Hyogo Civilian Internment Camps
On June 15, 1942, our delegate in Japan visited the camps at Kobe.
Address for the four camps is Kencho Prefectural Office Kobe. Camp
opened December 9, 1941. There are 39 internees including 8 Americans
of whom 4 will be transferred. All men aged 19 to 76 are quartered in
the girls dormitory of the Canadian Academy, excellent location
east of
Kobe. Three story buildings, 415 square meters, with electric lights,
gas stoves and coal. Dormitory bedrooms, bathrooms and wash basins with
running water, dining room, the kitchen has a refrigerator, two
Japanese cooks and two assistants. Daily rations consist of 400 grams
of bread, 100 grams meat, 140 grams fish, 100 potatoes, 100 vegetables,
4 deciliters of milk, one egg, tea or coffee, marmelade, fruits, 350
sugar monthly, 225 butter weekly sometimes cheese. Internees are in
good health and are gaining weight. No deaths and one was sent home
because of old age. Clothing is sufficient. Medical and dental care
when necessary, weekly baths. Plenty of exercise, tennIs, volley ball,
working in gardens, and excursions twice a week, with camp maintenance
work. There is a library with own special books, radio, victrola, and
piano. Financial situation good, but money is spent according to
approval of authorities. There is one without funds, but it isn't
necessary because everything is furnished. This is one of the best
Japanese camps with an excellent camp commandant. Discipline and morale
very good, no complaints.
Camp Two opened December
11, 1941, with 43 internees coming from this location and Guam. There
are 20 Americans, 18 from Guam will be transferred, businessmen, 15
missionaries including two Protestants, ages 25 to 57. One baby was
born on Guam. Situated in Indian Hotel Eastern Lodge. Rooms
with two
European beds, washbasins, three showers, six toilets with running
water, electric lights, radiators. Dining room, large kitchen, ice box,
two good Japanese cooks who prepare three meals a day with the quantity
of food equal to that of camp one and better preparation than that of
the free bhabi.tants of' the same class. Tea and coffee every day.
Unrestricted supplementary rations, vegetable garden. Clothing
sufficient, rationed to 100 points the same as residents. Hygiene and
health good with medical and dental care when necessary in a hospital
in the city. No deaths, daily baths. Billiards, ping pong, cards,
checkers, newspapers, books, walks. The financial situation is good
except for two who cannot support Japanese wives. Local correspondence
accorded for letters and packages overseas. Correspondence by exchange
ship and later by transasiatic service. Permission is given for visits
to or from the outside. The different nationalities are represented by
one woman and three men of confidence. Requests more free space for
exercise and walks. Very good camp.
Camp Three,
opened January 23, 1942, has 56 American internees from Guam,
transferred from prisoner of war camp at Zentsuji. Merchants and
technicians, aged 38 to 69. Situated in a large stone house, in
a sunny
location south of the city. House with three floors and basement, two
floors containing 530 square meters and third floor smaller. Nine rooms
with five to ten European beds with blankets but no sheets or pillow
cases, washbasins, bath tubs, toilets with running water but not
sufficient for number interned, steam heat and electric lights. The
laundry is done by internees or sent out. Two dining rooms, one cook,
but preparation is monotonous, and although food is not bad, meals are
bought in a nearby restaurant. Daily ration 450 grams bread, 2
deciliters of rice, 100 grams fish once or twice a week, 35 poultry,
spaghetti, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, salad, margarine, cup of coffee
and tea with sugar. Milk and eggs lacking. Although weight is now
stationary, internees lost 10 kilos at first. Some are sick with bad
ears and throats. They are visited by Japanese and European specialists
or sent to hospitals according to necessity. General health condition
is not bad. Tropical clothing insufficient and the twenty to thirty yen
given by Swiss Legation for monthly purchase of wardrobe is
insufficient. The only clothes brought from Guam were the ones they
were wearing. Weekly baths, exercise free in garden of eight ares
[acres?], ping pong, walks, movies shown once, camp maintenance work,
religious services by priest. Local correspondence is permitted but
hardly used by internees at Kobe. Each allowed one letter by exchange
ship. As soon as transasiatic service is established, letters and
packages from abroad will be submitted for approval of the authorities.
