"We didn't lose everything"The Other Side of the Japanese American StoryA collection of evacuation and resettlement stories about prosperous Japanese American businesses on the West Coast.Source:
"Honoring the Family Business: Building the American Dream. Gala Dinner & Silent Auction, March 29, 2003. Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California." Published by the Japanese American National Museum 1. Baseline Flower Growers, Phoenix, AZ Nakagawa family evacuated to Poston Relocation Center (RC). After 8 months there, returned to Glendale, AZ, and worked for a Japanese American farmer who was not evacuated due to living just on the other side of the military zone border road. 2. Benkyo-do, San Francisco, CA Evacuated to Amache RC, the Okamura family temporarily closed their confectionery store. They returned and reopened after the war. 3. Endow Nursery, Carpinteria, CA The Endow family voluntarily evacuated to Utah. After the war, they returned and restarted their nursery. 4. Etow/B&E Farms, Watsonville/Salinas, CA The Etow family evacuated to Poston RC, sons returned to farming in Watsonville after the war. 5. Fugetsu-do, Los Angeles, CA Kito family evacuated to Heart Mountain RC, closing their manju cake shop, but continued making them while at the relocation center. Business was reopened in Little Tokyo after the war. 6. Fukui Mortuary, Los Angeles, CA Fukui family evacuated to Heart Mountain RC, reopened their business after the war. 7. Hiji Bros., Inc., Oxnard, CA Hiji family voluntarily evacuated and moved to Colorado to farm during WWII and until 1948, when they returned to California. 8. Hiroshi's Anzen, Portland, OR Umata family evacuated to Minidoka RC (father interned in Missoula, MT), all reunited at Crystal City, TX. They returned after the war to restart their business. 9. Hiyama Farms, Inc., Fowler, CA Hiyama family evacuated to Gila River RC, their farm taken care of by neighbors, to which they returned after the war. 10. Iwasaki Bros., Inc., Hillsboro, OR Iwasaki family voluntarily evacuated and moved to eastern Oregon, and returned to their farm after the war. 11. Kern Park Floral Company, Portland, OR Itami family evacuated to Minidoka RC, returned after the war to continue their retail flower business. 12. Kogetsu-do, Fresno, CA Ikeda family evacuated to Jerome RC, returned after the war and carried on their confectionery business in the same building. 13. Koida Greenhouse, Inc., Milwaukie, OR Koida family evacuated (to Minidoka RC?), returned after the war to continue their business. 14. Kono & Sons, Carpinteria, CA - Sunrise Ranch/West Flower Growers, Inc., Oxnard, CA Mimaki family evacuated to Heart Mountain RC, continued their flower business after the war. 15. Marutama Company, Inc., Los Angeles, CA Yoshiwa family evacuated to Jerome RC and Tule Lake RC, restarted their kamaboko fishcake business in Little Tokyo after the war. 16. Mikawaya, Los Angeles, CA Hashimoto family evacuated to Poston RC, reopened confectionery store in Little Tokyo after the war. 17. Naito Corporation, Portland, OR Naito family voluntarily evacuated to Salt Lake City, UT, returned to their import business after the war. 18. Nakamura Bros. Furniture, Woodland, CA Nakamura family evacuated to Amache RC, closing their business and leasing their home to help with paying rent. Via their banker, they were able to return to the same building with full inventory. 19. Nichi Bei Bussan, San Jose, CA Tatsuno family evacuated to Topaz RC, returned after the war to reopen their store. 20. Oku Nursery, Mountain View, CA Oku family voluntarily evacuated to Denver, CO, continuing to operate their nursery through their employees, and returned after the war. 21. Ota Tofu, Portland, OR Ota family evacuated to Minidoka RC, returned at the end of the war to resume their business at its original location. 22. The Rafu Shimpo, Los Angeles, CA Mr. Komai was interned in Santa Fe, NM; the rest of the family evacuated. After contacting former employees, they returned at the end of the war to continue their Japanese-language newspaper business. 23. Sakuma Brothers Farms, Inc., Burlington, WA Sakuma and Tule Lake RC, returned to their strawberry farm after the war. 24. Sego Nursery, North Hollywood, CA Murakami San Fernando Valley after the war, with many friends who lent money and leased property to them for the nursery. 25. Takahashi Market, San Mateo, CA Takahashi family evacuated, after the war a son returned to carry on the family business. 26. Toyo Miyatake Studio, Los Angeles, CA Miyatake family evacuated to Manzanar RC, returned to Little Tokyo to continue the studio. 27. Uoki K. Sakai, Co., San Francisco, CA Sakai family evacuated to Topaz RC, restarted business quickly after the war due to much of the store equipment having been kept in storage. 28. Uwajimaya, Inc., Seattle, WA Moriguchi family evacuated to Tule Lake RC, continued Asian food business after the war, becoming the largest in the Pacific Northwest. 29. Uyematsu, Inc., Watsonville, CA Uyematsu family evacuated to Jerome RC, resettled and continued strawberry business after the war, becoming a partner with one of the largest strawberry shippers in the nation. 