until recently, when the
passage of the 1940 American nationality law, presuming
expatriation of those who have been in the country of their parents for
more than 6 months was passed. To avoid losing their American
citizenship under this law many of them are scurrying back before the
deadline in the middle of July. After that time they will be in grave
danger of losing it.
The following facts in connection with the California
situation are of interest: The Japanese American Citizens League, a
powerful organization with approximately 50 chapters in the Paeific
States, has for its main proclaimed purpose the training of
American-born Japanese so that they may properly discharge their
obligations as American citizens. The league admits to membership
without question, however, all Japanese born under our flag, many if
not most of whom, it would seem, still retain Japanese citiz.enship. It
even admits the Kibei Shimin, Japanese born here and sent in early
childhood to Japan and there brought up to manhood and womanhood as
Japanese citizens. They are, to all intents and purposes when they
return here, alien Japanese immigrants who have the privileges of
American citizenship. Japanese authorities place the total number
of Kibei Shimin at between 40,000 and 50,000 and say they are
returning now at the rate of 1,000 per year. The Japanese
Association of America is planning to bring back at once to California
all the Kibei Shimin still in Japan who will come.
DeWitt in his Final
Report has this, cutting the figure down by 30,000, which agrees
with the Zaibei Nihonjinshi in 1940:
The Kibei Shimin movement was sponsored by the
Japanese Association of America. Its objective for many years had been
to encourage the return to America from Japan of American-born
Japanese. When the movement started it was ascertained that there were about
20,000 American-born Japanese in Japan. The Japanese Association of
America sent representatives to Japan to confer with Prefectural
officials on the problems of financing and transportation. The
Association also arranged with steamship companies for special rates
for groups of ten or more so returning, and requested all Japanese
associations to secure employment for returning American-born Japanese.
During 1941 alone more than 1,573 American-born Japanese
entered West Coast ports from Japan. Over 1,147 Issei, or alien
Japanese, re-entered the United States from Japan during that year.
At the end of the war, a census conducted by the US Consulate in
Yokohama showed that there were 15,000 Nisei residing in Japan. For
more information on the Kibei, see this WRA article, Japanese Americans educated in Japan: The
From Report on Japanese Activities:
Investigation has revealed that a
number of Nisei (first generation American-born Japanese) have returned
to Japan at the insistence of these Japanese military and naval
organizations to serve in the Japanese Army.
In the Japanese magazine Japan-to-America (Japan and America) edited in
the United States but printed in Japan and sent to the United States
for distribution, in the issue of January 1941, is an article stating:
In view of the latest
Japanese-American relations and in anticipation of the enactment of the
peacetime conscription law in America, many Japanese parents, fearing
their sons' pointing guns against their parents' country, have sent
their sons back to Japan, where available manpower is sorely needed.
Rishin Nakamura, second son of Nazaemon Nakamura, of San Francisco,
Calif., was made a sub-lieutenant in the Japanese Army Medical Corps
after graduating from the Showa Medical School in Tokyo. Donald Seichi
Murata went to the army in January 1941. He is a graduate of Waseda
University in Tokyo and was a radio announcer in the international
department of the Japanese Broadcasting Society of Tokyo. He is the
third son of Ryuichi Murata, principal of the Manao Japanese Language
School in Honolulu, Hawaii.
In Los Angeles several months ago some Nisei applied for United States
passports so that they could return to Japan. They stated they had been
called up to serve in the Japanese Army. When they were informed that
American passports were no longer issued for travel to Japan, they
remarked that they were going to Japan, passport or no passport, and
were going to serve in the Japanese Army even if it meant the loss of
their American citizenship. These are probably not the only instances
of such feelings on the part of the Nisei in the United States.
From the National
Japanese American Veterans Council, George Yoshinaga relates right
at the end of the war his conversation with two Nisei in Okayama,
Japan, who had repatriated from Tule Lake:
George Yoshinaga
As the troop ship S.S. Pennant slowly docked at the port in Yokohama
about three weeks after peace in the Pacific War was declared, I stood
on the top deck of the vessel and peered down at the Japanese men
working on the wharf and thought to myself, "I finally made it. I'm
finally going to set foot on Japanese soil."
These thoughts crossed my mind because who would have imagined when I
was growing up that a war would make it possible for me to finally
enter the country where my immigrant parents originated from.
A fellow GI, a Caucasian youth spit towards the men below.
