Legal and Constitutional Phases
of the WRA Program
United States Department of the Interior
J. A. KRUG, Secretary
War Relocation Authority
D. S. MYER, Director
The evacuation of 112,000 persons of Japanese ancestry, their
exclusion from the West Coast from the summer of 1942 until January
1945, and their detention for varying periods of time in assembly
centers and relocation centers, inevitably raised extremely grave
questions as to the consistency of such a program with the requirements
and the prohibitions of the Federal Constitution. The fact that two-thirds
of the evacuees were citizens of the United States
by birth
sharpened these very grave issues.
Did the Federal Government have constitutional power to evacuate all
these people from their homes and their jobs, and compel them to
the West Coast? Even the women and children? Even those who were
citizens? Could it do so without charging any of them with having
committed any crime, and without any trial or hearing? Could the
Government follow the order to vacate the the West Coast with enforced
detention in an assembly center? Could the Government thereafter,
without consulting the evacuees, transport these people from the
assembly centers to relocation centers under military guard and
thereafter incarcerate and forcibly detain the evacuees in the
relocation centers? What about the constitutional rights, in
particular, of those evacuees who were citizens of the United States
and who insisted throughout these activities that they were patriotic,
and loyal to the United States, and willing to fight in the armies of
the United States to prove that loyalty?
Not all the officers and agents of the United States Government who
played responsible parts in the evacuation and detention were seriously
troubled by these questions of constitutional power and
right. Many, however, were deeply concerned. It is the answers to
questions provided by those who were concerned -- and, later, by the
Supreme Court of the United States -- that this report will discuss.
There were two important reasons why the administrators of the WRA
program felt compelled to think through these searching questions of
constitutional authority. In the first place, the evacuees were deeply
shocked by the fact of evacuation, and unable to determine what
implications the evacuation carried for their future residence in the
United States as citizens or as lawfully resident aliens? WRA had to
provide to the evacuees and to itself answers to these questions that
would provide a rational and moral basis for its relocation program. In
the second place, WRA had to be prepared to answer these same questions
when propounded by Congressional investigating committees, by groups
attacking the relocation program, by citizens whose support it sought
to mobilize, and by litigants in the courts.
The many constitutional issues can be reduced to three basic questions:
1. Was the evacuation valid under the Constitution?
2. Was detention in assembly centers and relocation centers valid under
the Constitution?
3. If it were to be assumed that the original evacuation was
constitutional. because it was compelled by an overriding military
necessity, how long did the military necessity continue to be
sufficiently grave to justify continued exclusion; did such continued
exclusion remain valid all the way through until December 1944 when the
exclusion orders were finally revoked?
Was Evacuation Constitutional?
It is radically important to make a distinction at the outset between
the question whether a given governmental action was valid under the
Constitution and the question whether that action was wise or proper. A
governmental action -- an increase in tariff schedules, the
establishment of price control or consumer rationing, the prohibition
of gambling, the evacuation of all persons of Japanese ancestry from
the West Coast, or whatever -- may be both a wise policy and a
constitutional policy, or it may be a wise policy but not one permitted
under our Constitution, or it may be an unwise policy but one that is
permitted under our Constitution, or it may be a policy that is both
unwise and prohibited by our Constitution. This would seem to be an
elementary idea, hardly worth emphasizing, but for the fact that, again
and again, persons convinced that the mass evacuation was unwise,
unsound, and unfair, leaped unthinkingly to the conclusion that a
policy of which they so strongly disapproved as unwise must
necessarily, therefore, be also unconstitutional.
The reasoning which led the Department of Justice and the Office of the
Solicitor of WRA to the conclusion that the evacuation was within
the constitutional power of the Federal Government -- and which was
later adopted by a majority of the Supreme Court of the United States1
may be summarized in the following numbered propositions:2
1. The question to be answered is: Was the mass evacuation within the
power of the Federal Government in the spring of 1942, when it was
decided upon and put in effect? It is the situation in existence at
that time that is controlling. (A later change in the situation
might require some new governmental act, but would not affect the
validity of the earlier evacuation.)