The treatment by the camp commandant is good. Clothes and underclothing
will be necessary for next winter, more money and correspondence
Camp Four, opened January 23, 1942, with
74 American men aged 21 to 71, interned consisting of laborers,
contractors, technicians, ten priests from Guam. Situated in Seaman's
Club, wainscotted building, facing unguarded street, on east side,
the middle of business district. Area of 670 meters, heated by fire
places. 12 dormitories with European bed, imperfect bedding, toilet
facilities insufficient. (5 washbasins, not enough tubs, 4 toilets with
running water). One dining room, kitchen not used. Food from same
restaurant as Camp 3. None seriously sick, no deaths, requests for more
dental care, some transferred to European Hospital for treatment of
itch. General health good. Ping pong, baseball on neighboring field,
walks twice a day, library, cards and victrola, religious services,
financial status, correspondence, and visits same as Camp 3. Discipline
and morale good. Camp commandant does best he can under difficult
circumstances. Requests for clothes and underclothing for next winter,
sheets and pillow cases, mosquito netting, less people to a room, more
dental and medical care, cooking by cook among internees, more
exercise, and more techiical and scientific books.
made arrangements wlth authorities to improve conditions at Camp Three
and Four. Swiss consulate and Legation continue efforts to increase
monthly allowance to 50 yen. Japanese Red Cross assisted delegate and
agreed to contribute aid with YMCA funds. Transfer within jurisdiction
or Protecting Power is best remedy.
From: Special Division
Department of State
To: War Department (PMG)
Cable Received July 8, 1942
121... Camp No. 2.
to this camp made June 15, 1942. Opened December 11, 1941. 43 internees
coming from this location and Guam. There are 20 Americans, 18 from
Guam will be transferred, business men, 15 missionaries including two
Protestants, ages 25 to 57.
Situated in Indian Hotel Eastern Lodge. Contains rooms
with two European beds, wash basins, running water, six toilets, three
showers, electric lights and radiators.
room and large kitchen which has large icebox. Cooking done by two good
Japanese cooks who prepare three meals per day with the quantity of
food equal to that of camp one and better than that of the free
inhabitants of the same class.
Tea and coffee every day. Unrestricted supplementary rations. Vegetable
sufficient and rationed to 100 points the same as residents. Health
good with mediaal and dental care in hospital in city. No deaths, daily
Plenty of games, books and recreation. Walks.
situation good except for two who cannot support Japanese wives. Local
correspondence accorded for letters and packages overseas. By exchange
ship and later by transasiatic service. Permission for visits to or
from outside. Different nationalities represented by 1 woman and 3 men
of confidence. Camp very good.
Via Air Mail Pouch
Bern, May 29, 1943
No. 5170
Subject: American Interests - Japan
report of visit to civilian internees
camp No.2 Kobe.
of the Swiss Delegation Tokyo, visited the camp for civilian internees
which is located on the premises of Eastern Lodge.
Only six Americans are in the camp, which houses British women
Eastern Lodge is part of the Indian hotel located in the private
residential section of the city out of danger.
Heating, lighting and furnishings are sufficient, as are beds and
Internees have their own clothing and have been allowed to keep what
money they possessed. Clothing sufficient.
to write abroad was not given until six months of internment and now
internees may send one letter of 100 words per month.
All internees received Red Cross packages distributed at the end of
last year.
Food is well prepared by the Japanese cook and assistants, but there is
no canteen for the internees.
equipment is sufficient and Japanese doctor attends internees who are
satisfied. No complaints, either from the internees or the camp
Small garden open to internees during the day and walks each week.