One of the Japanese men glared up and bellowed "bakayaro."
Of course, the GI didn't know what the man was saying so he laughed and
waved at him.
I moved away and grabbed my equipment to prepare to disembark from the
vessel. We were loaded into a truck and we rumbled away from the pier.
None of us knew where we were going. There were a dozen other Nisei in
the group, all of us members of the U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence-Corp.
When we arrived at our destination, we learned that we were at Camp
Zama about thirty miles from Tokyo.
En route, I was amazed at the sight which we witnessed from the back of
the truck. People, men, women and children were wandering along the
road aimlessly with the bombed out wreckage of the city as the
At Zama we were moved into tents because there were no buildings large
enough to hold the troops.
And, we still had to dine on C and K rations since there were no mess
halls set up to feed the troops.
Our stay was short, however, as each of us were assigned to units
throughout Japan. Two other Nisei and I were ordered to Okayama in
Central Japan.
Living conditions were better there since the Army took over houses
belonging to the Japanese because as members of the CIC we did not have
to live at the military housing set up by the Army.
As CIC personnel, our work was vastly different from those of the
regular GIs who were members of infantry units whose main job was to
maintain law and order in the area.
Using our Japanese language skills, we were assigned to interrogate
former Japanese military officers in an effort to take into custody
those who were considered to be on the "wanted list" by the U.S. Army.
On one assignment we took into custody a high ranking naval officer who
was alleged to have been part of the Pearl Harbor attack. We turned him
over to the proper Occupation Forces department in Osaka.
While the Nisei had official duties as members of the Occupation
Forces, there are two experiences that I, and other Nisei in the
military, encountered that is a story which has never been told but we
encountered while stationed in Japan. The first was the face-to-face
encounters with the native Japanese.
We quickly learned that almost all of the native Japanese were
completely ignorant about Japanese Americans.
Their confusion about Japanese Americans was compounded by the fact
that we were serving in the U.S. Military as part of the Occupation
As I moved around on my official duties, the most frequently asked
question was "ana ta was Nihonjin desuka?" (Are you really Japanese.)
When I explained that my parents immigrated to America and I was born
there, therefore I was classified as an American, they seemed just as
Some comprehended my explanation but many were befuddled.
When told of my parents were from Japan, the next question usually was,
(in Japanese of course) "where in Japan did they live before going to
"Kumamoto," I would tell all of them.
During these give and take discussions, the tension between us seem to
lighten considerably.
Some of the Japanese even invited me to come to their home and have
dinner. It was an invitation I did not accept but in retrospect,
regretted that I didn't because it would have been an educational
experience for me to learn about the Japanese and what their lives were
like during the height of the Pacific War.
Of course, during my seven month tour of duty in Japan I did become
friends with a few Japanese but most were hired by the Occupation
Forces to work with us in various capacities.
The other experience which I encountered but which was equally veiled
in mystery involves those Japanese Americans who repatriated to Japan
during the war, most from Tule Lake which was converted from a
relocation camp into a segregation center for those desiring to go to
I spotted two of them while riding in my jeep in downtown Okayama. They
were easy to distinguish from the native Japanese simply by the way
they were dressed. They wore their flannel plaid shirt and blue jeans
and leather boots, the style of clothing most of us wore when we were
in camp before entering the U.S. Army.
Initially, I was hesitant about making contact with them because I did
not know what their reaction would be in meeting a follow Nisei in an
Army uniform. About the third time I saw them on the street, I stopped
my jeep and said, "hey guys, what going on?"
They were surprised that I addressed them in English.
"How come you didn't speak Japanese to us," one of them responded. "How
did you know we were not Japanese Japanese?"
I explained about their clothing.
We laughed about it "Yeah, these were the only clothes we brought
During the conversation, I learned that life was tough for the
repatriates because life condition in Japan was terrible and it was
tough to adjust to things like food shortages land poor housing because
of the damage inflicted by U.S. Air Force bombing raids.
Both of the fellows I talked to said they were 17 years old.
"If we knew what it was going to be like, we would probably have
refused to repatriate and part with our Issei parents who were
determined to return to Japan."
"We hope that we can return to America one day," they both lamented.
I also learned that one of the determining factors in their families to
repatriate was that everyone seem to agree that Japan was going to win
the war and life would be better for Japanese Americans in Japan.
"Man, that was a lot of crock," one of them said.