2. The Federal Constitution confers upon the Federal Government the
power to wage war. This is an extremely broad power. It is "the power
to wage war successfully." It includes the power to interfere very
greatly with the lives and free movement of citizens and alien residents
where the interference is a necessary step in waging war.
3. In the present case the President authorized the evacuation by
Executive order.3 Subsequently the Congress "ratified and
confirmed" that Executive order by enacting a statute which provided
criminal penalties for violation of military orders issued pursuant to
the Executive order.4 The evacuation was authorized,
therefore, by the President and the Congress acting together.
It is not necessary for the Court to determine whether the evacuation
would have been valid if ordered by the President, solely under his
powers as President, without Congressional concurrence.
4. The crux of the issue is: Can the Government show that the mass
evacuation was a military necessity -- that is, that the evacuation
was a necessary step in the program of waging the war against the
enemy? That the evacuation was such a military necessity will be
demonstrated immediately below -- but first, we must introduce into the
argument at this point an important consideration: in determining
whether the evacuation was in fact a military necessity, the Court will
not substitute its own final judgment on the facts for the judgment
made by the responsible military commander who carried authority and
responsibility for making the decision at the particular time and in
the particular circumstances. The Court will decide, not whether the
judges would have ordered the evacuation if they had been the
responsible military commanders at that time and had had available to
them the facts that were available to the actual military commander, but
only whether the facts available to the military commander were such
that he could, in an honest and reasonable exercise of judgment,
conclude that the evacuation was a military necessity.
5. The facts available to the responsible military commander in the
spring and summer of 1942, which were sufficient to enable him to
conclude, reasonably and honestly, that mass evacuation was a military
necessity were the following:
A. The military situation on the West Coast in
the spring and summer of 1942 was grave. The Japanese had
successfully attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor and
had very seriously damaged the United States Fleet. Rapidly thereafter
the Japanese army invaded Thailand, sank the British battleships Wales
and Repulse, captured Guam, Wake Island, Hong Kong, Manila,
Singapore, the Netherlands East Indies, Rangoon, Burma, and then the
whole of the Philippines.

"As Bataan fell, as recorded in these newspapers of April 9, 1942,
evacuation of residents of Japanese ancestry was already under way.
Hayward, California."
On February 27 the Battle of the Java
Sea resulted in a naval defeat to the United Nations. On June 3
Dutch Harbor, Alaska, was attacked by Japanese carrier-based aircraft,
and on June 7 the Japanese gained a foothold on Attu and Kiska
Islands. Once in February and once in June 1942 the coasts of
California and Oregon, respectively, had been shelled. Following the
Pearl Harbor attack the Japanese had a naval superiority of three
or four to one in the Pacific Ocean. The Army and the Navy believed
that it was of the utmost military importance to prepare against an
invasion of the Pacific Coast by Japan.
B. The threat of invasion and attack of the Pacific Coast by Japan
created fear that the enemy might use the so-called fifth column
technique of warfare.
C. War facilities and installations were concentrated on the West
Coast to such an extent as to make it an area of special military
concern. Important Army and Navy bases and a large proportion of the
Nation's vital war production facilities were located in that region.
D. Approximately 112,000 persons of Japanese descent resided in
California, Washington, and Oregon at the time. There was considerable prejudice
and hostility toward these resident persons of Japanese descent,
both citizen and alien, on the part of the rest of the population,
expressed in discriminatory State legislation, discrimination in
employment, severely limited social intercourse, and considerable
physical segregation.