Library at disposal of internees, but no radio.
No punishment imposed and no escapes attempted.
af. - July 6, 1943
By State Department's Special Division
Memorandum of August 26, 1943
From the Special Division
Department of State to:
[illegible] _________________________
Date: Jun 5/44
This document contains information affecting
the national defense of the United States within
the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C.?,
31 and 32, as ??? transmission or the
revelation ??? in any manner to an
unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
Internment of American and Allied Nationals at
Kobe, Japan, Eastern Lodge Internment Camp 2.
From Samuel Sokobin American Consul
Kobe, Japan
Date of Completion, November 30, 1943
Date of Mailing, December 1, 1943
On board
M.S. Gripsholm
The attached report has been prepared by the following repatriates on
board the Gripsholm:
Miss Helen M. Palmer,
Parkville, Missouri.
Miss Verna Hartzler,
2645 South Willard Avenue,
San Gabriel, California.
Mrs. M. H. Eite.
In care of J. W. Rawlinson,
R. F. D. No.6, Rawlinson Road,
Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Miss Ruth Nylander,
Free Methodist Publishing Company,
Winona Lake.
Miss Palmer has resided since 1921 in Japan where she was a teacher of
English in a Presbyterian Mission girls' school.
Hertzler has been a missionary in Japan since 1911. Mrs. M. H. Eite is
an American lady who was married to a British national. In recent years
she was secretary of subsidiaries of the Yee Tsoong Tobacco Company in
Mukden, Manchuria.
Miss Nylander has been a missionary in Japan since 1909.
The editing of thie report for submission to the Department of State
has been undertaken by Consul Samuel Sokobin.
Kobe, Japan
Eastern Lodge
Internment Camp No. 2.
I. Location.
and exact location of camp with description of distinguishing features
or surroundings (so as to be identifiable from the air):
Number of internees broken down by sexes, nationality, race, age groups.
I. Name Eastern Lodge Hotel; Camp No. 2. 24 Kitano Cho, Kobe
City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
About eight or ten minutes' walk up the Hill from the Sannomiya, Kobe,
Government Railway station and the Hankyu Electric Terminus; North of
the Yamate, 1 Chome, Street Car junction.
Building is two storey, frame, painted a kind of rose-tan (pinkish) and
has Japanese tile roof .
Rather nice residences, many narrow, winding streets in the
neighborhood. From these narrow, winding streets to the rear, the old
hotel building seems to stand on a hill. Next door to the south is the
old Indian (Hindu) Club building, two-storey, gray stucco with
tile-roof, and covered with green ivy vines, on the same grounds as the
Number of Internees: forty-eight;
twenty-seven Catholic nuns who always wear their black habit with white
trimmings; five married couples; 1 widow and daughter, aged about 50
and 25 years respectively; eight single women ranging in age from 35 to
62, and one widow aged about 45. The Catholic nuns ranged in age from
about 28 to 70 years, and the couples from 35 to 67.
II. Description.
of premises: (Photographs if possible): Kind of buildings (e.g.
barracks, abandoned factories, school or college buildings); estimate
of square and cubic feet per internee; lighting and heating facilities
(hours when available); kind and amount of bedding provided. Beds and
II. Description of Premises:
Lodge Hotel, Camp 2, is an old Indian Hotel, semi-Japanese style
building, two stories with sliding Japanese glass windows, street side
is the west wall of the hotel. The insignia of the hotel is the
but reversed from that of the Nazi emblem. The name and
emblem appear on the gate at the entrance to the small grounds. It is a
rather dilapidated looking building but in better condition inside than
out. Though the hotel building was taken over for internees by the
Government, it retains its Hindu proprietor whose family (he has a
Japanese wife and one child) and three or four other Indians still
reside in the gray stucco Indian Club building. The yard is small,
partly between the two buildings and to the east of the Club building.
were two internees to one room, rooms approximately 12 x 12 in size; a
few rooms were smaller, also in some cases three, nuns shared one room.
