NOTE: Sections blacked out in the original are
noted by X's,
with number of lines where applicable.
REFERENCE: Teletype to Bureau dated 1-14-43.
Report of Special Agent
XXXXX dated 1-9-43, at Salt Lake City,
DETAILS: This is a joint report of the writer and Special Agent
Confidential Informant
XXXXX advised that there was
general lack of
supervision and command at the Poston Relocation Center. Informant
stated that there was no cooperation between these various
administration divisions.
Informant further stated that XXXXX
WRA XXXXX was unintelligent and incapable. Not only did he
cooperate with the wardens, but he at several times came to the
barracks where Informant lived and obtained information. he would then
request Informant not to give anyone this information and especially
not to the Chief of Police as the Chief of Police at the Poston
Relocation Center could not be trusted. Informant then advised that the
police would also come to Informant and ask that any information that
they might receive from the Informant not be given to anyone else.
Informant states that
in general the police have no intelligence
and in
addition have no experience or tact. The truck which is the only
of transportation that they have, is noisy and people know when the
shift changes and where the police are at all times. In general,
Informant states, the police are cooperative and
although they are
former residents of Terminal Island, they are not involved in any plot.
Confidential Informant
XXXXX advised that a party by the name
trying to start more trouble at Poston. Informant stated
was formerly very cooperative with the Government Agencies. Shortly
after the evacuation he
XXXXX of a group from El Centro,
which collected money to purchase a farm project in Colorado. A
committee was sent to Colorado to check this farming project and it was
decided that the group would purchase the land. Later, however,
officials of the War Relocation Authority found out about the project
and sent an investigator to Ingersoll, Colorado and decided it would be
better if the WRA purchased the land, whereupon the WRA did purchase
the land and the project in so far as the Japanese were concerned fell
XXXXX then made contradiction of former statement and
questioned was not sure whether
XXXXX was actually
of the group. In any event, Informant advised that the money which had
been collected was all returned, but at the present time either
were evidently trying to save their own necks and had reverted to the
other side and were causing considerable dissatisfaction by demanding
that the money be returned, even though it had. These people are trying
to lay the blame for conditions in the camp to a relative of Informant
who is carried as Informant
XXXXX in instant report and the
blame is also being placed upon a friend of
XXXXX who is
carried as
XXXXX in instant report.
Confidential Informant
XXXXX advised that
certain Fascist
advocates have been pushing the case relating to ??NOBU YASUJI too
strongly. He states that a great deal of money is being raised and that
although he does not know, he does not think that the money is being
raised entirely with YASUJI's knowledge and consent. Ostensibly
purpose for which money is raised is to bring XXXXX case before the
Supreme Court, however,
XXXXX seems to think that the money
is being raised probably for a bad purpose, perhaps for
the purpose
of propagandizing the various relocation centers. Informant states
at the present time a great deal of propaganda relating to the
case is being sent to the Tule Lake and Minidoka Relocation Centers.
Informant states that as a matter of fact he believes that those people
are trying to raise money in the name of YASUJI without his knowledge
and without saying exactly for what reason the funds are being
solicited. Informant further states that the idea occurs to him that
purpose may be to raise money to start suits to force the army to show
cause why the Japanese people should not return to the West Coast.
Confidential Informant
XXXXX advised that he had been
approached by a Government Agency in regard to a proposal which would
be similar to that proposed and broadcast by Dr. SCHULTER, President of
Hunter College in New York City and associate editor of the magazine
"Commonwealth". It is understood that Dr. SCHULTER as President of the
organization known as the "Loyal Germans" signed a statement asking the
German people to revolt and that this statement was broadcast to the
people of Germany. This Government Agency was putting pressure on a
member of
XXXXX organization to draw up a petition and have it
signed by numerous Japanese and have this
petition directed towards
General TOJO asking for the restoration of the Japanese Emperor and for
the overthrow of the present military regime.
Confidential Informant
XXXXX further advised that
SLOCUM, a veteran of the United States forces in World War I, had
gone to Washington some time after January 1, 1943 for the purpose of
contacting Senators and Congressmen and advising them as to what was
actually happening in the various relocation centers.
advised that SLOCUM was of the opinion that
both the WRA and the
Army had failed to publish the true facts concerning the trouble at
Manzanar and SLOCUM felt it was time the public and Congressional
officials were acquainted with the real reasons and facts as to the
XXXXX was unable to advise who was financing SLOCUM,
however, he was was certain that SLOCUM was financed by someone other
than his personal resources because SLOCUM had no resources which would
support such activity. SLOCUM is presently receiving mail in care of
General Delivery, Washington, D. C. Associated Press dispatches have
been recently released from Washington where
Congressman GEARHART
of California and
Senator WALLGREN of Washington have urged
Congressional investigation of the troubles and disturbances in the
various relocation camps.
XXXXX believes that the reason for
these investigations by the various Congressmen is
because of the
activities of SLOCUM in the national capitol.
XXXXX advised there was no question but what SLOCUM was a
patriotic and loyal American and that his motive was to improve
conditions in the various relocation camps and also bring protection to
the pro-American Japanese. However,
XXXXX is somewhat
apprehensive concerning the manner and approach that SLOCUM would have
in attempting to improve the conditions of the pro-American Japanese
and felt that although his motive and aim might be proper, yet his
approach might be improper and thus in the long run do more harm than
Confidential Informant
XXXXX advised that
the following
individuals had made arrangements for Japanese naval officers to obtain
XXXXX, an Issei and formerly the XXXXX,
Terminal Island, California.
XXXXX, proprietor of the XXXXX, Terminal Island,
XXXXX, proprietor of the XXXXX, Terminal Island,
XXXXX, Manager XXXXX, Terminal Island,
XXXXX advised that
XXXXX, a resident of Block 30,
Poston, Arizona, had told him there were two
short wave radio
receiving sets at Poston presently in use and in addition that
there was also a
moving picture projector which had been
secretly smuggled into the camp.
XXXXX further advised that
film depicting the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor had been
smuggled into the Poston Relocation Center and had been exhibited to
the inmates through the use of the above mentioned movie projector.
had no other information in his possession, but suggested that great
discretion be used in contacting
XXXXX because of
the fact
he would undoubtedly be beaten and suffer severe bodily punishment
if he were in any way openly contacted.
XXXXX felt that
would cooperate with the Field Division provided he was interviewed in
the appropriate place and proper protection was afforded him in
concealing his identity at the time he was interviewed.
XXXXX further advised that it was his opinion that some of
the mail which he had mailed to Poston since his release had been
intercepted. He stated it had come to his attention that
the Kibei
group in Manzanar Relocation Center was unofficially censoring all
outgoing mail and he felt it was possible that someone was
censoring mail in the Poston Relocation Center. Specifically,
stated that the reason he thought mail was intercepted was because of
the fact that he had written a letter to a particular individual which
had never reached its destination.
XXXXX advised the Phoenix
Field Division concerning the details of the probable interception of
this letter in a letter dated December 26, 1942.
In a letter from Manzanar, California to Confidential Informant
dated December 9, 1942,
XXXXX was advised by
XXXXX that
as of December 8, 1942 things had quieted down considerably at
Manzanar, although normalcy had not as yet been regained.