E. About one-third of the persons of Japanese ancestry were aliens,
because barred by the Federal naturalization laws from becoming
F. It was widely believed that the resident persons of Japanese
ancestry felt close ties of kinship and sympathy with Japan.
belief was in part based upon the maintenance of Japanese language
schools, the existence of many Japanese cultural societies, the
practice of Japanese parents of sending their American-born children in
their early years to Japan for some years of residence and education,
so that approximately 10,000 Kibei were then living on the West Coast,
the belief in and practice of Shintoism by an unknown number of the
group, and the fact that many of the parents had taken affirmative
steps to secure or protect dual nationality in both the United States
and Japan for their children.
G. It was widely believed that there existed among the persons of
Japanese ancestry on the West Coast an unknown number of potential
saboteurs, who could not be identified, but would rise to aid an
invading Japanese Army, if such an invasion took place.
H. It was generally feared on the West Coast that the latent hostility
toward persons of Japanese ancestry might produce civil disorder
local violence.
6. A responsible military commander must guard against probable dangers
and possible dangers, and not alone against dangers certain to develop,
to the extent that his available forces permit.
7. Mass evacuation of all persons of Japanese ancestry would eliminate
the danger of their engaging in sabotage and espionage in aid of
invasion by the Japanese Army and Navy, at the price of compelling
112,000 people to remain away from their homes during the period of
invasion, without seriously disrupting war production in the evacuated
Considering these propositions cumulatively the Government took the
position that the responsible military commander could reasonably and
honestly have decided, in the spring and summer of 1942, that such mass
evacuation was a military necessity. A majority of the Supreme
Court agreed with this view and sustained the constitutionality of
the evacuation in its decision in the Korematsu case.5
A thoughtful person considering the argument thus far presented will
still entertain some unanswered questions. In the first place, was this
not an evacuation of an entire racial group because of their racial
difference, and if so, how can it be constitutional for the
Government to sanction race prejudice and race hate with a mass
evacuation? The Government admitted in its briefs in the Supreme
Court that unless the fact of racial difference can be shown to have a
special effect on the military problem, the evacuation of a racial
minority merely because of that racial difference would violate the
constitutional rights of the evacuees. The argument summarized above,
however, indicates that the persons of Japanese ancestry were involved
in a total complex of circumstances that created a danger of
sabotage and espionage in aid of an invading Japanese Army. It was,
therefore, military necessity, and not the racial difference,
that created the constitutional power to evacuate.
This leads to another question: Why was there no mass evacuation
from Hawaii where persons of Japanese ancestry bulked so much
larger in the total population, and does not the failure to evacuate
from Hawaii cast doubt on the argument of military necessity? A
sufficient answer may lie in the fact that the whole of Hawaii was
placed under martial law. The Army had thus gone farther in Hawaii
to guard against sabotage and espionage than it was prepared to go on
the West Coast of the Mainland, and the declaration of martial law may
well have made the expedient of evacuation of part of the population
unnecessary. Further, a commanding general must consider the price
he will have to pay for each protective measure he may wish to
undertake. The price in reduced war production on the West Coast of the
United States would be small; that price in Hawaii would be
disproportionately large. The danger may therefore well have been
considered sufficient to justify the decision to evacuate on the West
Coast while relying on the defenses of martial law in Hawaii.
Why, then, were not Germans and Italians evacuated from the
Pacific Coast -- or from the East Coast as well? Here, again, the
commanding general needs always to consider the balance of forces and
factors. It was the Japanese Army, and not the German or Italian,
that threatened invasion of the West Coast. No army was considered
at any time during the war seriously to threaten an invasion of the
East Coast. The size of the population to be evacuated, if Germans and
Italians were to be evacuated would, also, make the protective measure more
costly and hazardous than the anticipated danger.
These are the considerations which the Government and the Court needed
to weigh when considering the constitutionality of evacuation. Every
citizen must likewise weigh them. Where unwise governmental action is
advocated, it is important that it be challenged and defeated, or
repudiated if already performed, on the ground that it is unwise, and
through regular democratic processes. To condemn an unwise action
by denying its constitutionality is to run the risk of weakening the
National Government so that it may become incapable of taking similar
action under circumstances where everyone may agree it has become wise.
