Osaka POW Camp #4-B

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HYOGO-ken, ASAGO-gun, IKUNO-machi, GINYA
Relief Map
Ikuno as of today

Short History:
All the men came to this camp from Wakayama and Tanagawa. Also known as Osaka Dispatch Camp #4.
29 Mar 1945:
Wakayama Camp closed and POWs transferred to Osaka 19-B
28 Mar 1945: New Camp established as Osaka 19-B (Ikuno)
Aug 1945:
Renamed Osaka 4-B (Ikuno)
Sep 1945: Rescue effected

Japanese Staff:
NARA Record Group 407 Box 946

SCAP Report:
SCAP Investigation report by Lts. Ammon and Wilson. Investigation details camp details, movements, food, etc.

NARA RG 389 Box 2129
Notes regarding Ikuno:
Brief overview of camp- buildings, number of men, work details, etc.

Affidavit Extract: Charles Littleton Slane, Lt Cmdr, 115917,USNR: Camp was first occupied 19 Mar 1945 when 43 American, British, Australian and Dutch officers arrived. Total of 437 at end of war: 44 Yank, 379 British, 3 Aussie, 1 Chinese, 4 Canada

Harry Wilding, RAF airman, 1272514, Isle of Ely, England (files courtesy of Linda Barker, daughter):

Camp layout (courtesy of Kobe Newspaper)
Asst. Ikuno documents (RG 331) - maps, camp report, Proctor affidavit, Keene affidavit

Slave labor for the Mitsubishi Copper Mining Company (Mitsubishi Kogyo); some silver veins were also mined; mine closed in 1970.

Hell Ships:
Most Americans arrived earlier on the Tottori Maru (high POW numbers) or Nagato Maru (low POW numbers)

Senior Ranking Officer: Fliniau, Franklin Morris A., Lt. Col., O-303220, USA (Inf) [Fliniau arrived in August of 1945 (ex-Omi, ex-Kobe House) then was transferred to Hirohata AFTER the surrender]

No deaths recorded at this camp; however, the diary of British Corporal Bentall notes at least four daths. We hope to obtain copies from his grandaughter and/or the Imperial War Museum.

British Roster: From RG 407, Box 11; see below OSA-04 Roster
Misc Roster: Aussie, Dutch, Canadian and NZeder (Actual Roster)
American Roster: From RG 407, Box 11; see below OSA-04 Roster
OSA-04 Roster (WO361-1963) - British, American, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, Dutch
OSA-04 Rosters(RG 407 Box 111) - Includes British officers, NCOs, enlisted men and civilians; American officers, NCOs and enlisted men; Australian officers, Canadian NCOs and enlisted men; New Zealand NCOs and enlisted men; and Dutch officers

The following partial roster was presented by Mr. Don Brunelle:
"My uncle Alex Benishake died about 7 years ago leaving me with his books memorabilia and best of all a diary of his experiences. In this diary was a list of names I assume were other prisoners of war. These names and addresses were accurate as of 29 May 1945. Many names and addresses may be misspelled. The writing was so small it is difficult to tell an N from an H or an O from an A. This diary was kept on Japanese parchment paper and hidden inside a 2 x 4 of his housing structure. He carved a small opening in the wood where he hid it, plugging it over with the carved out wood."
Partial roster supplied by Don Brunelle, nephew of POW Alex Benishake. (Modified and spelling corrected with partial roster from RG 331 Box 479 by Center For Research.)