XXXXX that
free speech, freedom of thought and
freedom of action had been done away with, both by the military rule
and terrorists. The letter of
XXXXX further stated that the
military had stepped in to assume control, "but worse than that,
Kibei elements are conducting their cowardly acts of terrorism.
Those of us who do not fall in with their ways of thought and action
are billed for a visit from about fifteen to twenty of their gang. At
several homes where the person they wanted was not at home,
the old
parents were beaten unmercifully. Current rumors have it that about
thirty young women are on the list to be paid a visit. During a recent
one man was shot and eventually died. Black arm
bands have been passed out and all those not wearing them are to be
beaten up. I do not intend to wear one for I do not know the young man
nor do I feel sorry for him. A general strike has been called and all
those not connected with the mess division are not to go to work.
children may not attend school."
"All these things prove one factor, that there are many people who
belong in camps such as this.
As far as those who believe in
American ideals we should be released immediately or placed somewhere
where we can exercise our principles of free speech, free thought, et
cetera. Is there some way we can bring this about? This I think is
not the problem just at Manzanar, but throughout all the Centers.
Sincerely," Signed by
The following letter was received by
XXXXX from
who was formerly at Manzanar Relocation Center. This letter was written
from National Monument Headquarters, Death Valley, California:
"December 17, 1942
We have been here over a week already. We came here on the 10th of
December. There are some 60 odd Japanese in this camp. We got
chased out of Manzanar and we are not going to return there even if
there are no other places to go.
XXXXX I'm certainly glad that you were not in Manzanar
when H____ broke loose. That was one H____ of a place. They put us
on the death list and tried to come after us, Fred XXXXX
and myself, among others.
First of all, they -- the pro-axis elements -- attacked Fred in
his apartment on Saturday evening, about nine o'clock. He was writing a
letter in his bed when they clubbed him. He didn't have a chance to
fight back. But he did recognize one of the fellows -- XXXXX.
There were six in the gang that attacked XXXXX, all wearing
p-coats and black masks.
XXXXX and his Internal Police took Uyeno into custody.
They took him out of Manzanar to the Independence jail about two
o'clock in the morning -- Sunday morning.
When XXXXX went to XXXXX house, he found blood-stained
gloves that XXXXX allegedly used to hit XXXXX. The club
which XXXXX was left in Fred's house.
Incidentally XXXXX and his brothers were not at home when the
gang attacked Fred. They were visiting friends.
Uyeno's friends who are many number, mostly from the mess division,
held a mass meeting at kitchen 22 at one o'clock Sunday afternoon. XXXXX
-- remember him? -- XXXXX (billiard ball) and many others
spoke. They demanded that XXXXX should be brought back to the
center for trial and not be taken out of camp as he had been. The
public was aroused and they believed the speakers to be sincere, I
thought. Anyway, the public applauded them. A committee of six was
chosen to make demands with the project director.
Instead of letting the committee negotiate Uyeno's return to the center
jail, the mob followed the negotiating committee to the administration
center. By the time the mob reached the post office it had grown much
larger in size and it had become unruly, muttering threats at the
'dogs' -- so called informers.
When Police Chief Gilkie saw the crowd advancing, he knew that he could
not control them so he called the military police for protection.
The M.P.'s arrived in no time from the military barracks, first in
groups of fifteen or so, until the entire barracks were empty of a
single soldier. The entire M.P. strength is about 100 men. Many
were on sentry duty, so I presume there were about 75 soldiers who
answered Gilkie's call.
When the military police arrived the mob jeered at them, made funny
remarks and dared them to fire on them. Somehow the M.P.'s held their
fire. I admitted the courage of our soldiers who obeyed their
superiors. The order was not to fire.
Meanwhile, the negotiating committee contacted Mr. Merritt, our
new project director. Among the committee men, I recognized XXX-1
line-XXX. They were successful in getting Uyeno back to the center
jail and they agreed to maintain law and order in the center.
Six o'clock in the same evening the mess hall division workers held
another meeting at Kitchen 22, in spite of the fact that XXXXX
and his gang had promised no more meetings.
The gang who called the meeting to order according to XXXXX was
the same that called the earlier meeting. Which means that XXXXX
was there directing. Anyway, the speakers asked the public to get
rid of the informers. Kill them. The meeting adjourned with the mob
having two definite aims: release from jail, (2) Kill XXXXX and
other pro-Americans in the center. The mob was divided into two
groups, one going up to the hospital to get XXXXX and the other
down to the police station to seek Uyeno's release by force.
When the group of hoodlums went to the hospital they found that XXXXX
was not there. So they started to get Slocum. When they went to Sloke's
they were again disappointed. He wasn't home. So they started toward XXXXX
house. When they got there, they were again disappointed. XXXXX
wasn't there either. So they all started toward the police station.
As the noise of the approaching mobs became louder the sentry near the
main entrance fired a number of shots in the air, warning the
headquarters that the mobs had started on the war path. The
MP's came in a hurry. However, by the time the military reached the
police station the mob had already begun tearing some parts of the
police station.
But not much damage had been done. The military drove the people back a
little. But the mob was stubborn. The MP didn't have the men to stem
the pushing crowd so they hurled tear gas. Here again they were met
with resistance. This time by the wind. It blew the tear gas away. One
Japanese got into Fire Chief Hon's car and drove it toward the police
station where there was a machine gun nest. Just as the car got started
toward the soldiers the M.P.'s fired at the driver. He was jumping out
of the car when the bullet hit him. I am told that this Japanese died.
Other Japanese in the mob threw rocks at the military
insulted them by calling them all kinds of names, some even shouted to
tear down the American flag and pull up the Japanese flag. XXXXX
who was behind the bars also shouted to the mob to pull down the flag.
Martial law was declared shortly before the shooting but the people did
not know it.
I presume the shooting took place about 7:30 to 8:00 P.M. Sunday
evening. About nine o'clock all the mess bells began ringing calling
the people to mess hall meetings. We rushed to block 12 kitchen and
there we learned of the Japanese having been shot at by the military
police for throwing rocks at them.
The casualty list I know for certain is two dead and eight wounded.
Maybe I could be corrected. Real facts are hard to get. We are so D____
far from civilization.
XXXXX was at the scenes, he tells me. He was in the
crowd at the mess hall 22 when he heard my name called out. He tells me
now that he shrunk when the crowd yelled to get you too. Well,
it seems that he was fairly close to the speakers. They even had
loudspeakers, I am told.
The military police picked us up about four o'clock Monday afternoon. I
was hiding, afraid the mob would be looking for me. I was sure relieved
when the military came to my house with a large army truck. We were
take to the Manzanar Military barracks and we stayed there for four
days. XXXXX were picked up a little after I was. I was sure
glad to see them.
The soldiers treated us fine. We ate with them. I was
disappointed to find that the soldiers were not eating any better food
than we Japanese in the centers. And to think that the Japanese in the
camp were complaining! Well, they don't know when they are well off.