This, of course, is not to say that all those who advocated the mass
evacuation were animated by considerations of military necessity. Many
advocated it because they were blinded by race hate and many
for petty, selfish reasons. Also, many were easier to convince of the
military necessity because racial prejudice had prepared their
minds to believe the worst. Part of the price of prejudice which a
democracy must always pay is the power of prejudice to blind the
democracy to what the facts of necessity may be and to the courses of
action that may be open to it.
These, at any rate, were the arguments that led WRA, and the Federal
Government as a whole, to assert the constitutionality of evacuation.
This position makes irrelevant the fact that none of the evacuees
were charged with crime or were given trials or hearings. The
ground of evacuation was not individual guilt but the necessity
for mass evacuation to guard against potential danger from a possible
minority, the members of which could not be readily identified.
Was Detention Constitutional?
The leave regulations and the relocation program of WRA have been
described in detail in other final reports of the Authority and need
not be restated here.6
In baldest outline, this was the procedure: All the evacuees were
detained, first in assembly centers and then in relocation centers, until
certain basic information could be secured concerning them, and
checked against the files of the intelligence agencies of the
Government, so that a judgment could be made as to each adult evacuee that
he was or was not potentially dangerous to the internal security of the
country if released during the war. (In practice, however, many
were released for seasonal agricultural labor even before checking of
their records was completed.) Those evacuees who were found, on the
basis of this screening, to be "nondangerous" were then eligible to
leave the centers as soon as WRA was satisfied that they had a job or
other means of support, and that the community into which they wished
to go could receive them without danger of violence. (In fact, WRA also
required each departing evacuee to agree to keep it notified of each
change of address, but no evacuee was ever detained for refusal to make
this agreement and no action was ever taken against the many who
ignored the agreement. This was understood tacitly to be a requirement
born of administrative convenience and not of internal security, and
was never intended to qualify the right to leave a center.) Those
denied leave clearance were to remain in detention.
Whether this kind of detention is valid in the case of the alien
evacuees is a question that can be answered easily and may therefore be
disposed of first. It is quite clear that Congress has conferred
upon the President7 the power to restrain and detain alien
enemies in time of war in such manner as he may think necessary.
The constitutionality of that authorization is universally conceded.
In the case of the citizens, however, this detention program raises
three distinct questions:
1. Did the Government have constitutional power to detain all the
evacuees while they were being sorted to determine which might be
dangerous to internal security if released?
2. Did the Government have constitutional power to detain admittedly
nondangerous evacuees until the Authority was satisfied that they had a
means of support and that the community into which they wished to go
could receive them without danger of violence?
3. Could the Government constitutionally detain those evacuees deemed
potentially dangerous, and for how long?
Detention Pending the Sorting
If the evacuation were to be considered to be unconstitutional then, of
course, any variety of postevacuation detention also falls as without
constitutional support. Assume, however, that the evacuation itself be
deemed constitutional, could not the Government have said to the
evacuees as they stood on the eastern border of the evacuated area, "Go
wherever you wish in the United States, but you may not return to the
excluded area until further word"?