In an effort to lift their morale, I said "well since both of your were
minors when you left Tule Lake, when all the turmoil is settled, it may
become possible to return because, after all, you are still U.S.
citizens and were too young to have made the decision that your parents
made for you."
"Do you really think so?" they said in unison.
I explained that I had heard something about this from some
knowledgeable people. "Man, I hope you're right."
I told them that my sister repatriated from Tule and was living in
Kumamoto and her son, (my cousin) was trying to volunteer to join the
U.S. Army and that things were going pretty well.
They both looked at each other and said, "hey, maybe when we turn 18 we
might try to go that route."
We then parted company. As I drove away from them I looked in the rear
view mirror and saw them smiling and waving goodbye.
To this day, I wonder if they ever did make it back to the good old
And this is the story about the Nisei and the Occupation of Japan that
should be told to the Japanese Americans who might have wondered
happened to all those who gave up on America and journeyed across the
Pacific to a land they had never seen before.
From The Nisei Coming to Japan
(by ????, year ????):
In 1934, Foreign Minister Koki
Hirota delivered a speech to the members of the cabinet and the several
hundred industrial leaders of Japan, seeking their support for Nisei
education in Tokyo and the establishment of an educational institution
to prepare the Nisei with the prerequisites necessary for entering a
recognized college in Japan. Hirota stated, “it is the policy of the
government to look after the welfare of our countrymen’s education
whether they are abroad or at home in the light of the relation of our
nation to the other countries and the effect bearing upon our foreign
relationship.” He continued as follows:
Second generation Japanese born
on a foreign soil and who [have] never seen Japan are often in a
position where they may lose their affection for their parents through
the difference in environment and culture and that of their parents’
education or the difference in language. Added to this, oppression by
the people of that country may cause the individual to lose his
self-respect... I suggest that the second generation Japanese be given
an opportunity to visit our country, obtain a supplementary or
intermediate education to fit the needs of the individual, to come [in]
direct contact with the spirit of Japan, to realize the true value of
Japan and the Japanese race.
Hirota explained that the Japanese government had always taken into
consideration the social and economic condition of the country in which
Japanese resided. They were spreading forth the Japanese culture in
order that “they [might] be good Japanese subjects or faithful citizens
of their adopted country—that they [might] well contribute to the
culture of the world as the tie that binds the friendship bonds between
the two nations.” ( Rafu Shimpo,
February 25, 1934) Hirota extended the Japanese race to include the
Nisei. The practical purpose behind the Japanese government’s aid was
helped by the political climate of the time. In addition to the
developments in the transportation system, Japan’s secession from the
League of Nations demanded a stable bi-national foreign policy. As one
response to this situation, it is likely that as one of many sources
the Nisei were expected to contribute as go-betweens of Japan and the
In general, the parents who sent their children to study in Japan seem
to have counted on their Japan-educated Nisei to fall back on when
their careers in the U.S. ended in failure or in anticipation of
returning to Japan. At the same time, being able to send their children
to college in Tokyo was probably a proud achievement for most
parent(s), and hence had some driving force in sending their children
to Japan. Also, the Issei were seeking a realistic way to narrow the
linguistic and cultural as well as generational gap between themselves
and their children.
Japan at Its Zenith: The Wartime Celebration of the Empires 2,600th
Anniversary by Kenneth J. Ruoff (2010)
Remarks re Nisei: Kumamoto
p169 and Murokuma p170
Nisei interpreters at Omuta and Yahata POW camps?
Mentioned by Terrence Kirk:
Maybe this interpreter:
23 June 2008 · 10:04 pm
My sociolinguistics professor in grad school once opined that
the best place to learn a foreign language was in a foreign prison. I
assume he was thinking of the advantages of a complete immersion
environment, total
physical response methodology, and very rigorous incentive
He must have been at least half serious, because he later
applied for a grant to fund an audacious experiment to see what innate
linguistic structures might emerge in an isolated, silently
administered camp whose workers were recruited in equal numbers from
communities speaking languages of a full range of word-order
typologies and in minimal prior contact with typologically
different languages. I believe the granting agency’s Committee on Human
Experimentation nixed the proposal, for reasons one can well understand.
What makes me recall this is the abundance of fascinating bits
of data about foreign language learning in prison that I’ve been
finding in one of the books I’m currently reading, First
into Nagasaki: The Censored Eyewitness Dispatches on Post-Atomic
Japan and Its Prisoners of War, by George
Weller (1907-2002), ed. by Anthony Weller (Three Rivers, 2006).