Signed: XXXXX"
In a letter to the Salt Lake City Field Division dated December 28,
1942 Confidential Informant
XXXXX advised that he had received
a letter from a friend in Manzanar Relocation Center dated December 17,
1942, which is as follows:
"Dear _____
As I was writing to XXXXX I thought you might be just as
interested in the incident which happened here last week and is still
going on. .......... Our school is in an awful mess just now but I hope
the kids will learn the value of it all later.
I'm doing some typing for my neighbor just now during our vacation and
it's all about the riot etc. Instead of writing my own impressions I
tho't it might help to know someone else's too. I'll tell you some of
the things he omitted. I never saw such a group where the feeling
of hate between the Issei and Nisei existed so strongly as it does here.
It's really interesting to note it all and yet so depressing. It hasn't
been fun for anyone this past week and it's getting on the point where
someone is going to burst. Our block is really punk as far as reasoning
goes and we're constantly being told what to do and what not to do.
It's a daily affair at the mess-hall and now we don't know anymore than
we did then. Unofficial announcements are always being given and its
gotten to a point where we don't know what to believe. Bulletins
(official) say one thing and the speakers say another.
Martial Law was declared today and all the parents either
have the wrong definition of it or are scared of something. We went
to breakfast as usual this morning and our Block Leader comes running
in making the announcement that there will be no work or school. After
breakfast we read the bulletin on the mess-hall wall and the English
was terrible and since it was printed by someone we knew it was not
official. (All Ad. bulletins are typed and signed.) Quite a few of
us work in the Ed. office so we all went to work together and on the
way were stopped by two men who asked where we thought we were going.
We ignored them and continued on our way and at the office Mr. High,
Hessy, my boss, Dr. Woods, etc., were all there waiting for the staff.
They excused us for the morning after listening to our story. However,
all the teachers were at their respective posts waiting for the kids to
come but you could see just a few here and there. I went to my classes
that aft. anyway and had some interesting talks with my different
teachers. It was really maddening to note how many students esp.
seniors, had not gone to school. However, most of the students here are
those who don't esp. care whether there is school or not. It makes it
hard for those who really try to help the teachers and themselves. As
it is now school will probably extend a little longer again. The
closing date was supposed to be March 5th but don't know now. This is
the second week of no school already and next week will be the third.
Vacation for Xmas was supposed to be from the 24th to the 1st. I'm
sorry there is no school too, because it'd help so much to keep the
kids from thinking too much of what they don't know. Most of them
believe everything they hear so really it's bad.
After going to work on Mon. and Tues. we were warned or rather
threatened to stay on our own blocks. They really have it in for XXXXX
since she does voice her opinion which are really sensible but this
Kibei that talked to her only told a lot of people and now they stare
at her every time something happens. She's on the blacklist too and
the [sic] her mother is quite worried XXXXX is determined to
in her two cents worth. XXXXX too, they both go to most of the
meetings in the Social Welfare so get all the dope. They made an
announcement today that two Nisei went down to Merritt and told
him things that were not good for the whole camp. They said they knew
who they were and that they lived on our block. For a moment I tho't
they meant XXXXX because we do go down to the post-office
everyday. They jumped to conclusions once so we tho't they did again.
Well, it's believed that they do suspect XXXXX again. Poor XXXXX.
They certainly hate us S.P.'s because we on this block have
different points of views. But it isn't going to do them any good
to threaten us and to tell us what to do and what not to do, because it
makes us want to do it more.
This black ribbon stuff was terrific. We don't even know the boy and
tho we feel sorry for him and all we felt that they sorta brought
it on themselves to bully the sentries and dare them to shoot etc.
Well, they insisted we wear them and so to please them and because it
is unnecessary to get into more trouble we wore them quite willingly.
We must keep quiet and not do anything that will not be for the good of
the camp etc., et... and for those so that they may not have died
in vain...... gads, sounds like a great novel or something. They
didn't know what they were dying for... are they kidding? Anyway
the whole thing was full of baloney.
There is still work and school but we can't get near the offices so
can't go to work. This life of staying at home doing nothing is
boring. Play volleyball, shoot with the basketball, type, listen to
music now and then but it gets monotonous. By the way, while you
people are having snow we are having the California Sunshine with us.
Doesn't feel like winter at all. (now watch it get cloudy tomorrow.)
But really it's been nice and sunny all week now but a cold breeze too.
After the sun goes down and early in the morning it's freezing... no
lie! Hasn't been snowing in the mts. lately but we are expecting it any
day now.
Mail is going out alright but we have to go down to the post office
ourselves and the first couple of days in fact all last week we
couldn't get off our block without being suspected of wrong doing.
Certain ones were warned not to send out letters (XXXXX for a
few) but we are now anyway. They told selected people because a lot of
the people didn't even know it was going out. They couldn't miss all
those houses esp. when our neighbors were missed...... I'm doing the
typing for _____ because his parents won't allow him to do it in his
home just now. It's explained right there. All this typing gives me
good practice and gives me something to do too.
We were certainly sore at this bulletin tho. They had
the nerve to say 'We the 10,00 [sic] people' here and there.
they would speak for themselves.
This election was really something. Our block leader tried to tell us
whom to vote for and so forth and XXXXX just about exploded at
him. He's a Kibei and scared stiff about something. Everything
around here is Issei, Kibei and Phooey to the Nisei! In the first
place the block leader didn't know how to go about an election, so they
had to explain it to him. Boy! did he get mad!
You go down to the post office and see teachers working there helping
and a lot of them are doing other work too. For awhile mail was being
delivered to our block sub-stations but it seems the Nisei that was
doing the delivering had some kind of argument with the office staff
and quit so now we have to go down for our mail too.
They weren't picking it up from the beginning so we've been trekking
down since Tues. Nuts, the lights just went out. Goes on then goes on
again and then go off then on... what is this anyway... a signal? Can't
see what I'm typing. Maybe they don't want me to type anymore... The
lights went on again and sounds like I've been stuttering.
At any rate... darn the lights went out again... Can't they make up
their minds. As I was saying... this is about as much as we both know
and tho we may know more we can't tell whether they are true or not.
However, should you be curious in any way, just write and we'll try to
clarify you.
Want to hear something good? At a meeting for us Nisei on our block to
try and clarify things the representatives actually told us the gov't
wanted to kill all of us. They had a good grudge or something against
Campbell but anyway hated him something awful. Well, we have a new
Acting P.D. now. We almost died when they said that Merritt and the
gov't wanted to kill us all. It's things like that that disgusts us."
In addition this individual enclosed somewhat of a diary concerning the
activities at Manzanar from November 16 to November 19, 1942. This
diary is as follows:
"December 6:
Last night, at approximately 10 o'clock, Fred Tayama, former
President of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Japanese American
Citizens League was beaten up. A group of Ruffians went to his
home, dragged him out of his bed and proceeded to attack him. (The gang
was disguised, but some of them spoke, so if Tayama knew any of his
assailants, he could recognize voices). At this time, his wife was
taking a shower. Only he and his daughter (grammar school age) were at
home. After he was thoroughly beaten up, Tayama was taken to the
Hospital here in Manzanar. It seems as though he must have told the
Internal Police (Manzanar Police) about one of the people who attacked
him (a Mr. Ueno -- no relation to XXXXX). That person, a
mess-hall worker, was taken into custody and sent to a jail in
Independence (a small town not far from here).
