In Commemoration of
the Air Drop
made by the Men of the H.M.S. Indefatigable
On August 29 and 30, 1945, a POW supply air drop took place on camp
Yokkaichi, Japan. Roy Hawkes and Bill Jones, pilot and Telegraphist Air
Gunner of the Avenger Dohinky of the 820 squadron, made the actual
drop, which included gifts made by the men of the H.M.S. Indefatigable,
among whom were Les Wills, Peter Bonney, Frank Bromhead and Ken Taylor,
men from mess 8, and Bill Briggs, mess 69, and also Val Bennett. It was
Val's Firefly of the1772 Squadron which made the special delivery of
medical supplies which are mentioned in Major Thompson's letter of
Read the full
document on the 66th anniversary of the air drop.
Assorted Photos

Air drop on Yokkaichi
Courtesy of Bill Jones

Letter from H.M.S. Indefatigable to Allied POWs
Courtesy of Bill Jones

Marine S. Algate note to Allied POWs
Courtesy of Bill Jones


Letter from Major Donald Thompson
Courtesy of Roy Hawkes

Maggie Creighton (Los Banos) wearing
silk dress made from a parachute
Courtesy of Bill Briggs

Yokkaichi Memorial
Courtesy of Tim Ruse