It is difficult, in the calm aftermath of a securely-won war, to recall
the worried concern, the heightened sense of danger, the volatile
emotional atmosphere that were the inescapable facts of life during the
months when the enemy was in the ascendancy and the Nation was grimly
getting ready to launch a hoped-for offensive. Detention was a
policy which the responsible officers of WRA decided upon reluctantly,
out of a conviction that no other course was administratively feasible
or genuinely open to them. The agitation for mass evacuation had
repeatedly asserted that West Coast residents of Japanese ancestry were
of uncertain loyalty. The Government's later decision to evacuate was
widely interpreted as proof of the truth of that assertion. Hence, a
widespread demand sprang up immediately after the evacuation that the
evacuees be kept under guard, or at the very least, that they be sorted
and that the dangerous ones among them be watched and kept from doing
harm. In these circumstances it was almost inescapable that the program
administrators should come to the conclusion that if the right of free
movement throughout the United States was to be purchased for any
substantial number of the evacuees, the price for such purchase
would have to be the detention of all the evacuees while they were
sorted and classified, and then the continued detention of those
found potentially dangerous to internal security. The detention policy
of WRA was born out of a decision that this price would have to be
paid, that it was better to pay this price than to keep all the
evacuees in indefinite detention, and that to refuse to pay this
price would almost certainly mean that the prevailing popular fear and
distrust could not be reasoned with and could not be allayed.
The Supreme Court was never presented with an opportunity to
pass upon the validity of the mass detention pending sorting. Had
the question ever been presented to it for decision, the Court would
undoubtedly have been disturbed by the length of time it took to
complete the sorting. A detention of a few weeks, perhaps a detention
of 4 or 5 months considering the size of the total group, it should not
have been too difficult to sustain under the circumstances. Although the
sorting, in fact, took the better part of 2 years, it is true that
any evacuee who for any reason was particularly anxious to leave early,
could arrange to secure priority consideration of his request and only
a very few cases were detained for more than 8 to 10 weeks because of
the processing of security clearance.
Before we state more fully the legal argument in defense of such
detention, let us consider the next type of detention involved since
many of the same considerations apply to both.
Detention for Employment and Community Acceptance
Before they could receive permission to leave the center, those who
received leave clearance needed also a job or means of support, and
needed to be headed for a community which WRA believed willing and
capable of accepting evacuees without danger of violence. Was such
detention valid?
These conditions to departure -- that the evacuee shall have been found
to be nondangerous to internal security, that there shall be "community
acceptance" at his point of destination, and that he shall keep the
Authority notified of his changes of address -- represented, in fact, the
heart of the relocation program. They were designed to make planned
and orderly what must otherwise have been helter-skelter and spasmodic.
The very fact that 112,000 people had been evacuated -- and evacuated
under a cloud -- created for the Government a special resettlement
problem. Had the evacuees been merely innocent victims of a major
flood, routed from their homes by sheriffs and deputies and brought out
of the danger zone, the Government would inevitably have been compelled
to take appropriate action to reestablish the flood evacuees without
serious disruption of the social fabric. It might well have had to
detain all the flood evacuees until they were inoculated against
disease and until they were provided with the basic essentials, and
until they satisfied the authorities that they had some place to go for
immediate shelter. The Government might well have had to provide
temporary shelter for thousands of such evacuees and, if so, would have
had to regulate the entries and departures from such temporary refuge.
The problem was much more acute in degree in the case of these wartime
evacuees. If the constitutionality of the evacuation itself be assumed,
the situation that was inevitably created by the evacuation does of
itself give rise to new problems which Government must undertake to
solve by appropriate means.
Thus, the conditions attached to departure from the centers enabled a
sifting of a possibly questionable minority from the wholesome majority
whose relocation it became the principal object of WRA to achieve.
These restrictions enabled WRA to prepare public opinion in the
communities to which the evacuees wished to go for settlement, so as to
avoid violent incidents, public furor, possible retaliation against
Americans in Japanese hands, and other evil consequences. The leave
regulations "stemmed the flow"; they converted what might otherwise be
a dangerously disordered flood of unwanted people into unprepared
communities into a steady, orderly, planned migration into
communities that gave every promise of being able to amalgamate the
newcomers without incidents, and to their mutual advantage. The
detention, in other words, was regarded as a necessary incident to this
vital social planning.
