Kobe Hospital
U.S. Medical Staff

Main Kobe Hospital      Main Camp List    Roster of Dead/Injured

Staff Kobe Hospital - All USN Personnel
As of 5 June 1945

Name,  Rank,  ASN,  City,  State

Berley, Ferdinand V., Lt (MC), 73084, Chicago IL
Bookman, John J., Lt jg (MC), 99176, New York NY
Glusman, Murray, Lt jg (MC), 99350, New York NY
Smith, Stanley W., Lt (DC), 75701, Sandwich IL
Enlisted - Most from Navy Hospital, Cañacao
Bolster, Richard Lovell, CphM, 2124049, Kitteny ME
Flood, Donald Russell "Bud", PhM2c, 2832532, Akron OH
Hildebrand, Bernard Vincent, PhM2c, 3213206, Salix IA
Irvin, Ernest Joseph, PhM2c, 2743226, Abbeville FL
Stradley, Bernard Thomas, PhM3c, 2015765, Chelsea MA
Wallace, Richard David, PhM3c, 2832869, Bay Village OH

Note: John Glusman, son of Lt jg Murray Glusman (USN/MC) states that hospital opened 10 July 1944 and also included Jack Hughieson (British) as an X-ray technician and corpsman.