Apparently, the mess-hall workers did not like the idea very much
and so they began to make themselves heard.
This afternoon (Sunday), at one of the mess-halls (#22 where the person
who was picked up formerly worked), a meeting was held. I did not
attend since I knew nothing about it all (I was studying shorthand at
this time). According to what I have been able to gather, a group of
people wanted that fellow released from jail and returned to Manzanar.
A protest meeting was held. Little by little, more and more people
gathered around. Finally, it was suggested that a group of people
delegate themselves as a committee to see about the obtaining of a
release for that former mess-hall worker. By this time, quite a crowd
had gathered and all of the people there wanted to see the outcome.
Many were in favor of the idea, I presume; however, no doubt, many
of the people were just curious, nosy, or sheep-like (follow the leader
En masse, the whole audience at the meeting began to go toward the
Administration Building about half a mile or so away. Someone reported
this to the Internal Police who apparently called the Military Police
because when the crowd of people finally got to its destination, it
found some U.S. soldiers (heavily armed) waiting for it. Evidently,
this did not faze the people (men, women, and children). They stood
around and began to denounce and threaten certain characters in
Manzanar, (Japanese-Americans, among whom were mentioned were Togo
Tanaka, Tokie Slocum, Kiyoshi Higashi (Chief of Internal
Police), XXXXX brother who was a member of the Internal Police)
and others. These people were called traitors, informers, and inu
Note: -- In Japan, certain detective-like people sometimes went
snooping around from house to house in search of clues. Hence, the name
"Inu" since dogs go roaming around from house to house sniffing.
Additional note: -- The FBI and other such organs of the Government are
viewed with extreme suspicion. Anyone suspected of aiding such agencies
is tagged immediately as 'Inu'. Any tagged as 'Inu' is in danger of
losing his hide to these murder-intending people who hate 'Inu'.
Further additional note: -- Anyone caught typing is instantly suspected
of being an 'Inu'. He may be typing reports to the 'Government.' Hence,
the reason for my printed work. I can't afford to take any
chances. I am not too easily alarmed, but in this case, I feel sure
that I am not 'seeing things where they ain't.'
The group of people, in addition to asking the release of Ueno, asked
for the release of other people who are now in the Manzanar Jail for
sentences of six months.
Note: -- The young boys (18 to 20) who were in jail for six months
sentences were convicted of assisting a gang doing violence.
These people heaved rocks through every window of a former
Police-woman's home. This happened at night. Luckily, no one was hurt.
All this happened about two or three weeks previously. (They're out
In addition, certain Center administrators were threatened.
These were: The Project Director, Ralph Merritt; the Assistant Project
Director, Mr. Campbell; the Chief Engineer, Mr. Harvey Brown; the
Mess-hall Supervisor, Mr. Winchester, and the Chief of Community
Services, Mr. Thomas M. Temple.
The crowd was ordered to disperse, but it refused. By this time, the
crowd increased and the soldiers numbered about thirty. According to
some of the people there, the soldiers had rifles and revolvers. In
addition, some had portable machine guns and there was one machine gun
emplacement set up.
By this time, it was near supper time, so most of the people returned
home after a promise was exacted that the prisoner would be returned to
Manzanar by 6:00 p.m. The crowd dispersed only after the soldiers left
first. In going home, some of the people shouted, 'Banzai' a few
times; others whistled or sang Japanese military or naval airs.
Others just trekked home.
After supper, another meeting was held at the mess-hall where the
previous one took place. Then, the crowd was divided into two sections
-- one group went to the hospital and the other group went to the
Police Station. The group which was sent to the Hospital was united
with the one intent of not allowing Fred Tayama to escape from the
Hospital. It was later found out that the person in question was
whisked away from the Hospital earlier in the evening.
Note: -- According to later knowledge, I found out that Fred Tayama was
still in the Hospital when the crowd got there. The crowd started to
search the wards one by one, not omitting a single one. It even went so
far as to go into the Women's Ward -- and the morgue. In the meantime,
the Military Police gathered around the front entrance. By this action,
the mob felt that Fred Tayama would go out the front way. The soldiers
had machine guns set up also, so that too helped out that opinion.
When the crowd centered around the front end of the hospital, Fred
Tayama was put in a stretcher and put into an ambulance which stood
waiting by a side entrance. The mob saw it just then and surged toward
it. The ambulance left just in the nick of time.
Seeing that its quarry had eluded it, the crowd immediately took up the
cry, 'Tokie Slocum!' With murder in their hearts, the people
stormed to Slocum's place about a quarter of a mile away. Just when the
mob came into view of Slocum's home, it saw Slocum piling suitcases
into a waiting ambulance. After the luggage was put in the ambulance,
Slocum piled in and the ambulance was off! The mob had missed its prey
again by a matter of a few minutes. It was very lucky for Slocum that
the mob went after Tayama first that evening or else Slocum would not
be alive now. Both men are hated by the majority of the Center. It
has been said that a group of people has vowed to get Tayama and Slocum
after the war is over.
The crowd moved on towards the Police Station. There, it milled around,
discussing, cussing, and occasionally yelling something or other.
Nothing drastic was done. The people numbered well over a thousand by
this time (very rough guess). Most of the people did not know the issue
at stake, but agitators constantly said things to stimulate the mob. It
was very cold, so everyone was moving around to keep warm. Many lights
were shining on the people so that the soldiers could see what was
happening. No doubt, the soldiers were getting rather jittery about the
whole affair.
Tonight, Sunday, there was supposed to be an Open Forum Discussion
sponsored by the Adult Education Department featuring Mrs. Lucy Adams,
Regional Director of Education and Recreation. Due to the tension of
everyone in the Center, the Forum was called off. XXX-2 lines-XXX.
We headed toward the Administration Housing. It was very dark. At about
fifty feet from the house, we heard someone say, 'Halt!'. We walked on
one more step. Then, we saw a soldier. He said, 'Halt!' again. We
stopped immediately without question. Then, he presumably cleared his
rifle for action - we heard the bolt click. He called for someone by
the name of Percy or something. We supposed that he was the Corporal of
the Guard or something. He did not show up. The sentry asked us to
state our business. I think, he must have had a cold or a sore throat.
We couldn't hear him well. The fellow with me kept quiet. I said that
we wanted to see XXXXX. XXXXX 'stated our business'
while the other fellow and I stood very still with our arms held
rigidly at our sides. He let us pass, but he followed us with his
enormous (so it seemed to us) gun.
After that, we left the vicinity quickly. In fact, we were so eager to
make our departure that we tripped over (or rather practically did)
some cactus plants. He went home. I followed suit.
The topic for discussion at home was the current happenings. At about
10:10 p.m., someone went through our block rousing everyone. The dinner
gong was run[g] a number of times.
Immediately, I thought that a fire had broken out in Manzanar. I put on
my coat and dashed out the door and hurried to the mess-hall where
people would usually congregate in any kind of an emergency. My brother
and father followed me. About twenty people were gathered around the
back steps of the mess-hall. It was terribly cold -- below freezing,
I'm sure.