During the whole of 1943, WRA fought for the leave clearance and
relocation program, not against those who charged that this was an
unconstitutional interference with the rights of the evacuees, but against
those who argued that only wartime internment of all the evacuees could
adequately safeguard the national security. During 1944 the
resettled evacuees were increasingly winning acceptance, and the
military situation was steadily improving for the United Nations, and
public fears were slowly being quieted, and the Nisei military
exploits were gradually becoming known, and the voice of conscience
was slowly growing louder in the land, and criticism then began to
direct itself against the continuation of the detention of those found
eligible to leave. During this period, also, detention of those
eligible to leave became more and more a matter of form rather than of
substance. WRA had by now succeeded in laying the groundwork for
relocation throughout all parts of the country other than the evacuated
area, so that the requirement of community acceptance was satisfied
in advance for all evacuees. Similarly, WRA was equipped to find a job
for any evacuee who needed help in securing one, so that the
requirement of employment or other means of support was
satisfied in advance for practically all evacuees. It is literally true
that for the large majority of the evacuees there was no detention of
evacuees in relocation centers during most of 1944 and subsequently,
except in form and in theory. Any one whose record was satisfactory
not only could leave on request but was assisted, urged and persuaded
to depart. Relocation of those eligible to leave had by then become
the objective to which much of WRA's appropriation and most of WRA's
energies were directed. The assistance consisted of transportation
to the place of destination with a small resettlement grant to
tide the evacuee over the adjustment period. Special dependency cases
received special assistance.
It was not until 1944 that the Supreme Court had an opportunity to pass
on the question of the constitutional validity of detention of
those evacuees who had received leave clearance until the
requirements of job and community acceptance were satisfied. [penciled
in: "of citizens who had received leave clearance this came about
in the case of Ex parte"] In December the Supreme Court delivered
its opinion in the case of Ex Parte Mitsuye Endo,8
a petition for the writ of habeas corpus filed on behalf of a
young woman who had received leave clearance but who refused to
indicate a destination other than Sacramento, California, from where
she had been evacuated. No community in the evacuated area could
satisfy WRA's requirement of community acceptance since the
Army continued to exclude evacuees from returning to that area. Mr.
Justice Black, speaking for the majority of the Court, decided that it
was not necessary for the Supreme Court to determine whether such
detention was constitutional because, said Mr. Justice Black, such
detention was not authorized by Executive Order No. 9102 or any other
Executive order or any act of Congress. Since Miss Endo, said the
Court, was admittedly loyal to the United States and not endangering
its internal security, her detention could not be said to be
authorized by Executive orders which sought to guard the West Coast
against sabotage and espionage. Mr. Justice Roberts dissented on
the ground that the Congress and the President had specifically been
informed of the kind of detention that WRA was enforcing, and had
ratified and confirmed WRA's interpretation of Executive Order No. 9102
-- the President in a message to the Congress, and the Congress in
appropriations made to WRA with knowledge of the details of the program
to be financed with those appropriations. And, said Mr. Justice
Roberts, as thus ratified and confirmed by the Congress, the
detention of nondangerous persons is unconstitutional. All the
members of the Court thus found themselves in agreement, although for
different reasons, that Miss Endo must be ordered at once released. WRA
immediately lifted its requirements of means of support and community
The decision of the Court in the Endo case came 48 hours
subsequent to the announcement by the Army that the exclusion orders
were being revoked. The revocation of the exclusion orders was coupled
with the termination of the leave regulations. Thereafter, with the
exception of those detained by the War Department or the Department of
Justice, nearly all of whom had by then been transferred to the Tule
Lake Segregation Center, the evacuees were free to leave the
centers at will. A short time later the military guards were
removed and the Authority's program intensified its efforts to persuade
the remaining evacuees to relocate.
Detention of Those Deemed Ineligible to Leave
The only aspect of the detention program which the Supreme Court was
asked to pass upon was detention of those who, like Miss Endo, had
received leave clearance. The Court never ruled on the validity of
detaining all evacuees while they were being sorted nor on the validity
of detention of those deemed ineligible to leave.