Here are some of the insights of the reporter and the prisoners
themselves, arranged under a few general headings.
Incentive Structure
Tervald Thorpson (Wadena, Iowa): “I managed to go a
whole year without being beaten. Americans worked hard in the mine, but
some had difficulty learning Japanese, and misunderstanding commands
got them beatings.” (p. 97)
Sergeant Robert Aldrich (Capitan, New Mexico): “I
was in the mine ever since it opened, but I was more fortunate than
most because I learned Japanese, thus avoiding beatings due to
misunderstanding.” (p. 101)
Oscar Otero of Los Lunas, a husky New Mexican
captured on Bataan, learned Japanese by being chauffeur to a colonel.
By refusing to allow him to talk any Filipino [?], the Japanese
furnished the coal mine prisoners with their ablest unofficial
interpreter. (p. 88)
Bilingual Assistants
Dark-skinned Junius Navardos (Los Angeles):
“Pressure in the mine caused me to pass out once while working. When I
came around in the hospital I found myself with burned patches all over
my skin. The boys told me that the burns had been made by an American-educated interpreter,
Yamamuchi [Yamaguchi], whom we called Riverside because he was
brought up there. Asked whether he had done the burning, the
interpreter told the doctor, ‘Yes, I did this, because I thought he was
Leland Sims (Smackover, Arkansas): “Many guards
could speak English. One
who we called Long Beach, because he was educated there, caught
me smoking and said, ‘It’s all right with me, but don’t let the other
guards catch you.’” (p. 96)
Japanese for Special Purposes
Corporal James Brock (Taft, Texas): “I was most
often overworked by a boss we called Shitbird, usually with a hammer
handle or a mairugi—that’s a small timber [?? maruki
'round wood = log'?]. He hit everybody who passed him, whether you
belonged to his shift or not. I’m sorry he’s disappeared since the camp
was liberated.” (p. 86)
Henry Sublett of Cisco, Texas, a Marine captured on
Corregidor: “I was down with pneumonia and worked in the mine both
after and before. Our first Buntai Joe [??? buntaich? 'squad
leader'], or overseer, used to be drunk all the time and beat me every
day for my first three months. He always used to the day start off with
a few savas [???? = s?bisu 'freebie']—meaning
‘gifts’—of blows.” (p. 88)
Runge, captured at Singapore, was “an old Aussie,” which
means he arrived at the Mitsui camp and entered the coal mine in June
1944, joining the Bataan and Corregidor Americans who had already been
toiling for nearly a year underground. By February 1945 Runge was
instructing “new Aussies” in the use of a jackhammer. He was showing F.
R. Willis and Robert Tideswell how to chip rock, the whole party being
under an overman named Katu-san [prob. Kat?], when three cars carrying
coal ran off the rails, causing Katu-san’s temper to do likewise.
Saying “Dummy, dummy, that’s no good,” the Japanese promised that he
would report Runge for haitis savis [?????? heitai s?bisu
'soldier freebie'], meaning “military gifts”—that is, a beating. (p.
The idea of the camp administrator, Captain Yuri, was that a
prisoner’s main and only job was to dig coal for the Japanese, and his
only reward for twelve hours’ daily labor should be his salary of
three-quarters of a cent daily, plus a yassamai [?? yasumi
'rest'] or rest day every ten days or so. (p. 108)
With the arrival by train from Nagasaki of the first
Army-Navy team for the evacuation of Kyushu’s largest prisoner of war
camp, the final sinkes [?? shukketsu 'attendance,
(take) roll'] (Japanese for roll calls [otherwise ?? tenko
lit. 'point call']) were sounding today over the grimy buildings and
meagerly-clad G.I.s. This camp, 1,700 strong—700 being Americans from
Bataan and Corregidor—has been thinned already to 1,300 by impatient
ex-prisoners, mostly Americans, who have hit the high road for the
American airbase at Kanoya in southernmost Kyushu. (p. 92)
So profound is the prisoners’ hatred of Baron Mitsui’s coal
mine, the Japanese military police, and the aeso [?? eis?]