Shivering there in the cold, I found out that the soldiers had thrown a
couple of tear gas bombs into the mob (which had grown rather large by
then in spite of the cold). After tossing the bombs into the crowd,
some of the soldiers began to shoot. Rifles and machine guns were used.
According to the informant, about four people were hit --
one a youth of about 18 years.
The Block people (all men) who had gathered decided to go to the scene
of action (they were prompted by someone) and my father and brother
both went to see what was happening. That left my mother and my sister,
so I stayed at home. Besides, I could not see the purpose of going down
just to add to the general confusion.
The extremely odd thing was that all of the mess-hall gongs were being
struck almost simultaneously all around us. The whole thing seems
to have been very well planned and executed.
My father and brother returned at nearly midnight and reported that
nothing more had happened and that the crowd had begun to disperse.
All is relatively quiet today. The neighborhood and children are
playing and the older folks are still talking about the night before.
Some of the 'in-betweens' are playing football and volleyball. Others
are also in discussion groups.
At breakfast time, we saw posters which were put up by somebody not in
the administration. It said that school will not be held today. All
workers were told to stay at home. I guess that all did. There didn't
seem to be any point in going to work today. The only people working
are those in the Hospital, mess-halls, food ware-houses, and those who
are distributing oil for the stoves.
According to information gleaned today, seven people were shot and
injured, three were disabled rather badly by the tear gas, and two were
killed. One fellow is now in the Hospital in a critical state. He
had seven bullets in him (all in the back). From what I hear, most
of the people were shot either in the back or in the side.
Last night one person was beaten up in a mess-hall because a group
of people did not like him. I have heard that he was killed. The
people who beat him up used wooden poles and one person wielded a
One more item is that the entire internal police force (all Nisei)
have quit. Some of them ripped their badges (just recently
acquired) from their shirts and flung them on the ground.
DECEMBER 7: -- 6:00 P.M.
Martial Law was declared according to a bulletin in the mess-hall. A
Colonel Mueller is in charge at the moment. There will be no incoming
or out-going mail. The bulletin said that schools will be open, but the
Block Manager said that schools are closed. Something isn't
clicking there.
DECEMBER 8: -- 11:00 A.M.
School is supposed to be running. This morning, I went to the Education
Office. Only two of the office-workers were there at the time I was
there. In the Community Services Division, no one was around. All
offices were quiet.
The teachers were all at their respective classes yesterday (Monday).
Today they were at their posts again in the morning. It's rather hectic
work since the Administration Mess-hall is not running, the
teachers helping with the work formerly done by the residents. Mrs.
Lucy Adams, Regional Director of Education and Recreation, was helping
with the waiting on tables. Everyone pitched in to help. Some of the
make teachers helped with the dish-washing. After all the mess-hall
work was finished, the teachers dashed to take charge of their classes.
Not very many students showed up for classes. In many cases, a
group of people roamed around disturbing classes. Some teachers were
locked in their rooms. Foul words were said to a few teachers.
Finally, Dr. Genevieve Carter, Superintendent of Education, called all
the teachers away from the classes. This was the end of school for the
time being.
This morning, I found out from my father that the blacklist made up
by the band of ruffians now in practical control of the residents of
Manzanar consists of about seventy names. It seems that I am
included on that list. My father found that out from a fairly reliable
source, so both of my parents are worried. The people named on the
blacklist have a very good chance of being beaten up. As in some
other countries, terrorism rules here.
DECEMBER 8: -- 12:30 P.M.
According to an announcement made at the mess-hall during lunch, no
work will be allowed to run except certain designated ones. There will
be no school and no offices will be open. All block residents were told
to wear something black on their clothing. The males must wear a black
band and the others must wear black ribbons. It is supposed to
denote mourning for the people who were killed and wounded that
Saturday night. Previous, all block residents were urged to stay near
their homes.
DECEMBER 8: -- 8:00 P.M.
Black bands and ribbons were distributed to each apartment in the
block. I wear my band only for my own protection. I have no desire to
tangle with the mob. Since I am already on a black-list, there doesn't
seem to be any point in further aggravating the situation over such a
small matter as the wearing of black.
Upon the urging of my parents, I have packed my suitcase in order that
I may be ready to leave if and when the soldiers come after me. It
seems that many people have been rounded up by the soldiers for
questioning and for protective custody. According to my mother, about
fifty people have been taken out of Manzanar.
This evening, mail dating to before December 6 was distributed. As yet,
there has been no announcement as to the fact that mail will be allowed
to go out of Manzanar.
Today, I heard a rumor to the effect that out-going mail will be
allowed if the letters are taken to the Post-Office.
A story which seems to be authentic which is now going around is that a
group of three girls talking to each other was the target of some
soldiers' bullets. Apparently, the soldiers wanted to frighten the
girls since no one was hurt.
All persons were notified to eat at their own mess-halls. There seems
to be some sort of food shortage.
Today, I was warned not to post any letters since there is supposed to
be censorship (that was a reason given to me). The mail box (about a
mile away) is being carefully watched and people posting letters
will be seen and be beaten up in all probability. The latter part
is not a surmise actually since that was the warning given to me.
I have learned that a delegation of six residents who went to the
administration to try to negotiate some sort of settlement did not
return. They were apprehended and put under guard. A second group has
not been set up as yet. However, there was a little talk of sending
'representatives' until half the camp is taken. That is foolish because
such a move can never come about.
It is quiet now -- on the surface -- like the calm which precedes a
storm. At present it isn't safe to talk, write, walk around, go out
at night, typewriter (because people might assume that a person so
doing is writing a report), or even THINK! It's dangerous to do
anything. Rule is by violence. One never knows who the next person to
be attacked will be. The only safe thing to do is to be quiet and
docile. We still have not worked at our jobs. What will await anyone
who works is made rather evident.
XXXXX who was beaten up by a gang because he was thought
to be an informer of some type, was not killed as formerly rumored. He
is expected to recover; however, he will not be entirely sane again.
He used to be rather intelligent. Prior to evacuation, he worked as a
Yesterday, at supper-time, it was announced that another of the
gun-shot victims died at 8:00 A.M.
A couple of days ago, probably around December 8 or 9, all of the
teachers were evacuated from Manzanar. They are now living in Lone
Pine and in Independence.
This morning, a notice was put up in the mess-hall. It was without
signature. In very good English (as it is not the case with the
previous notices put up recently), it tried to state reasons for the
conflict now. It appeared to be flagrantly untrue, but if people
believed it all (and most people will, no doubt), the Government is all
wrong in all it has done. Now, according to that notice,
one of the issues is that Ueno (the man who was taken in
custody for attacking Tayama) was so persecuted by the officials
because he is supposed to have some information which would prove
that one of the Caucasians worked some graft with the sugar supply
at Manzanar. Ueno is also supposed to have some other 'proofs.'
Another issue (undoubtedly, people stay up nights trying to justify the
no-work policy) is the idea of the people who were interned in camps. This
notice accuses the Government of placing FBI informers in W.R.A. camps.