One electric light globe of 30 watts to a room was allowed. Lights had
to be out by 9:30 p. m .
was no heat in the bed rooms, but internees were allowed one coal
heater in the dining room for which coal was provided most of the time
during the day, in the coldest weather.
Beds, mostly with
mattresses, were provided. One sheet and one pillow case per person per
week were provided by the hotel. Nets were not provided but if anyone
owned one personally, they were permitted to use it. Mosquitoes were
not very bad last summer, and most of the internees kept them away
fairly well by the use of "Flit", "Fly-tox" and "anti-mosquito lotion"
which the guards usually purchased if desired and if paid for.
of the Hotel equipment as it was used, in former days to accommodate
the Indians was retained, so there were chairs, tables, in the
individual rooms and dining room, also cutlery and dishes necessary.
is a list of those interned in Camp from September 23, 1942, to
September 12th, 1943. Some of them came in the same day and some in
June of the same year as mentioned above:
Nuns of the Order of the Sacred Heart--
Mother Gibbs, American (Born in Japan)
Mother Gieson, Belgian
Mother Goulter, New Zealand
Mother McFarlan, Canadian
Mother Sproule, Australian
Mother Marshall, Canadian
Mother Alice Atkinson, American
Mother Tegina McKenna, Canadian
Sister Tonna, Maltese
Sister Grech, Maltese
Sister Bussutil, Maltese
Sister Fenech, Maltese
Sister Felici, Maltese
Sister Borg, Maltese
Sister Holland, Australian
Sister Leonard, Irish
Sister Flynn, Irish
Sister Ryab, Irish Free State
Sister Laflan, English (or Canadian)
Sister Gregory Lourdes, English-Order Notre Dame de Nevers. Society of
the Infant Jesus, French-Canadian nuns:
Sister Ersine Stanislas.
Sister Madline (religious Name); real name: Marie Ann Berubi ["French"
penciled in]
Sister Marie (religious Name); real name Ida Descheve
Sister St. Paul (religious Name); real name Camille Boucher
Sister Julienne (religious Name); real name Marie Morin
Sister Marie Barnard Raymond
Sister Ignace (religious Name); real name: Therese St. Pierre
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barker; Irish-Scotch, Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. Dal Wedderburn, Scotch-Irish, Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Oliver, Welsch-English, Plymouth Brethren
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kinnis, Scotch-English, Business people
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorward, Scotch-Scotch, Presbyterian
Miss Elizabeth Macgregor, Scotch, Presbyterian
Miss Margaret McCombe, Irish, Presbyterian
Miss Dorothy Crawford, Irish,Presbyterian
Miss Carrie Brixton, English, Plymouth Brethren
Mrs. Watson and Miss Irene Watson, from Harbin, Manchuria
Russian with English passports, business people
III. Sanitation
Facilities for washing, bathing, laundry, sewage and garbage disposal,
etc. Number and kind of toilets. Supply of toilet paper.
room contained a stationary porcelain wash basin with running water
(cold only). There was one small wash room with one wash bowl upstairs
and one downstairs in connection with the showers. There were six
showers, three upstairs and three down stairs. At first the water for
showers and washing was heated every day, later, because of scarcity of
coal, only every other day. There were no special laundry facilities
but the wash bowls in the rooms, the little wash rooms, also buckets in
the showers, when not in use for bathing were all used. There was
some space back of the proprieter's house (the Indian Club Building)
used for drying but as this was insufficient for drying laundry, ropes
were often stretched outside of windows (each room had double windows).
The internees were allowed to use their own irons and improvised
ironing boards in their rooms. Laundry could also be sent to local
laundries at a reasonable rate.
The garbage was buried in
part in the garden. The remainder was put in garbage boxes and taken
away by garbage collectors who were supposed to come every other day in
winter and every day in summer, but they did not always come regularly.