or guardhouse where five Americans have found a violent death, that the
entire camp would probably have been deserted had not the Army-Navy
team arrived today. Hospitals filled with cases of malnutrition,
diarrhea, beriberi, and mutilated men offer special problems. (p. 92)
Graduate Assistants
Pharmacist William Derrick (Leesville, Louisiana):
“The Korean straw bosses were decent to us except when the Japs were
around, who frightened them.” (p. 96)
Sergeant Wiley Smith (Coushatta, Louisiana): “We
looked across the bay toward Nagasaki after emerging from the mine and
saw black smoke starting up. The atomic bomb, falling ninety minutes
before, had kindled Nagasaki. Our Japanese bosses kept pointing that
way and chattering. It was better than Germany’s surrender, which we
only heard about from Korean miners.” (p. 91)
Thoughts on Graduation
Navy Cook Laurel Whitworth (Bourne, Texas): “Leaving Japan
for me means not having to cook any more dogs to eat. One day I had to
cook sixty-nine, another seventy-three, another fifty-five. I hate
cooking dogs.” (p. 94)
Also this article:
Frank Brennan
June 24, 2008
Mike Holt
17 Dec 2009
Walzer has no idea what he is talking about. The fact is that the
Japanese were planning to completely eliminate up to 15,000 Australian
POWs, not to mention the thousands more Americans in custody.
Coincidentally, the date was set for 9 August, 1945.
The top secret order was issued by Field Marshal Terauchi. The order
directed POW camp commanders to build special machine gun emplacements
around the parade grounds. The prisoners were to be assembled as usual,
and then gunned to death. Failing this, the camp commanders were to
make every effort to completely eliminate the prisoners so that there
was no evidence they had ever existed. Only the atomic bomb stopped the
As well, the Emperor had ordered all Japanese, not just troops, to
fight to the death. The ONLY way to get the Japs to see any sense was
to show them such overwhelming strength that even the Emperor was
forced to accept total capitulation.
Dr Ian Duncan, one of the POW leaders at the Omuta camp about 50
kilometers east of Nagasaki was read the order by the camp interpreter "Riverside" Yamaguchi,
who was later executed for war crimes. Dr Duncan reported that
Yamaguchi was a "callous man who had seemed to take perverse pleasure
in reading the execution order to the camp doctors."
If Allied troops had been forced to fight on Japanese soil, at least
half a million men would have died. And for what?
It was far better to drop the atom bombs than to suffer the useless
murder of so many young men. Imagine what our lives would have been
like if we had lost so many men who later went on to rebuild our
countries? Perhaps the inventors of many of the machines and technology
we take for granted now would have perished.
Yes, the bombs killed many civilians. But they supported the Emperor
and their war mongering military without reservation. They were just as
culpable as the most vicious soldier.
As for our Australian PM visiting the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, he
was just doing what he does best: playing the politician to curry
favor, without any regard for reality, or the feelings of most
Australians. He has lost my vote.
????????????????? ?? ???????
????, ????? (2010/02)
Americans who became soldiers of
Japanese military - Nisei who fought against their motherland
? ? ?? (?), ? ? ? (??), ??? (2003/07)
Nisei who became members of the
Kamikaze special attack force
? ? ? (?), ???? (1994/08)
Nisei who became officers in the
Imperial Japanese Navy
??? ??????????????
? ? ?? (?), ??? (2009/8/1)
Some heroes: Nisei
abandoned by the Japanese military
????????????? (DVD) 2013/04/26
Nikkei Intelligence Unit with
Two Fatherlands - interesting that this term ?? (native country)
is used
Japanese American history: an A-to-Z
reference from 1868 to the present
By Brian Niiya, Japanese American National Museum (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Search in this work for all instances of "Japanese army" "inducted"
etc. Some mentioned are:
Mitsugi Nishikawa p.265 (see
above) - DONE
Paul Nobuo Tatsuguchi? p. 266
Interesting history of JACL p.182, starting as American Loyalty League
in 1918 (why "loyalty"? perhaps there were disloyals??). First
convention was held in 1930 by older nisei to "emphasize loyalty,
patriotism and citizenship.
TIME magazine articles,
collection either in folder or in emails from 11/11/2006: \J-A
Relocation\Scans\TIME articles
Excellent article on the work of some of the Nisei involved in
translation and interpreting work during WWII and the Occupation of
It has been said that the efforts of these brave Nisei in the MIS
contributed towards saving a million lives and shortened the war by two
years. However, that exaggeration does not hold up to any factual
evidence. There were many factors involved, and many other non-Nisei
intelligence personnel who were trained in the Japanese language. I'm
sure the Allied codebreakers in the Pacific would take offense at such
a statement.