WRA took the position that it sought to detain those deemed ineligible
to leave until after all those deemed eligible had been relocated. Such
detention, it maintained, was necessary to build public acceptance of
those found eligible to relocate. The detention was thus regarded
as an essential step in the accomplishment of the relocation objective.
Since the war ended before relocation of the eligibles had been
completed, the Government never had to face the question of whether it
could or would attempt to detain those deemed ineligible after the
relocation objective had been fully achieved. In the period from
December 1944 to February 1945 many of the detainees renounced their
citizenship. After revocation of the exclusion orders, and on
termination of WRA's sorting processes, the War Department and the
Department of Justice assumed responsibility for determining who should
remain in detention. Those Departments detained for a time most of the
renunciants but released from detention all citizens formerly
detained who had not renounced their citizenship. The revocation of
the exclusion orders was thus followed before very long by the
termination of the detention of citizens.
How Long was Continued Exclusion Constitutional?
The argument for the constitutionality of evacuation summarized above
laid great emphasis upon the military situation that obtained in the
winter, spring, and early summer of 1942. Clearly, as the military
situation improved, as the danger of military invasion of the West
Coast by the Japanese Army receded, and as the processes of sorting the
evacuees into eligible and ineligible categories were completed, the
arguments for the military necessity for the evacuation program became
deeply affected. The exclusion orders were not revoked until
December 1944. It seems clear to the point of certainty that the
military situation had so far improved as to make continued exclusion
no longer valid many months, and perhaps more than a year, before the
exclusion orders themselves were finally revoked. It remains true,
nevertheless, that the assignment of the precise hour when the
military balance so far shifted that evacuation ceased to be a military
necessity is a difficult task. The courts would understandably hesitate
to substitute their judgment on such an issue for the judgment of
the responsible military commanders. If the delay in revocation was
longer than it need have been, it was not so much longer as it well
might have been. The orders were revoked more than 6 months before the
end of the war with Japan.
During the months prior to revocation of the exclusion orders, any
relocated evacuee might have sought to return to the excluded area, and
if physically interfered with by the Army might have sought to restrain
such interferences in the courts on the ground that continued exclusion
had ceased to be a military necessity and hence had ceased to be valid.
It is a striking fact that not one such suit was filed
although such return was a few times attempted and prevented.9
The Strategy for Litigation
In 1942 and early in 1943, while public feeling still ran strong and
the military situation still looked dark, the Authority's lawyers
believed that it was undesirable for cases testing the
constitutionality of evacuation and of detention to be hurried to the
Supreme Court. Decision on such complicated questions can be more
soundly conceived when the atmosphere has been freed of the surcharged
emotions generated by the dangers and tensions of war. The Authority,
of course, could not and did not seek in any way to interfere with
the freedom of evacuees to have recourse to the courts for redress
of their grievances. But those evacuees or friends of the evacuees who
sought the advice of the Authority were advised that the niceties of
individual liberties would receive correspondingly fuller attention and
protection as the Nation's crisis was passed, as the military
situation improved, and as people generally were able to breathe more
easily and think more soberly. This remained the advice of the
Authority throughout the early period.
During what might be called the "middle period" the Authority advised
that the time had come for free testing of these issues in the
courts. It indicated its willingness to cooperate in the submission
to the courts of well chosen "test cases" that would fairly and
adequately present the issues for decision. It quickly became clear
that the evacuees generally shunned legal conflict with the
Government. Most of the evacuees apparently took the position that
their future in the United States might be imperiled by large-scale
litigation challenging the evacuation and challenging the detention
that was a part of the relocation program. It is this fact that
accounts for the failure to bring to the Supreme Court cases that would
adequately have tested the validity of the various kinds and classes of
detention discussed in this report.
Also during this middle period the Authority faced the question of
revising its leave regulations to eliminate the requirement that an
evacuee who had received leave clearance be possessed of a job or other
means of support and be headed for a community willing to receive him.