It is felt that these informers were responsible entirely for the fact
that persons were hauled away from their homes and jailed at the
outbreak of the war. It is felt that all (according to my
interpretation of the notice -- I read it through only twice) of the
internees were placed in concentration camps without proof of guilt.
All blame is placed on the FBI informers for the fact that this
outbreak arose. The notice also stated that if the informers were not
placed in the centers, such a thing would not have happened.
'Baloney!' I say. This thing has been brewing for a heck of
a long time and almost anything could have set off this business.
In regard to the case of the internees, the group responsible for
putting up the notices want unconditional releases for all the
This evening, another notice was put up (this again in very good
English) appealing to all Nisei -- to all Japanese descendants. It
urged all such persons not to seek to relocate outside of Manzanar
until everything is settled. It tried to appeal to the sense of loyalty
towards the fellow people. It said that all of the people in America
must see the situation 'as we see it.'
The group responsible -- the following will serve to
give some sort of background to the situation. I am starting about the
time two months ago, but it must not be assumed that the trouble began
to brew then. Actually, trouble in general dated back to about the
latter part of May, 1942. This was the month that the last mass
group of evacuees arrived at Manzanar. Even at this time, unrest was to
be discernible, but only to those who looked a little below the surface
appearances. FBI 'stool-pigeons' were suspected. The Project Director
was not trusted. Bitterness and disillusionment had struck the
people in a passive state.
About three months ago (September), a Community Charter Commission of
seventeen people was appointed by Mr. Ray Nash, then the Project
Director. The method of the appointment was as follows:
At a Block Leader's Meeting (each block in Manzanar -- 36 in all --
elected one person to represent the block in all matters. This was a
Block Leader) where all block leaders gathered once a week to discuss
problems and work out solutions, it was announced that a Charter
Commission would be formed. Each Block Leader was given a chance to
name some people who he felt was capable of serving on such a committee
as to formulate a Community Charter.
Approximately 70 names were submitted -- many names suggested by more
than one Block Leader. The names were ranked in order by the frequency
each name was mentioned. Mr. Nash then formally appointed the top
seventeen people on that list. According to the Administration, this
was done to facilitate matters.
The seventeen members got busy and with constant referring to
Administrative Bulletins and orders from Washington, D.C. on certain
policies already set, a Charter was drafted. It stipulated that a
Community Council would be formed and then delegated certain powers to
Finally, the Charter was completed. A copy in English and one in
Japanese was distributed to each apartment in Manzanar. A date,
November 9, 1942, was set when the people would have an opportunity to
either accept or reject the Charter. If the people accepted this means
of 'self-government' (a misnomer to which almost everyone objected),
the Charter would be put into operation immediately. If the people
rejected the Charter, a new one would be drafted and put before the
people. What everyone did not know is that the Project Director has the
authority to force the people to accept the Charter if necessary --
vote or no vote.
About a month before November 9, posters were placed in all
mass-halls denouncing 'self-government.' It was signed the 'Blood
Brothers' -- thus translated from the Japanese language. The notice
was printed in Japanese entirely. It was rather vicious in tone.
The Internal Police tore the notices down from all of the mess-halls
before noon. A slight attempt to trace the 'Blood Brothers' was made
but soon abandoned.
About two weeks prior to November 9, each of the Commission members
received at least one threatening note from the 'Blood Brothers.'
These notes were very out-spoken. Again, efforts made to trace these
persons were proven to be futile. No publicity of this was given.
Immediately, a Commissioners' Meeting was called. It was brought out at
that time that the Commission members were intending to resign since
the Charter was already completed, but in view of the fact that the
threatening letters had demanded their resignation, some of the
Commissioners felt that such action wold look as though they were
quitting under fire. However, it finally ended by the Commissioners
deciding to resign. Prior to resigning, it was decided that the
November 9 deadline for voting acceptance or rejection should be
postponed until November 30. This was done to allow time for the people
to find out what the Charter contained. Also, by that time, it was felt
that the majority of the beet-field workers would return.
After the Charter Commissioners resigned, it seemed that many of
the Issei and Kibei were disgruntled about the whole situation.
They did not care for the manner in which the Commissioners were
appointed. (The method was not made public). They did not care for
certain rulings embodied in the Charter. The Administration decided
that a new Commission should be formed, two representatives from each
of the thirty-five blocks, by open elections in each block. The
November 30 voting date was disregarded.
Example of how the 'election' of the two representatives was held in
Block XXXXX:
Two nights before the 'election', a block meeting was called to show
the block members various fire-fighting apparatus and to discuss the
Charter. Most of the Nisei knew something about hand-pumps, soda and
acid extinguishers, etc., and most of the Nisei read the Charter if
they were in the least interested in it. In addition, there were night
classes going on. Because of these reasons, all of the Nisei except one
stayed away from that meeting. There were about 30 to 40 Issei and
Kibei at that meeting and only one Nisei XXXXX.
The meeting was conducted solely in Japanese. I caught the gist of the
discussion, but, of course, not all of it. First, the fire-fighting
equipment was displayed and explained. Then, the speaker, a Kibei
fireman, explained what the block residents should do in case a fire
started in the block. Then, discussion revolved around the nominating
of people for the election two days hence. Two people were nominated --
both Kibei. This was really against the rules since the
election was supposed to be an Open Election with anyone over 18
eligible to vote or be elected.
On the day of the election, I was surprised to discover that no one had
voted. By then, it was the last half-hour of the polls being open.
Then, I found out that some people were not allowed to vote.
Then it came out. Two nights previously, what I had thought was merely
the nomination was in reality an appointment 'by the will of the
people.' A farce was being perpetuated!
Since such an idea was not acceptable to a couple of us, we protested.
At first, our protests were of no avail, but finally, a new election
was called. Ballots were taken to each apartment and filled out while
the persons distributing the ballots waited for them at the door. This
was the first time that I had ever seen an election run off in such a
manner. The end result was that the two Kibei boys were elected!
Democracy in Action!
All of the New Commissioners who were elected met with the Project
Director, Mr. Ralph Merritt. The meeting dragged on and nothing was
accomplished except that it was decided that final discussion would be
tabled. Many of the people were outspokenly and vehemently against
any type of self-government.
Some of the underlying thoughts which were expressed are:
'Since the army (and/or government) put us here, why can't it run us?'
'We've gotten along all right so far without self-government, why
should we have it now?'
'What's wrong with the present set-up?'
'How can we have self-government in a place surrounded by
barb-wired fences?'

"Evacuee children enjoying a hot summer afternoon in the mountain creek
which flows through the desert on the border of this War Relocation
Authority center. (Manzanar, 07/03/1942)
The majority of the new Commissioners were Issei and Kibei.
Only a very few were Nisei. Of the fifty-five Commissioners present,
only about four or five were Nisei. This meeting was held on Thursday,
December 3. The disturbances occurred Saturday, December 6. No doubt,
minions of the 'Blood Brothers' were spotted among the new Commission.
The term 'Blood Brothers' has been discarded now, I believe. The new
name of the organization is 'The Black Dragon.'
Today, I learned that the school teachers are now working in
the Administration Building. Many of them have returned from Lone Pine
and Independence and are again living on the Project. Apparently,
schools will be closed until the beginning of January.
