Nagoya 2B Narumi
Japanese Staff & Guards
Formerly Osaka 11B

Narumi Main

The Faces of Evil                 

Back Row (L to R)
1. Hara - Gunzuko Asst QM
2. Jirokichi ITO "Speedo"
3. "Fur Collar Mike"
4. Nonuo KOKUBO "Pontiac"
5. Nakagoya - Gunzuko
6. Tanaka - "The Bull"
Front Row: (L to R)
1. Cpl Mantini - Disciplinary NCO
2. Cpl Meesno - Quartermaster
3. Lt. Kiyoshi Tanaka - Camp Commandant
4. Sgt. Haoashi - Medical NCO [Haiashi]**
5. Pvt Asakra - Medical Orderlu

Tokuichi TANAKA
Alias "The Bull" & "Fish Face"

Note: Photographs located at:
NARA RG 331 Boc 940.

High res scans available for the asking- ask for Narumi NARA 7 Files.

We do not know the results of war crime investigations against these men but they were all charged.

[Haiashi]** was considered a VERY decent man- see Riley's affidavit