Opponents of the relocation program were still continuing a heated
attack on the Authority, charging that the leave regulations were
too lax and permitted too many people to leave the centers. The
Authority would have welcomed a Court decision testing the validity of
continuing to impose these requirements. The Endo case,
referred to above, fortunately met part of this need. When the
Department of Justice considered rendering the case moot, the Authority
protested. The pendency of this case in the Supreme Court thus
postponed for several months the necessity for deciding whether to
eliminate these requirements from the leave regulations. In December of
1944 the decision in the Endo case eliminated these
requirements, and the revocation of the rest of the leave regulations
soon followed.
In the final year of the operation of relocation centers detention by
WRA was no longer the issue to be tested. Now the issue became whether
the Department of Justice had the legal authority to detain and
deport evacuees who had renounced their American citizenship and
who now sought to remain in the United States. A large number of suits
to test this question were filed during 1945 in the Federal district
courts, were consolidated for purposes of trial, and as this is written
still await trial.
The convictions of the Authority on these legal issues may be here
briefly summarized. It believed, as indicated above, that the
evacuation, however unwise in fact, however unnecessary subsequent
events proved it to be, was within the constitutional power of the
Federal Government when undertaken and executed. It doubted from
the beginning and never ceased to doubt the validity of the detention
procedures. The detention procedures were adopted out of a conviction
that no other course was administratively open or feasible, and that the
administration must follow its only available course when the
unconstitutionality of that course is no more than a matter of
speculation and uncertainty. The detention of all the evacuees for
a preliminary period pending their sorting and classification did not
seem either too great a hardship for the evacuees to be
subjected to or a course too difficult to defend in the courts.
The detention of those deemed eligible to leave until they found jobs
and until communities were prepared to receive them was deemed much
more doubtful as to the constitutional validity but was also recognized
to be a course pursued in the interest of the evacuees themselves and
to be a course of action for which there was much to be said even on
the issue of constitutional validity. The detention of those deemed
ineligible to leave, the Authority felt, was an activity
practically forced upon it and which it had no alternative but to
pursue until the courts could pass on the issue.
1 Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S.
214 (1944). See also Hirabayashi v. United States, 320
U.S. 81 (1943).
2 The argument is elaborated in the "Brief for the
United States" filed by the Government in the Supreme Court of the
United States in Korematsu v. United States, October
Term 1944, No. 22. See also the "Brief for the United States" filed by
the Government in the Supreme Court of the United States in Hirabayashi
v. United States, October Term 1942, No. 870.
3 Executive Order No. 9102, March 18, 1942.
4 56 Stat. 173, 18 U.S.C.A. 97b.
5 Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S.
214 (1944). See also the
unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court in the case sustaining the
constitutionality of the curfew regulations applicable to persons of
Japanese ancestry, Hirabayashi v. United States, 320
U.S. 81 (1943). Mr. Justice Roberts dissented from the Court's
decision in
the Korematsu case on the ground that the detention in assembly
and relocation centers, which is discussed below, was an inseparable
part of the total evacuation program, that such detention was
unconstitutional, and that therefore the evacuation itself was
unconstitutional, the program as a whole being tainted with the
invalidity of detention. Mr. Justice Murphy dissented on the
that his independent re-examination of the facts satisfied him that
there was no military necessity for the evacuation.
6 See "WRA -- A Story of Human Conservation", "The
Relocation Program", and "Wartime Exile".
7 50 U.S.C. 21 - 24.
8 323 U.S. 283 (1944).
9 There was one attempt in late 1944 to test the
validity of continued
exclusion by an action to restrain interference with anticipated
return. The War Department exempted the petitioners from the mass
exclusion orders, thus precluding a decision on those orders, and issued
individual exclusion orders which the Court refused
invalidate. Ochikubo v. Bonesteel, District Court of
the United
States, Southern District of California, Central Division, No. 3834-PH