>From a fairly reliable source, I have become cognizant of the
following: Project Director Merritt feels that the residents of
Manzanar do not want to return to work. He has decided to hire
Caucasians to work in essential jobs unless the residents return to
their places. If Caucasians are hired, the evacuees will not be
permitted to work at all. That means that the evacuees will not receive
any income.
Up to this date, Mr. Merritt has not issued any statement to the above
effect, but he expected the people to go back to work without such a
notice. He seems to have one point of view; the dominating society
has another; the residents have none. Everything is not running
smoothly between the Administration and the residents. One does not
know what or how the other is thinking. There is no co-ordination or
attempts at it anywhere.
>From the same source, I learned that not all of the people shot on
December 6 were shot in the back. One of the High School teachers who
had gone to the Hospital to inquire about those who were shot was told
by the doctors that there the statement that all victims were shot
the back was false.
At noon today, an announcement was made during lunch that Mr. Merritt
and Captain Hall of the Military Police would meet with representatives
of the people of Manzanar. The group to meet them was supposed to be
composed of three representatives from each block. After the
announcement was made, the speaker said that the three
'representatives' were already chosen. Without mentioning the names of
the people, he asked whether the choice was acceptable to the block
residents. Many people acquiesced. Then, the names were disclosed -- all
Kibei. There was a general applause, so that settled
that. In order
to forestall any dissension, the speaker asked whether the people
wanted any substitutions for the representatives. No one spoke.
The meeting is scheduled for this afternoon."
XXXXX who has recently been in
Tule Lake
Relocation Center, California, advised that
short wave Japanese
broadcasts are heard in the Tule Lake camp every night between 1:00
A.M. and 4:00 A.M.
XXXXX stated that these broadcasts originate
from Japan as far as was ascertainable.
XXXXX the conversations of certain females
were overheard and these individuals talked concerning broadcasts which
they had heard originating from Japan.
XXXXX advised that these
conversations were heard at least on five different occasions and the
individuals who spoke of hearing these broadcasts were different
persons on each occasion. The individuals who spoke of hearing these
broadcasts were
Issei Japanese women and were unknown to
Part of the conversation over-heard by
XXXXX was to the effect
when Japan won the war damages would be paid by the United
States Government to all Issei Japanese. These conversations were
over-heard by
XXXXX in the Autumn or Winter of 1942.
thought that the individuals who listened in on these broadcasts from
Japan must do so after turning out all the lights of their particular
place of abode, whereas it was
XXXXX opinion that all lights
were turned out in the Tule Lake Camp at 12 o'clock and any light seen
thereafter was investigated by the Tule Lake officials.
was positive that the individuals who spoke about hearing broadcasts
from Japan had personally listened in on these broadcasts.
XXXXX advised that as far as was ascertainable
organizations of Kibei or Issei had yet been organized at Tule Lake.
far as
XXXXX could ascertain there was
not a great deal of
American agitation. Informant stated that most of the individuals
Tule Lake were interested in their pay checks and moral questions which
arose from time to time.
XXXXX recalled that in the summer of
1942 a proposal was submitted to the camp at large relative to
broadcasting from Tule Lake to the Island of Japan. The plan was that
certain individuals living at Tule Lake were being well treated, fed,
clothed, et cetera. The purpose of this broadcast was
to combat
Japanese propaganda to the effect that the inhabitants of the various
Relocation Camps throughout the United States were being abused.
plan was submitted to the Government Counsel of the camp and voted
XXXXX recalled that previous to the vote which turned the
proposal down, block managers throughout the camp were instructed to
call all the Issei and Nisei together to explain the purposes of the
broadcasts to Japan. However,
XXXXX observed
it was rather
curious that only the Issei were called together and that the Nisei
were not summoned.
XXXXX recalled that
XXXXX was block manager of the
block in which informant lived, which was Block
Informant stated that
XXXXX failed to call the Nisei in
Informant's block.
XXXXX further stated that this statement had
been many times made in Tule Lake that "If you put your regular radio
together in a certain way and use a certain wire installation, you can
convert your radio to short wave".
XXXXX could not recall
hearing anything concerning broadcasting from the Tule Lake Relocation
XXXXX stated that communication would be made with a
friend who was living in Tule Lake and an effort would be made to have
this friend develop more information concerning the radio set-up
broadcasts, et cetera, which are supposed to be going on at Tule Lake.
Special Agent
XXXXX advised that he interviewed
line-XXX at Clearfield, Utah on December 19, 1942
with a view
developing these individuals as informants at the Poston Relocation
Center. The above persons had been released from Poston to work on
farms at Clearfield and were returning to Poston on December 19, 1942.
However, during the interview the above individuals indicated they
would not be willing or able to give information of value and therefore
further contact of those persons is not contemplated. The following
personal information was secured concerning these individuals by
Special Agent
XXXXX born
XXXXX returned to Japan when seven
years of age and stayed for eight years. Went to school while in Japan.
XXXXX born
XXXXX returned to Japan when five years
old, remaining for nine years. Attended school while in Japan.
XXXXX born
XXXXX returned to Japan when two years
old, staying ten years, attended school in Japan.
XXXXX born in
XXXXX but been in America for some
All of the above individuals are from
Poston and all were prior
to evacuation living at Terminal Island, San Francisco. All had
complied with the Selective Service Act, according to papers which they
The following
contraband inventory list was furnished by Mr.
THEODORE LEWIS, Chief of Internal Security at the
Topaz Relocation
Center. It may be noted that all the chemicals and the telegraph
key were received in the mail in one box and were intercepted by the
WRA mail inspector:
Nickel Ammonium Sulphate |
1 Vial |
White Powder Chemical |
1 Vial |
Blue Powder |
1 Vial |
Potassium Nitrate |
1 Vial |
Copper Nitrate C. P. |
1/8 Pound |
Oxalic Acid |
1 Bottle |
Mercuric Oxide Red Powder |
1/8 Pound |
Potassium (C.P.) Ferricyanide |
½ Bottle (Amall) |
Potassium Permanganate |
1 Bottle (Part) |
Potassium Chlorate (C.P.) (KClO) |
Part Bottle |
Cupric Oxide (CuO) |
Part Bottle |
Potassium Iodide Granulated |
½ oz. |
Iodine USP Crystals |
½ oz. |
Silver Nitrate |
1 oz. |
Gold Powder -- no name |
Small Bottle |
Silver Nitrate Merck |
1 oz. |
Cobalt Chloride |
Part Bottle |
Phenolphthalein Powder |
Part Vial |
Phenolphthalein Liquid |
Part Bottle Small |
Potassium Ferrocyanide |
Part Bottle |
Silver Nitrate |
½ oz. |
Litmus Solution |
Bottle |
Mercury (Bottle) |
1 Pound |
Lead Acetate Pb (C2H3O2) 2 |
Bottle Small |
Barium Chloride |
1 Pound |
Potassium Bromide |
1/4 Pound |
Potassium Chlorate |
Teaspoon Powder |
Antimony - Stibium Metal |
Small Can |
Lead Nitrate |
Small Can |
Potassium Dichromate |
Part Bottle |
Silver Crystals |
Part Small Wood Vial |
Powdered Zinc |
Part Small Wood Vial |
Sodium Ferrocyanide |
Part Small Wood Vial |
Magnesium Metal |
1 oz. |
35 with tags
9 without tags |
16 Bottles with tags
1 Bottle Champagne - tagged |
22 Kitchen Knives with tags
1 Carving fork (large)
1 Short Pocket Cleaver
1 File Knife (Pocket)
1 Kitchen Knife
5 "
3 Table Knives
1 Kitchen Knife
3 "
14 Miscellaneous
1 Bread Knife
2 Cleavers with tags
1 Hunting knife with tag |
1 with tag
1 package of 6 with tag |
9 with tags |
1 (15 inches) with tag |
? with tags |
1 Box (2 rolls) |
1 with tag |
1 Box of 5 with tag |
2 packages (13 pcs.) with tags
(3 pcs.) |
1 box with tag
1 pkg. with tag |
2 with tag |
1 Complete |
"Some of the above items are in the process of being returned to the
owners -- namely: hatchets, straight-edge razors, phonograph records
and crow bar."
