PARKIN, Raymond Edward. AM Dr Lit.
Passed away June 19th 2005, aged 94. Survivor of HMAS Perth. Prisoner
of War on the Burma-Thailand Railway and in Japan.
Author and Artist extraordinaire. Revered by the Thailand Burma Railway
Memorial Association (Inc). W.A.
‘Weary’ Dunlop will look out for him.
Trilogy - [Publisher's Link] A
combined set of three outstanding books. Ray Parkin's "Out of the
Smoke", alone worth the price, is a riveting account of
nautical history - the amazing story of the sinking of the HMAS Perth
and imprisonment in Batavia. Parkin's second book, "Into the
Smother", gives a realistic yet horrifying account of the building
of the "Death Railway" across Thailand-Burma. His third book, "The
Sword and the Blossom", recounts his travels on the hell ship and
eventual slavery in the Ohama Mines
(Hiroshima #9B - excellent illustrations of camp and work). Each book,
alone, is a literary masterpiece of Australian military POW experiences
but together, a legacy that will last for centuries. Lavishly
illustrated with sketches, photographs and maps. No other book covers
the scope and depth of this theater of war. One is hard pressed to
remember that these were young men, fighting just to survive. (Roger Mansell)