Once when it became a problem, an interned doctor reported to the
Japanese doctor who was officially assigned to the camp. The garbage
man was changed and conditions improved. Drugs were also provided and
the doctor disinfected the garbage daily in hot weather. There were
three toilet s upstairs and three down stairs; all were flush toilets.
Toilets for the kitchen staff were separate. Toilet paper was usually
IV. Food and Clothing.
Food and clothing:
for and method of preparing food. Sources and handling of food. Food
and clothing provided by Japanese. Relief supplies from International
Red Cross; gift packages. Purchase of food and clothing by internees
with their own funds. Post exchanges and canteens. Influence of local
food situation on diet pprovided by the Japanese. Chinese cooks.
No.2. Since it was located in an Indian Hotel, was operated on the same
lines as the hotel had been managed, in so far as possible. Servants
were retained. Food was purchased by housekeeper and cook (housekeeper
was Japanese; Cook a Chinese) and was prepared in the hotel kitchen by
servants. Food was adequate and well prepared. Sugar was scarce but one
teaspoon per person per day was provided. One bottle (half-pint) milk
per person per day and two small loaves of bread, probably 1 1/2 lbs.
Breakfast consisted of good helping of Indian corn porridge and bread
and approximately one inch square butter (very good butter), tea. Lunch
varied, sometimes soup, if no soup at lunch, then soup was served at
dinner. A hot meat, fish or chicken dish, vegetable and rice and
dessert of fruit -- an apple, orange, loquat, strawberries, etc. in
season. Tea, plain, provided at three o'clock (3:30 p. m.) each day.
Dinner consisted of soup and about the same as lunch, but no rice, but
usually fruit and approximately one inch square of butter. Meals were
served in the dining room at tables for four.
Each day three
internees set tables, helped serve and clear away. This work was
voluntary, not compulsory. Fresh eggs were served occasionally, but egg
powder was also used in egg dishes. Food tickets were provided by local
authorities, as everything was rationed. In this camp food provided for
internees was more than plenty, and better than could be obtained
outside. Indian owner of hotel (a very kind and good man) was paid so
much for the keep of internees and could feed them as he wishes within
reason and scope of ration tickets. Japanese housekeeper and Chinese
cook, both long in the employ of "foreigners", endeavored to obtain the
best food and variety possible for internees.
There was no
actual canteen in Eastern Lodge, but internees were allowed to go
shopping and purchase anything obtainable with their own funds until
March, 1943. After March, guards shopped for internees. Guards were
helpful in obtaining extra butter, jams, honey, and other luxuries for
internees. These commodities were handed to the lady head of the Camp
who divided supplies equally. Once a month a supply of "sweets" such as
Japanese cake, or candies, were provided by local authorities and paid
for by internees. Internees had own funds but also if necessary
received an allowance from the Swiss Consul, about Yen 30 to Yen 34.00
per month.
Hotel provided furnished rooms including bed
clothes and linens, if internee could not provide own, such as one
sheet, one pillow case and one bath towel per week, and paid for
laundry of same. Bed covering ample, also quilts and blankets.
if needed, could be purchased by internees by shopping in person until
March, 1943. Afterwards these were purchased by guards. Shop-keepers
were allowed to come to Camp with their goods, also tailors. Laundry
could be sent out twice a week or done by internees on premises. Soap,
though, was practically impossible to obtain.
In November,
1942, Red Cross Gift Packages (Prisoners' Packages) were given
internees. Each internee received three food boxes, extra soap --
toilet and laundry -- jam, cocoa, dried potatoes, cigarettes and
smoking tobacco; also each received one C. C. C. kit for men. Men
internees received extra shaving brush. There were also about twenty
food packages extra divided among internees.
V. Medical and Dental Care.
of physicians and specialists. If Japanese physicians assigned to camp,
their professional ability and training. Hospitalization outside camp,
whether in occidental or oriental hospitals, quality of treatment and
care. Who pays fees.