In addition,
XXXXX advised that a Japanese whose name he did
not then recall, but whose name he would ascertain, was receiving radio
parts which he used for the purpose of repairing radios within the
Center. These parts, according to
XXXXX were not short wave
parts, but in conjunction with other parts which the Japanese repairman
might have,
could easily be built into a short wave receiving set.

"General view - Radio Repair shop." (Minidoka, 12/10/1942)
Confidential Informant
XXXXX advised that his subordinates had
advised him that
XXXXX in the Topaz Relocation Center, had been
calling in groups of Japanese
to translate Japanese short wave
radio broadcasts.
XXXXX stated he had no definite proof of this, but the
information had just reached him and he was passing it on for what it
was worth.
Confidential Informant
XXXXX advised that
there was a
definite rift between the Nisei and Kibei at the Center because there
was a distinct difference in the way of thinking of the two groups.
At the Assembly Centers the Nisei has almost complete power. At the
present time however
the Issei are getting the power away from the
Nisei. At the present the majority of the meeting held at the
Relocation Center are now held in the Japanese language. He states that
the Issei have a constantly growing superiority complex and
as a
result of the rift between the Nisei and the Kibei groups there is
constant growing tension which may soon come to a head.
attributes this to the fact the leaders have gotten too much power. He
also states that because the better and the more intelligent people are
somewhat afraid to enter into any political activity in so far as the
Center is concerned, that the riffraff have gotten the leadership and
as a result of their new found power they are prone to go to lengths in
keeping with the ways of the more intelligent Japanese.
XXXXX states that at the time war broke out the Nisei were
very much pro-American, but at the present time
the attitude of the
Nisei in camp is changing to an attitude of anti-Americanism
because of the camp life and because they feel embittered because they
no longer have their freedom.
XXXXX then stated that prior to
the Nisei could speak very little Japanese, but
since they have become centered in the Relocation Center, their
interest in the Japanese language is developing and
the majority of
Nisei have improved their Japanese tremendously since they have arrived
at Topaz. He states further that undoubtedly a great deal of this
can be laid to the fact that the Nisei and Issei are in closer contact
with each other than ever before and the Nisei are
under a greater
influence by the Issei than ever before.
An unidentified Japanese girl advised the writer that prior to the
evacuation the vast majority of the Nisei would fight anyone who did or
would make any statement concerning their Americanism or degrading
their loyalty to this country. She stated, however, that because they
had become embittered and because they were now subject to more Issei
influence that probably
at least half of the Nisei were on the
fence and did not know whether to maintain their loyalty to the United
States or turn their affections towards Japan.
It may be noted that
XXXXX, a fifteen year old Japanese
came to the writer after his parents were interviewed as applicants for
repatriation. This lad

stated that his parents were very much in favor
of Japan and it was their idea to take him to Japan, however, he did
not wish to go to Japan because
he did not know the Japanese
language and was not acquainted with the Japanese mode and manner of
living. He continued that in so far as the Issei were concerned
they remembered what Japan used to be and did not know present
circumstances. He then stated that it was because of the fact that the
remembered their Japanese background and because they were Japanese
citizens that
they staunchly retained their loyalty to Japan.
He further advised that at least half the Nisei were on the fence in so
far as their loyalty to either one country or the other was concerned.
He stated that probably
half the Nisei were strongly pro-American
and the other half since they had been evacuated were subject to the
influence of the Issei and did not seem to be able to make up their
mind whether they wanted to attach their loyalty to the United States
or to Japan. [PHOTO: "Residents of Colorado River Relocation Center
for persons of Japanese ancestry requesting repatriation to Japan."
(Poston, 06/1942)]
Will contact informants and obtain information relative to
reason for collecting funds at Tule Lake for the appeal of the YASUI
case. It is to be noted that information has been received that the
funds collected for the appeal of this case are not necessarily to be
used in connection with the appeal of the YASUI case. Propaganda spread
in an effort to raise these funds should also be ascertained.
Will contact informants and obtain information relative to the reason
for collecting funds at Tule Lake for the appeal of the YASUI case. It
is to be noted that information has been received that the funds
collected for the appeal of this case are not necessarily to be used in
connection with the appeal of the YASUI case. Propaganda spread in an
effort to raise these funds should also be ascertained.
Will ascertain the activities and general background of
Will ascertain the location of the two
short wave radio receiving
sets used at the Poston Relocation Center.
Will ascertain who smuggled in the
moving picture showing the
sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and also the individuals responsible for
showing this picture. Information concerning the showing of this
picture and the probable location of the short wave receiving sets can
be most likely gained from one
XXXXX. However, this individual
should be interviewed away from the relocation camp and every
precaution should be taken to protect this identity during the course
of the interview.
Will check the records of the War Time Civil Control Authority and
determine the present whereabouts of
XXXXX, former residents in
the Los Angeles area.
Will check the Field Office indices of the Field Division and furnish
all information available concerning
XXXXX, the latter of whom
is running a mercantile store at Layton, Utah.
*The lead mentioned in reference report for the Los Angeles Field
Division concerning one
XXXXX is being reset under the name of
which has been ascertained to be Subject's name.
Will ascertain the background activities, et cetera of
the Manzanar Camp.
Will ascertain the background and activities of
XXXXX who were
on the
negotiating committee which contacted Mr. MERRITT, the
Project Director, previous to the disturbance at Manzanar.
Will contact Confidential Informant
XXXXX after January 22,
1943 relative to information secured from friends at the Tule Lake
Relocation Center concerning the existence of
short wave receiving
sets in said camp.
Will ascertain to whom the
telegraph key and the various
were addressed, by interview of
XXXXX at Topaz. This contraband
was recovered by a WRA mail inspector at the Topaz camp.
Will ascertain the identity of the
Japanese radio repairman and
determine whether or not he is building short wave receiving sets at
Will ascertain if
XXXXX is permitting groups [of?] Japanese to
short wave broadcasts originating from Japan [at?] Topaz Relocation
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Commanding Officer of the Military Guards at Topaz Relocation Center.
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