Aerial Photograph - Zentsuji POW Camp (approx: 2 Sep 1945)
Compliments of Thomas R. Honan, Sgt., USMC. Captured on Guam, 10 Dec
1945. Photograph given to Thomas Nixon by B-29 crewman on Guam after
rescue at end of war.
Note: Camp photo designated
as "Zetsuji" in spelling error. |
layout compliments of Brig Gen Charles S. Todd (ret) Click
on plan to view. The dash line is the position of a wall erected AFTER
the departure of the officers in June 1945. |
Sketch by D.
Capt, AIF; courtesy of Brig Gen
Charles Todd, USMC, (Ret) |
propaganda picture
released in March 1942 showing arrival of American POWs at Zentsuji.
These were the men from Guam.
Source: NARA copy taken from
German magazine,
Illustnierte Zeitung, circa 1944. |
Picture shows
wall constructed after the departure of the officers in
June of 1945. The ditch is one of three dug, ostensibly as bomb
shelters, but prisoners knew of the orders to execute all POWs upon
invasion of the homeland. [Picture
courtesy of Kevin
Menzies.] |
The POWs from New Zealand |
 Pictures taken in early 1942.
Note brig under construction in picture of men exercising. Only known
photo of "Saki Pete." |

left to right: Doris Yetter, Leona
Jackson, Lorraine Christansen,
Olds |

John & Ruby Hellmers holding baby, Charlene