Pictures from the National Archives:
80-G-490451: Cmdr. Arthur L. Maher, senior survivor
of the USS Houston and senior prisoner at Amori headquarters camp,
Ohuna, talking with Lt. Cdr. W.L. Schafer, (MC), aboard the USS
Benevolence (AH-13). Cmdr. Nahar said prisoners were subjected
to illegal methods of questioning. 29 Aug 1945
Click on photos for larger images
Survivors of the ill fated USS Houston, (CL-30) upon their arrival
in Washington, DC via the Army's Air Transport Command on a flight
which began in Karachi, India, soon after their liberation. (l-r-kneeling)
George Chapman, GM3; Bernard Kocher, SN1; Russell Fitzgerald,
FN2; Melvin H. Mahlandt FCM1; William Ingram, SN2 and Harold Vintje,
FN2. (l-r-standing)Walter Schneck, MUS2; Alex Wolos, SN1; Grill
Douglas, PHM3; (leaning)- Arnold W. Momberg, CY; Elmer F. McFadden,
GN2; Richard S. Hulz, SM3; John Stanczak, SM3; and Ernest Coderre,
WT1. 18 Sep 1945
Historical collection:
Houston History Univ of Houston Library