Medical and Dental care was very
good. Dr. Kaneko, an American trained doctor, (graduate of Western
Medical University at Minneapolis), attended all Camps in Kobe. Dr.
Kaneko was a very efficient and conscientious doctor and did a great
deal for the internees. In Eastern Lodge the internees were fortunate
in having a lady doctor, fellow internee, who looked after internees in
cooperation with Dr. Kaneko. In cases of serious illness internees
could go to International Hospital in Kobe or to Japanese hospital if
preferred. Two of the internees took advantage of this privilege.
March, 1943, internees were allowed to go to any doctor or dentist
preferred, but after March only to Dr. Kaneko, and to the dentist
selected by the authorities. Before March, the most popular dentist Was
Dr. Hori, an American trained dentist, very good. After March internees
could not go to Dr. Hori as his office was too far from Camp; a
Japanese dentist with office across the street was chosen. Internees
were allowed to go to this dentist any time and found his work most
An oculist and optrician were allowed to visit
Camp for examinations after March, 1943. These were chosen upon
recommendation of Kobe internees in Camp and were very satisfactory.
Until March internees could go to any one.
Doctor Kaneko was
paid by local authorities; the dentist was paid by local authorities
for small work; for large work by internees. Hospital bills were paid
by internees. It is believed that either local authorities or Swiss
Consul would pay hospital bills if internees were unable to do so, but
this never came up in Camp No.2.
VI. Supervision or Inspection
Swiss government officials
International Red Cross
Vatican delegates
Local relief societies
internees permitted to speak to Swiss representatives without witnesses
present. Are local residents permitted or willing to visit internees.
Precautions taken by Japanese during such visits.
During the
term of internment Swiss Governemnt officials inspected the whole camp
once: toilets, garbage, kitchen and everywhere. They were much pleased.
A Swiss representative came once a month and internees who wished to do
so were allowed to speak to him (seldom done except on business) but
always in the guards' office. His secretary, a Japanese who understood
English well, usually accompanied him.
There was no Red Cross visitor or inspector.
Vatican Delegate called once and spoke to the internees assembled in
the dining room. He asked a few questions as to where this or that
internee was from and cheered all with a litt1e pleasant advice. He
left a gift of some Yen 500 from the Pope at Rome, for any special
needs. He was accompanied by Japanese officials.
Local relief
was not needed in this Camp, but internees were happy for the loan of
books, some 200 from the Y. M. C. A. to be circulated among the four
Kobe Camps. Flowers from the Ladies' Aid of the Kobe Union Church
cheered the internees at Christmas and Easter.
residents, foreign and native, were allowed and glad to visit
internees, till March 1943, when stricter rules were enforced. Visitors
were always taken to the guards' office, so guards were usually
present. All conversation when possible was required to be in Japanese,
although some exceptions were allowed. With the Swiss representative,
English was used and the guards, that is, most of them, understood but
little English.
Any who wished to see those of the internees
who came from Osaka had to have a permit from the Osaka prefectural
office. The permit was rather difficult to get; more than once was it
refused. In some cases visitors who did not have such permits were
allowed by the guards to see persons. Some guards did not pay so much
attention to the conversation between visitors and internees. Sometimes
the guards would even go out of the room while the internees visited
but others were more careful.
VII. Welfare
[Pages 7~11 missing]
The British internees (except nuns) of our Camp were first brought to
Kobe from Manchuria in the spring of 1942, expecting to leave on the
first British evacuation boat and were housed at the Yamato Hotel, Tor
Hotel, Kobe Hotel and at Gloucester House at Rokko a suburban district
of Kobe. After the first evacuation of American and British, those for
whom there was no room on the steamer, were brought to Eastern lodge,
June, 1942.
