Listen to radio newscasts from World War II
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Chmaberlain Picture "Peace in our time" Whenever you think you can solve your problems by appeasing those who hate you and want you dead, listen to what the Prime Minister of England, Neville Chamberlain, said in 1939.
USS Arizona Memorial CBS Radio - announcement of Pearl Harbor - 7 Dec 1941
Note the mispronunciation of Oahu Island. This recording was prepared AFTER the war and CBS added the statement, "We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin." That was never said in 1941.
Churchill A month prior (*) to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Churchill made the following announcement directed to the American public. Many in the media claim it was made as a result of the December 7th attack.
Churchill announces support of the United States, 10 Nov 1941. 
Source: (*) Lord Russell of Liverpool, Knights of Bushido.
Tojo Japanese announcement by TOJO that war has commenced with the United States
8 Dec 1941 (west of international dateline - same as 7 Dec in the United States)
Japanese wartime national anthem [The Kimigayo] The official symbols of Imperial Japan were the Kimigayo, the "Ode to the Emperor", and the Hinomuru (rising sun flag) . Both were banned after the war; both were reinstated by the Japanese Diet in August 1999.
Bataan Poster The last message broadcast from Corregidor before the American Forces surrendered to the Japanese. Part of broadcast made by Irving Strobing.
Tokyo Rose Iva Toguri D’Aquino was one of the twenty women broadcasters called "Tokyo Rose” by the American G.I.’s. She was the ONLY "Tokyo Rose" ever prosecuted as she was born in the USA. Story of her trial.
Tokyo Rose Introducing her program Unforunately. this is a "MP3" file of over 400Kb. Slow loading but worth the effort for the clarity of sound. Second recording (smaller wav file)
An extract of a Hamburg broadcast by German propagandist, "Lord Haw Haw" [William Joyce] followed by a later broadcast from an Allied officer explaining Haw Haw's absence.
William Joyce, although he had renounced his citizenship as a British subject, was convicted of treason and executed 3 January 1946.
1st Lt G.W. Armstrong
The 8th January 2004 was the 60th anniversary of the broadcast of the propaganda radio message from Radio Tokyo. To mark the occasion, noted author Meg Parkes was interviewed on the Today Programme on BBC Radio 4. Listen to US Army Lt. George Armstrong's actual voice as recorded from the original shortwave broadcast. He was captured on Corregidor although the announcer says Java. He passes along notification that fellow POW, Atholl Duncan, is "OK". The interview can be heard on the BBC Website by clicking here (note, you will need to have Real Player installed to hear the broadcast). [Slow download]