30. Yamasa Kamaboko, Los Angeles, CA Kawana family evacuated to Rohwer RC, continued fishcake business after the war, using his equipment stored in a neighbor's garage. ![]() FIGURE 16: Caravan of trucks loaded with baggage and private cars ready to leave a Control Station in Los Angeles, April 28, 1942 for Manzanar Reception Center. Departure from the various areas was at first by private automobile, with trucks for baggage. Later only by train or bus. Large moving vans were available to handle household or other goods the evacuees desired to have stored under supervision of the Federal Reserve Bank. - from DeWitt Final Report, Pictorial Summary J. Toguri Mercantile Co., Los Angeles, IL - Chicago, IL The Toguri family had a mercantile business first in Los Angeles, one of the family helpers being Ikuko "Iva" Toguri (later known as "Tokyo Rose"), fresh from UCLA; she sailed for Japan on July 5, 1941, to visit an ailing aunt. The Toguri family left Gila River RC in 1943 to set up a new store in Chicago. This business helped supply goods for the War Relocation Authority. After being released from prison in 1956, Iva worked at the Chicago store until 1998. Neighbor took care of hotel business during the World War II "Well, we didn’t know what to do and my mother don’t know what to do, so there was a lady named Mary Galletly and she was a very nice American lady and so when we had to go to Santa Anita, she said, “I’ll take care of the hotel for you.” And so my mother said she would give you everything that we have, so she would take care of it. So every month, she sent us the money into the camp. I just don’t know why, but she took care and she did a better…well she did a better job than we did. The hotel was always full." -- From interview of Fujima Kansuma
Credits: November 30, 2004 at California, US. Video by Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum "First-generation
farmers did not lose their property during World War II"
Excerpts from 12/12/23 article: Japanese immigrants built Cressey. So why did they leave? One of the Central Valley’s
smallest Japanese communities in California owns its existence to a
Japanese entrepreneur named Kyutaro Abiko who used his San Francisco
based newspaper and connections as a labor contractor to foster a
pipeline of immigrants to Merced County.
Cressey stands out because, unlike others, its first-generation farmers did not lose their property during World War II. Their land was protected by a trust, with honest caretakers communicating regularly with the owners of the land while they were behind barbed wire incarcerated in Colorado. Cressey still boasts farms operated by Japanese Americans a century after they were established. ..... That winter, the Andows had a new home under construction on their 160-acre farm between Cressey and Winton. It was nearly finished when Executive Order 9066 was issued in February, 1942. By April, they had moved in their furniture. Tay Andow arranged for his new home’s construction manager to become caretaker for the house. He also joined the many owners of farms in the three Yamato colonies who formed an organization to operate the land under a power of attorney arrangement. So-called Momberg Trust farms were supervised by a three-person board headed by local attorney Hugh Griswald with operational decisions made by Gus Momberg in collaboration with the Japanese owners through letters and periodic visits to Amache, Colorado. The majority of the farms were leased out, with about 1 in 5 directly under Momberg’s management. Two weeks after getting the furniture in place, the Andows were ordered to report for processing and then initial internment on the grounds of the Merced County Fair. Families returned to San Francisco because their belongings were safe-guarded, their culture protected and preserved: Within days, this once bustling
neighborhood became desolate.
"It was during the war. Lots of labor was needed to help with the war industry. So many African Americans from the south were recruited to come here and because there was no one living here, a lot of the landlords decided that they wanted to make money and rented a lot of the houses and homes and apartments to African Americans who needed jobs and came here for jobs," Matsuda said. Members of the Black community temporarily took over the Japanese-American school, protecting the artifacts and preserving the culture. "Because the belongings were safe-guarded, those families could come back and really start this school almost immediately and restart this sense of community," said Emily Murase of the San Francisco Japantown Task Force. --from Community seeks funding to save San Francisco Japantown's Kinmon Gakuen, an important piece of city's history For a large number of individual case files dealing with claims filed from 1950 to 1956, see Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act of July 2, 1948, showing the amounts claimed and amount of reimbursement.
Excerpt from National Defense Migration Hearings regarding alien property losses Nikkei
One of the many points not truthfully brought out by modern interpreters of Nikkei history is the fact that the US Govt. endeavored to ensure proper handling of ethnic Japanese assets in the US during WWII -- property, farms, businesses, money, etc. NARA has many documents for perusal in Record Group 210 that attest to this fact: For example, a list of Nikkei businesses in Portland, OR: See here for all property-related: -- Table of
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