E. As far as I know there are no American or
British left in Osaka , other than those who have Japanese husbands. In
Kyoto there is an aged missionary, Miss Denton, over eighty, who is not
interned but lives near the Doshisha University where she taught for
In Kobe there are a number of British and Americans
who are not interned and can go freely about the city, but not out of
the city.
There is a widow, Mrs. Queenie, and daughter,
Americans, and a Mr. Rupert Cox and family, also American. A Miss Lee a
retired British missionary and also an Englishman by the name of Kerby
Clough of about sixty years of age are not interned. Mrs. Ennenberg,
Canadian 70 years of age, the widow of a Kobe business man, who is a
repatriate now going to her son in Vancouver, and Mrs. Lopez who is on
her way to Guatemala with her husband were not interned. I know of no
resistance to internment in my part of the country (Japan).
Air Mail Bern 8665, 5 July 1944
From Department of State to PMG - 8/1/44
Charles A. Smith, Man of Confidence
Carl West, Assistant Man of Confidence
at Kobe Camps No.1, 3, and 4, were transferred to a new camp (23 May
1944), Camp Futatabi, in the former school at No. 1 of 1 Ichiriyama
Minatichiho Kobeku which is situated in a healthful and picturesque
region at an altitude of 1,200 feet. Consul Champoud, representative of
the Swiss Legation at Tokyo visited this new camp on 7 June 1944.
main school building which has two floors houses all the internees
(157) and is too crowded. Some will probably be lodged in another
school building which at present is occupied. A room in the main
building has been reserved for the barber.
There is a large
bathroom with showers and several basins with 23 taps (hot and cold
water). Water is not plentiful and toilets are still inadequate.
kitchen and dining room are adequate for approximately 80 persons. Food
is insufficient and internees hope to receive Red Cross parcels. The
internees bring food from Kobe but authorities plan to transport
foodstuff by truck. The Swiss Consulate at Kobe has made a shipment of
soap to the internees and is thinking of shipping butter and other
The infirmary is not installed but will be placed in the second school
building. Dr. Kaneko still attends the internees.
library furnished by the YMCA is located in the dining room. Internees
may be able to raise vegetables and maintain a farmyard.
One internee placed in prison for going to the city without pennission
will shortly return to camp.
Authorities promise to make necessary improvements.

U. S. NAVY NO. 455739 NEG
DATE SEP 6 1945
Photographic Laboratory
I. Americans from Guam: |
(a) |
C. F. Gregg |
William Hughes |
Dick Arvidson |
George Blackett |
Mr. Huston |
R. Vaughan |
W. Vaughan |
G. Wells |
J. O. Thomas |
W. E. Durham |
G. M. Conklin |
E. E. Penning |
F. B. Oppenborn |
H. K. Brinkerhoff |
(b) |
Capuchin Fathers: |
Frs. Ferdinand Steppich |
Theophane Thome |
Felix Ley |
Mel. McCormick |
Alexander Feeley |
Xavier Marquette |
Alvin LeFeir |
Fr. Marcian |
Arnold Bendowski |
Brother Badalaments |
II. Local Americans: |
D. Hattev |
E. C. Kopp |
III. British: |
Fr. V. M. Pouliot (Canadian) |
Mr. Hickman |
R. Price |
Mr. de Moore |
S. A. Pardon |
R. G. Smith |
G. Gabaretta |
Mr. De Britto |
R. Down |
Mr. Kitson |
Mr. Peacock (Australian) |
C. Price |
H. J. Griffiths |
Mr. Arratoon |
R. H. Blyth |
W. J. Toms |
H. K. Ramsden |
F. Down |
Dr. Turner, Ph.D. |
H. Arab |
H. Mason |
Mr. Brown (New Zealander) |
Rev. J. Stevenson |
IV. Dutch: |
C. V. Brand |
Mr. Rolandus |
P. Gasille |
Mr. Van der Kisboom |
V. Belgian: |
Fr. Jos. Spae |
VI. Guatamalian: |
A. Lopez |