James L., Bataan Diary, self published,
1984, revised 2000.
Diary of a soldier from Bataan, Cabanatuan, Hell Ship to Osaka
and slavery at Hirohata. An unusual and very detailed summation
from a contemporaneous diary. Fellow POW, Wallace Hastings
(ex Royal Navy, Hong Kong), says, "I have to
say that Jim Rands account gives the truest picture of
life in that establishment." Order
direct from author
A GI's Story of Bataan and Beyond easily ranks among the
ten best books written about the POW experience and an outstanding
description of life in Hirohata. A rare example of mastery in
writing, typography and story telling that should make it a classic.Complete
review and excerpt.
The Eighty Thieves
is an excellent book that covers the POW experiences at Hirohata.
Written by John Iannarelli, son of Tony Iannarelli, a Navy man
captured on Guam, the book tells of his capture and transport
to Japan. Fluent in Japanese, Iannarelli relates his experiences
at Zentsuji, his transfer to Osaka and the final transfer to
the punishment camp of Hirohata. Contains roster of Guam captives.
Order direct from the
First Captured, Last Freed
by Ed Hale. Survived sinking of USS Penguin on Guam and
exploits through Zentsuji to Hirohata. More...
When Help Never Came (Review
and excerpt) by Quentin Sabotta. Story of veteran of Bataan,
escaped to Corregidor and eventually shipped to Hirohata. Some
factual errors but good insight into labor at Hirohata. Contains
Not Recommended:
Yanks Don't Cry - Martin Boyle: Written to
make a movie
Fire In The Ashes - Llyle W. Eads: Close but still fiction